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Results 2781-2790 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
“ Lord, now let thy Servant depart in Peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation .” ON the late festive day, it was mentioned by many citizens who had called in the morning to pay their respects to the venerated Sage, at his residence in Quincy, that his eventful life was rapidly ebbing, but few thought the bright day which was then passing would be his last. Intelligence of his demise was...
As I know you will be desirous to know the circumstances of your father’s funeral and the principles which were adopted in relation to it, and the family having in a very great degree considered my opinion on the subject, I deem it my duty to make you acquainted with both.— Two modes were suggested of paying honor to his memory. 1st. A public funeral, at the expence of the State or the City,...
Dr Dunglison is the bearer of a cane a legacy left you by my dear grandfather, as a token of that intimate friendship which had so long existed between you. The Dr can give you more fully than I could do in a letter any details interesting to a friend, which you might desire to hear. May I ask in the name of my mother and her family that in your visits to the University that you will continue...
I have just recd. yours of the 4th. A few lines from Doctr Dunglison had prepared me for such a communication; and I never doubted that the last scene of our illustrious friend would be worthy of the life which it closed. Long as this has been spared to his country and to those who loved him, a few years more were to have been desired for the sake of both. But we are more than consoled for the...
The enclosed paper came by accident into my possession some time since. Deeply impressed with the valuable truths which it contained, & the profound views & liberal spirit which pervade every part of the composition, I caused an impression to be made, & have given it thro’ that means some circulation. Circumstances, have since induced me to give it one more extended, by sending it for...
By the letters which I yesterday forwarded from Boston you were informed of the very low condition in which my Grandfather lay: The moment I heard of it I came out of town and arrived in time to see him but not to hear him speak. After two days of suffering occasioned by an accumulation of phlegm in the throat which he was too weak to throw off. he yesterday forenoon became easier; spoke of...
I have received with pleasure your Letter of the 28th. ulto. and should have been glad to have found in it an acknowledgment of the receipt of mine of the 20th. which enclosed one to the Committee of the Proprietors of the Athenaeum—Your Promotion both civil and military, will necessarily abridge your leisure time, and I hope it will also accustom you to the habit of the despatching business,...
I have received, with deep sympathy of feeling, the melancholly intelligence of the decease of your venerated Father, and beg to offer my sincere condolences to the afflicted family on this mournful occasion—Full of years, rich in all the honors which virtue and patriotism can deserve, and a grateful country should bestow, Secure of a precious remembrance by Posterity, to the latest generation...
You will have heard before this reaches you of the fate of your revered father. He has died full of years and of honors, at the very hour which he would have chosen, if I know anything of his heart, had the decision been left to him. On the 4th. of July 1826, at , fifty years, probably to an hour, after he had signed the decleration of his country’s freedom,—at the very moment, when the whole...
Your Letter of this Morning, announcing the death of your venerable Father, was just now delivered to me. I beg leave to offer to you, & to the family, my most sincere sympathy & condolence on this mournful occasion. Frankly to your request I will do myself the honour to assist, as a Pallbearer, in the funeral obsequies to be performed on Friday Evening next. With great respect, I am, / Sir, /...