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Results 27791-27800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The President of the united States of America & his most Catholic Majesty the King of Spain in Consequence of the treaty which has been this day Signed between A. B. Charged with the affairs of the American Legation near the Government of France on the part of the United States & by. C. D. on the part of his Most Catholic Majesty the King of Spain and desiring to regulate definitively every...
The Legislature of this State has directed me by resolution, a certified Copy whereof I have the honour herewith to transmi⟨t,⟩ “To request the President of the United States to apply for and purchase by Treaty from the Cherokee Nation of Indians, all the Lands which they claim within the limits of this State.” On the subject of this request, I beg leave to state in explanation, that the...
31 December 1810. Communicates a supplemental report from the secretary of state with information received since his message of 28 Dec. 1810. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 11A-D1). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. Enclosure (5 pp.) is Robert Smith to JM, 31 Dec. 1810, forwarding a letter from John Armstrong to Robert Smith, 29 Dec. 1810 (marked D), which...
31 December 1810, Washington. Encloses a copy of his report on the public buildings. Will call on JM in a few days to see if any part of the report appears improper to lay before Congress or requires further information. FC ( MdHi : Latrobe Letterbooks). 1 p. Latrobe apparently enclosed a draft of his 28 Dec. report, the final version of which was enclosed in his 11 Jan. 1811 letter to JM .
I had the pleasure of writing to you on the 1 st of Nov. — & I took the liberty at the same time of inclosing a letter for Price , as being the best, if not the only certain means of getting a letter to him. I hope that was recieved by you—but it has not procured of Price the answer I had counted on. I had hoped it would have conquered his aversion to writing—After so long an interval, I no...
M r J. Randolph has just shewn me an extract of a letter from Col Monroe to yourself respecting an anonymous communication which has been sent to the Editor of the Enquirer &c &c. I am very certain that neither of the Directors or myself had any agency or knowledge of this transaction. On the contrary I have the best reasons to believe the communication was furnished by no other person than...
In making a general arrangement of my papers, I have found the enclosed important documents, w ch you were good enough some time since to lend me. I have now the pleasure of returning them. M rs Smith joins me, in the request to be respectfully and affectionately presented to your family— RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 3 Jan. 1811 and so recorded in SJL . Enclosures not identified.
I ought to have written ere this to you, my valluable Friend, to have expressed the heart felt gratification I have derived from reading your sympathetic letters. They have proved a balm to my wounded bosom. But many calls & duties devoled up-on me of late unknown before, & I have hetherto written only on business. Your claims are first on the list of friendship, yes my Friend every tribute...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of december 15th. and the pleasure of congratulating you, upon the safe arrival and safety of your son; Who I hope enjoys good health, pray tender him my regards, and assure him of my sincere wishes for his prosperity! and success in buisness. You have a double joy also in the return of Mrs Pope to your city. I hope she has not sufferd any...
Yours of the 22 d Ult o with its inclosure was duly received—My professional engagements since its receipt, have prevented my examining the inclosure with that attention I wished, until within a few days past, and have caused me therefore to detain it much longer than I expected. I now return this document to you however, and offer you my thanks for the information you have afforded me, upon...