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Results 27811-27840 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letter of the 22d of Novr enclosing the Sheriffs account has been duly received; but no...
Mr Morris presents respectful Compliments and is much oblig’d to Mr Jefferson for his kind...
I Will Be obliged to you to favour me with an answer to my last, (if recieved) on the subject of...
Articles agreed upon by and between David Hartley Esquire, Minister Plenipotentiary of his...
Dr Miss Martha Parke Custis Sterling Currency To Sundries out of the Goods Impord £18. 9.8 1/2 To...
I embrace the good & safe oppertunity afforded me by Colo. Grayson to send you Ten half...
278176 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
A cold day. Spent the Evening and supped at Mr. Putnams.
I take the Liberty of addressing Yr Excellency in order to Sollicit Yr Interest in continuing me...
Yours of the 12th. came to hand this morning. I regret most sincerely, the circumstances which...
FC (Virginia State Library). In the hand of Samuel Patteson. Addressed to “The Honorable Virginia...
I have recd. from Judge Cooper of Pennsylva. a request, which I communicate in an entire copy of...
27822[Diary entry: 16 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
16. At home all day alone—being engaged in writing.
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library La presente Vous sera remise par Monsieur Dobrée mon...
With your approbation the enclosed letter to Comre. Rodgers will be forwarded and a similar...
With the greatest pleasure I do myself the honor of congratulating you on your appointment to the...
The inclosed papers so fully explain themselves, that I need say nothing more to apprize you of...
I received yesterday your Letter of the 18th. ulto. enclosing four more copies of Mr Whitney’s...
The President of the United States requests that the Secretary of State will write to the...
I return you the pamphlet of the author of War in disguise of it’s first half the topics & the...
Charles Pinckney who for some time past has resided with you as the Minister Plenipotentiary of...
I enclose a newspaper in which you will find a Copy of the Bill before the Legislature for...
On Wednesday the third day of this Month, the American Ministers met the British Minister at his...
I had the honor of receiving, an hour since, your letter of the 22d instant, with the copy of one...
It is objected that the act of Congress Mar. 3. 1800. c. 14. sect. 1.2. entitles a citizen owner...
2783527th. (Adams Papers)
Judge Sargeant, went away this forenoon proceeding on his way to Cambridge. Tom went to Lincoln....
Letter not found. 27 November 1792. Acknowledged in Callis to JM, 9 Dec. 1792 . Requests vouchers...
I am to acknolege the receipt of your two favors of May 16. and July 20. the former informing me...
I am almost ashamed to address you again on the subject of my continuance here as Consul and...
I very much regret the accident, which retarded the dispatches from France. Upon the enquiry I...
AL : American Philosophical Society Lieut. Governor Francklin presents his best Compliments to...