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Results 27801-27810 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I had the Honor of writing to Your Excelly the 22d ultimo in which I inform’d Your Excelly I had recd a letter from the Board of War with directions respecting 7 Waggon loads of Cloathing that were on the road from York to this place, since which the Waggons arrived, the directions from the Honble the Board of War have been fully comply’d wth except sending the Goods to Camp, Three of the...
I think it necessary to acquaint you that Colonels OHara & Stephens of the Kings Foot Guards are the Officers appointed by me to meet Commissioners on your Part at German Town on the 10th Instant, for the Purposes expressed in my Letter of the 5th of February. To these Gentlemen I propose to add Capt. Fitzpatrick of the same Corps, and that you may send an equal Number, this early notice is...
I yesterday recd yours of the 27th Feby. I had heard of the loss of the Cattle before it came to hand, and I am sorry to say that the loss is imputed to your having refused to let the drovers have a guard when they applied for one. I shall be glad to know whether it is so, and if true, what could be your reason for refusing. I desire you to send a party of 150 Men, under a good Officer, well...
I have your Excellency’s favour of the 22d instant and am very happy to find that the State of New Jersey possesses so great a share of your Esteem, which I hope it will never forfeit by any remissness in such Exertions as it is capable of making. I am convinc’d the State is not behind hand with you in mutual regard; and as for the personal friendship of your humble Servant, if it is worth...
As the Gallies can now be of no service in the River, and the enemy have it in their power to get them into their possession, with all their cannon and stores, I beg leave strongly to recommend it to the Board, without delay, to evacuate them of their cannon and stores; and—removing these to a place of security, in some interior part of the country—to carry the Gallies up into some of the...
Your Favor of the 26th of February was handed to me by Capt. Lee, who was mistaken in his Representation, that there was no Law in the State to punish the harbouring of Deserters; such a Law was enacted in February 1777 upon your Recommendation, and the Mode of recovering the Penalties therein is both easy and expeditious. It may be said, and I think with Justice, that those Penalties are now...
I Remember to have Troubled yr Excy Last Summer with Solicitations in favor of Capt. Sullivan begging your Excys influence in his behalf with Congress —at white Marsh I was informed by General Knox & by the Commissary of prisoners that Capt. Bliss was paid off that if my Brother would Come to Camp there would be no Difficulty in his receiving his money—I wrote him & he has at a most amazing...
Nothing can be more painful to me than the Repetition of a request which is known to be Disagreable to a Commander to whom America in General & myself in particular Stand So much indebted—after So polite a Refusal as I have once had I Should have Remained forever Silent upon the Subject: did not pure necessity which knows no Law Compell me to repeat my request —I Sincerely Lament my being...
Yours of the 26th from Mount Holly came to hand last evening. I am pleased to hear that you had so good intelligence of the designs and motions of the Enemy that you were enabled to withdraw your detatchment from Haddonfeild before they invested it. Considering the disproportion of your strength to that of the Enemy all that can be expected of you is to wait upon and circumscribe them as much...
I have the honor of yours of the twenty third of February last which I layed before Council. I hope as the militia called out, are chiefly arrived at General Laceys camp, they will secure the counties of Bucks and Philadelphia, from any further insults and ravages of the enemy (unless they come out in force) who I am sorry to find have been but too successful. General Lacey I am informed is...