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Results 27801-27810 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to inform the President of the United States that a wish of the Collector of Boston to spend a part of the time of the Session of Congress at the Seat of Government has been intimated to him. An absence from his office at this season of the year being the least likely to be inconvenient, and it being probable that much useful information...
Agreable to the request of Govr. Lewis I have prepared one of the heads of the American Argali (big horns) to be placed in your Hall at Monticello, it will be put on board the Schooner Jane Captn Jackson on tomorrow, And said to sail on tuesday next. It is packed in a Box directed to the care of Mr. George Jefferson at Richmond. The skin on said head cannot be eatten by Insects, & the Eyes are...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You who are no Stranger to the Feelings of Humanity will readily conceive the anxiety of my Mind while I thought my Friend in Danger: It is only such a Situation as I was then in that can make me neglect your Favours. Upon examining the Barometer after I receiv’d your Letter, I found a small Crevice where the piece of hollow wood which covers the Mercury is...
A powerful army &c. [as in letter to county lieutenants Hampshire and Berkeley to ‘proper officers’ and leave out from thence and insert] to be rendezvouzed at Pittsburg precisely by the first of march to proceed by the way of the falls of Ohio for an expedition under Colo. Clarke into the country beyond that river and to continue in service during the expedition; as to which Colo. Clarke is...
You will send a proper fatigue party from your division, on the road leading from Bull’s Iron works to Litchfield to be employed in repairing the road, in case it should become necessary to march that way—The party will continue out ’till the purpose be completed; and measures must therefore be taken to supply them with provisions—Other similar parties are ordered on the other roads. You will...
27806[Diary entry: 26 April 1798] (Washington Papers)
26. Morning very heavy—Wind at S. E. Mer. 53. Clear afterwards & turning very Warm. Mer. at 67 at Night & not higher all day. The Revd. Mr. Fairfax and Doctr. Craik (to visit Mr. Peter’s children) came to dinner. The first returned afterwards.
With Pleasure should I accede to your Proposal respecting your Coach, was I to be the possessor of the Horses; but when I assure you that they are for my Nephew you will see the Necessity of the Union being dissolved between them and their espoused Coach. I have deferred answering you Sir until I had an Opportunity of sounding him on the Subject, without directly telling him it was for Sale;...
New York was one of several provinces to react to the Boston Port Act with a call for an intercolonial congress. Heartened by this response, the Massachusetts House of Representatives resolved on 17 June 1774 “that a meeting of Committees, from the several Colonies on this Continent is highly expedient and necessary” and proposed that the congress be held in Philadelphia on 1 September. The...
I expected upon my Arrival here to have found the Militia of Bucks County ready to have joined me, and to have kept the Enemy from setting a Foot in the province of Pennsylvania, but to my great Surprize not a Man has turned out, tho so glorious an Example has been shewn them by the Citizens of Philadelphia. I was altogether at a Loss to account for so extraordinary a Conduct, but Colo. Hart...
I have recd yours of Aug. 1802. I agree with you that “the deadly infection has not Spread thro every Limb.” But what Shall We Say when Such a Writer as Mr Callender, can write down the Administration of Washington, write up an administration of Jefferson and then write it down again. The Editors of Newspapers, have no Check, and yet have Power to make and Unmake Characters, at their Will; to...