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Results 27811-27820 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS and copy: National Archives I have delayed writing to your Excy in Expectation of having it in my power to advise you that the unfortunate Mr Hartwell would be entirely extricated from the Situation to which however as you will see by the inclosed papers, his imprudence exposed him. Much About the Time I recd. your Excys. Letter respecting his confinement at Logroño One written to me from...
Since I had the honor to address you the 18 th. Ult o. I have received an Answer from his Ex cy. the C t. de Florida Blanca to the application I made in favor of M r Watson. That Minister writes me “that it being necessary to have precise information of the nature of the Case The proper orders are given for this purpose by the Kings direction who is disposed to manifest on this occasion all...
ALS : Connecticut Historical Society In my last I transmitted you an account of the Extraordinary conduct of the Captain of one of the British Ships of war laying in this road. That Ship joind by two others block up the road so as to make it impossible for any vessel to quit this port without being taken by one or other of them. The detention of the vessel formerly belonging to Mr. Hodge...
ALS : Library of Congress I had the honor to receive, altho Somewhat Late the Communications you made to me of the Treaty signed the 30th of Novr. with G. Britain. Your Letter remained more than three weeks in the hands of this Ministry, If I may be Allowed to Judge from its Date & Delivery. I am Infinitely sensible for the Communication which you did me the honor to make of this Important...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honor to receive your Excellencys Letter of the 26th Ulto. this day & knowing that a Spanish Courier extraordinary is to set off this Evening for Paris I avail myself of the occasion to thank your Excy for the information contained therein as well as for those proofs of Amity which appear in the whole tenor of the Letter I have just received;...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress I send you the last Spanish Gazettes in this inclosure by a Courier which the French Ambassador dispatches this with the news of the arrival of Monsr. de Guichen at Cadiz. The United fleet by this Junction amts to 52 sail of the Line, besides 3 other Spanish ships which are in the vicinage of the above-mentioned Port. The General...
(I) and (II) Copy: Library of Congress The Duke De Crillon, and who hath not heard of the Name of Crillon? does me the honour of accepting of an Introduction to you, which give me an Occasion of boasting of any influence with you to him, and to you of the honor he has done me by his Acquaintance & Friendship here. This Must be Clear to you when I mentione his name, tho’ that to those who know...
ALS : New York Public Library I have this day renderd an account to Mr. Deane of the Sums disbursd by me on the Public service; I would have given it in sooner, but that I wishd and hopd to have had it in my power to have reimbursd the Whole. I render it to Mr. Deane because the money was cheifly expended under his orders and directions. I offer to become accountable to the Honorable the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received some days ago a Letter from the Cte de Campomanes in answer to the one which your Excellency put into my hands for him; As I had in prospect an occasion of sending it by an extraordinary Courier I have taken the Liberty to detain this Letter until the moment of the Departure of the Courier— The packet would have cost your Excellency an...
Copy: Library of Congress The Count De Montmorin is so obliging as to offer me an Occasion of writing to you by a Courier which I am loth to refuse for fear of betraying a Want of Respect to you or give Reason to others to suspect that I have no Share in your Confidence. I have nothing material to communicate unless the uneasiness I feel in being left here ignorant of the Situation of our...