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Results 27781-27810 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor to transmit you a List of all the Officers civil and military now holding appointments under the authority of the Governor of the Territory of Louisiana—and am with great respect your most hble. Servant DNA : RG 59—TP—Territorial Papers.
LS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons été privés depuis longtems de motifs pour avoir l’honneur de vous écrire, nous Saisissons avec empressement celui qui se présente pour nous rappeller à votre Souvenir, & vous reiterer Monsieur Les Assurances de notre parfait dévouement. Nous vous informons avec Satisfaction que Mr. J. Adams à bien voulu nous charger des Payemens qu’il à à faire...
My plan was to leave the City to-day, so as to get to Monticello on saturday. But finding I cannot reach the point I desired in time to do so, I must now defer my departure till saturday or sunday, when I expect to set out on my return, and taking the monday’s stage from Fredericksburg, arrive at Monticello on tuesday. Should I not come myself, you may expect to receive a letter from me. But...
[ Philadelphia, June 5, 1792. In “Memorandum re papers and documents received from President Washington, 1790–1795” the following item appears under the date of June 5, 1792: “This day the ratification of the Loan by the Bank of the U.S. of 523500 dollrs. by instalments as therein specified passed the Great Seal in the usual form, and was with a note from the Secy. of State, transmitted to the...
It is impossible to express my Surprize and Astonishment at the Receipt of your letter which came to hand this day, mentioning an unparalelled Imposture in a stranger by the assumption of my Name pretending a Connection of the tenderest kind with me which never existed. The only Son I have grown to eighteen is under the Tuition of Mr. Wythe in Williamsburg and has never been out of America...
Norfolk [ Virginia ] July 11, 1790 . “I wrote you the 27th of last month, this serves to cover a Certificate of two of the most able seamen we have in these parts, of the most proper spot for erecting a Light house, the stone which was formerly intended for the purpose, will be in the two acres, as that is reserved by our act of Assembly I imagine it will make no differance. The Gentlemen are...
Certain matters touching the public good requiring that the Session of the Senate for Executive Business should be continued, and that the Members thereof should convene on Tuesday the seventeenth day of July instant; you are desired to attend at the Senate Chamber in Philadelphia on that day, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, then and there to receive and deliberate on such communications as...
(Duplicate) Territory of Columbia, 18th September 1793 At a Public Sale of Lots in the City of Washington, George Washington, President of the United States of America became purchaser of Lots No. twelve, No. thirteen & No. fourteen in Square No. six hundred & sixty seven for the consideration of one thousand and sixty six dollars & two thirds of a Dollar, subject to the Terms and Conditions...
Your favours of May 23. and the two of May 27. came safely to hand, the first being open. that of the 22 d. from Montreuil sur mer had been received and answered on the 25 th. The day before the receipt of the letters of the 27 th. we had had your cases brought to the barrier of Paris in order to get the proper officer to go that far to plumb them. From there they were put on board the boat...
Dr Skinner having been very urgent and pressing to go to Philadelphia, in order to procure medicine for the sick of his regiment, I could by no means refuse my assent to his proposition; By him I beg leave to inform you, that the applications of the Regimental Surgeons, are very frequent and importunate; & it is not in my power to satisfy their demands; their situation will be fully made known...
As I understand the Judiciary Sistem is nearly concluded I take the liberty to request your attention to an application for the office of Marshall to the District Court of Georgia; any information respecting the confidence which may be reposed in me I beg leave to refer you to the Gentlemen Senators and Representatives from Georgia. I have the Honor to be sir your mo. obt and mo. Hble Sert ALS...
30 August 1804, Virginia. “The President having thought proper to avail the U. States of your services as Judge of the District Court for the Orleans District I have the pleasure of informing you that a Commission for that purpose has been forwarded to N. Orleans under cover to Governour Claiborne.” Draft ( NhHi : Hubbard Manuscripts). 1 p. At the foot of the page, JM wrote: “D. A. Hall. ☞...
28 December 1812. “Your Memorialists have settled on the extreme Frontiers of this Territory bounded as follows on the N & N E by Driftwood, on the S Mishkakitac and S E by the Pigeon Roost Settlement where we have been and are still constantly assailed by the Horrid and relentless fury of the Inhuman and remorseless Savages. Three of our most Respectable Citizens have already fell a Sacrifice...
The only information received by this Department in relation to any “attempts made to give circulation and credit to the Detroit Bank Notes, since the law of the Territory for establishing the said Bank was rejected,” was communicated by Stanley Griswold late Collector of Detroit and Secretary of the Michigan Territory. A copy of his letter of 12th. February last on that subject is...
