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Results 27781-27810 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I enclose you the letter to Mr. Wythe. We arrived here safely last night in eight hours and a...
The difficulty with which I write, my aversion to it, and the satiating dose which is forced upon...
After writing my letter of this date which is to go by Govr. Nash now here on his way to N....
I came over to this place on public business about six weeks ago, and expect to leave it within...
Your letter of Aug. 19 . came to hand only 4. or 5. days ago. I should have answered it by post...
The business of Congress has proceeded very slowly lately. Two interesting questions have so...
In my last, from Baltimore, I informed you that my voyage to Europe was at least suspended till...
[ Paris, 11 May 1785 . Entry in SJL reads: “F. Eppes. Receipt of his and Mrs. E’s of Oct. 13. and...
I wrote you the last week, since which I have received yours of Oct. 2. and Nov. 3d. informing me...
I arrived at this place, not hearing till I had almost reached it that Congress had determined to...
[ Annapolis, 2 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “F. Eppes. North and Fox resigned—execution of...
We have nothing new here now but from the southward. The successes there I hope will prove...
I did not receive till yesterday yours of the 2d inst. I lose no time in complying with its...
We heard some time ago indirectly & indistinctly thro’ your friends at Ashton of the injury...
The Commissioners to the Indian treaty will not leave this place till the 1st. of April, which...
I am lately returned from the warm springs with my health entirely prostrated by the use of the...
I arrived here a few days ago, and sent for you immediately and did not learn till the return of...
I recieved while at Poplar Forest your’s of May 13. and am glad to learn that you find Coke Lit....
Yours of Oct. 31. came to me here Nov. 28. having first gone to Monticello . I observe the course...
Leschot has repaired mrs Eppes ’s watch and changed the pipe of the key, but the watch was so...
Your letter of May 7 . was recieved in due time, and in it you ask my opinion as to the utility...
Your letter of the 28 th came to hand yesterday, and, as I suppose you are now about leaving...
Yours of Mar. 27 . has been duly recieved. the effect of what our legislature did for us at their...
On my return to this place on the 5 th inst. I found here your letter of Oct. 22 . I learnt from...
I leave at Flood’s with this letter a packet containing 3. small volumes of my petit format...
I have deferred acknoleging the reciept of your letter of Dec. 28. in the daily hope of being...
Your letter of the 1 st came safely to hand. I am sorry you have lost mr Elliot ; however the...
Bracton . English Brooke ’s abridgment. 4 to edn. Thomas ’s Coke Littleton     3. v. 8 vo Coke ’s...
Your letter of Mar. 22. did not reach me till a few days ago. that of Feb 6 . had been recieved...
I send you, my dear Francis , a Greek grammar , the best I know for the use of schools. it is the...