I have now the honour to inclose you a Report on the petition of John Mangnall, and of expressing to you the sentiments of perfect esteem & respect with which I am Sir— / Your most obedient / & most humble sert DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
27796[Diary entry: 5 April 1768] (Washington Papers)
5. Ground very hard froze. Wind high from No. West. Very cold & Clear.
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. A. Lee has the honor of presenting his Compliments to Dr. Franklin— He receivd this Evening the two Letters dated this day, which Dr. Franklin has done him the honor of writing to him. Being employd in moving to new Lodgings, it will be some days before he can answer them. Notation: Mr. A Lee. Chaillot 18 mars 1779. In the Saint Germain district of...
I have received your letter of the seventh instant with the accompanying papers, and am of opinion from the circumstances stated that the person ought to be discharged. I send you a discharge accordingly. With respect to the last paragraph of your letter, It will be well to obtain a reimbursement to the United States for Medical charges Clothing and subsistence, if the person is able to make...
Philadelphia, September 27, 1794. “Pay to the Secretary of State, out of the fund appropriated to defray the Contingent Charges of Government, the sum of Fifteen hundred Dollars, for the use of Colo. Innes.” LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. “An Act making appropriations for certain purposes therein expressed” appropriated twenty thousand dollars for the contingent expenses...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania <Wednesday evening, March 18, [1772 ], a note in the third person. His father, who is considerably worse than the previous Saturday, but because of laudanum in not quite so much pain, thanks Franklin for his kind inquiry.> The son and subsequently the biographer of BF ’s old friend; see the DNB under John Canton. Four days before John Canton’s death. BF...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to inform the President of the United States that a wish of the Collector of Boston to spend a part of the time of the Session of Congress at the Seat of Government has been intimated to him. An absence from his office at this season of the year being the least likely to be inconvenient, and it being probable that much useful information...
Agreable to the request of Govr. Lewis I have prepared one of the heads of the American Argali (big horns) to be placed in your Hall at Monticello, it will be put on board the Schooner Jane Captn Jackson on tomorrow, And said to sail on tuesday next. It is packed in a Box directed to the care of Mr. George Jefferson at Richmond. The skin on said head cannot be eatten by Insects, & the Eyes are...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You who are no Stranger to the Feelings of Humanity will readily conceive the anxiety of my Mind while I thought my Friend in Danger: It is only such a Situation as I was then in that can make me neglect your Favours. Upon examining the Barometer after I receiv’d your Letter, I found a small Crevice where the piece of hollow wood which covers the Mercury is...
A powerful army &c. [as in letter to county lieutenants Hampshire and Berkeley to ‘proper officers’ and leave out from thence and insert] to be rendezvouzed at Pittsburg precisely by the first of march to proceed by the way of the falls of Ohio for an expedition under Colo. Clarke into the country beyond that river and to continue in service during the expedition; as to which Colo. Clarke is...
You will send a proper fatigue party from your division, on the road leading from Bull’s Iron works to Litchfield to be employed in repairing the road, in case it should become necessary to march that way—The party will continue out ’till the purpose be completed; and measures must therefore be taken to supply them with provisions—Other similar parties are ordered on the other roads. You will...
27806[Diary entry: 26 April 1798] (Washington Papers)
26. Morning very heavy—Wind at S. E. Mer. 53. Clear afterwards & turning very Warm. Mer. at 67 at Night & not higher all day. The Revd. Mr. Fairfax and Doctr. Craik (to visit Mr. Peter’s children) came to dinner. The first returned afterwards.
With Pleasure should I accede to your Proposal respecting your Coach, was I to be the possessor of the Horses; but when I assure you that they are for my Nephew you will see the Necessity of the Union being dissolved between them and their espoused Coach. I have deferred answering you Sir until I had an Opportunity of sounding him on the Subject, without directly telling him it was for Sale;...
New York was one of several provinces to react to the Boston Port Act with a call for an intercolonial congress. Heartened by this response, the Massachusetts House of Representatives resolved on 17 June 1774 “that a meeting of Committees, from the several Colonies on this Continent is highly expedient and necessary” and proposed that the congress be held in Philadelphia on 1 September. The...
I expected upon my Arrival here to have found the Militia of Bucks County ready to have joined me, and to have kept the Enemy from setting a Foot in the province of Pennsylvania, but to my great Surprize not a Man has turned out, tho so glorious an Example has been shewn them by the Citizens of Philadelphia. I was altogether at a Loss to account for so extraordinary a Conduct, but Colo. Hart...
I have recd yours of Aug. 1802. I agree with you that “the deadly infection has not Spread thro every Limb.” But what Shall We Say when Such a Writer as Mr Callender, can write down the Administration of Washington, write up an administration of Jefferson and then write it down again. The Editors of Newspapers, have no Check, and yet have Power to make and Unmake Characters, at their Will; to...