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Results 27751-27800 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Your Conduct having always evinced, not only a fervent and enlightened Zeal for the Rights and Liberties of the People but a Capacity of deciding justly on great constitutional Questions; I make no apology for addressing you on this Occasion. The 25th. Article of the Constitution of this State declares “that the Chancellor and Judges of the Supreme Court, shall not at the same Time hold any...
Circumstances prevented my seeing a certain Gentleman. But I have reflected more fully on the subject of our conversation. I continue strongly inclined to the opinion that the Council ought to have canvassed prior to the day appointed for the Meeting of Congress upon the returns then before them, and that the subsequent canvass has been irregular and is void. But as to the second point—the...
The bearer of this is a Mr. Claxton, who is desirous of being a messenger or something equivalent. I feel an interest in his success, as he is a man of qualifications superior to his present aims. His memorial, which he will deliver you, is of his own drafting, by which you will perceive that he has some literary pretension. He has followed the Printing business; but from the ill effect of it...
To the Independent and Patriotic Electors of the State of NewYork. It is not long since we addressed you on the subject of the ensuing election of a chief magistrate, and communicated to you the proceedings, which had then taken place in this city in relation to it. Within a few days past, there has appeared an address signed by Mr. Jonathan Lawrence, as the chairman of a committee, said to...
The Committee appointed to promote the election of Judge Yates as Governor have requested Mr. John Jackson a Merchant of this City to proceed into your County for the purpose of making such communications to the inhabitants of it as may be necessary to inform them of the reasons which influence this City & County in desiring a change in the person of the Chief Magistrate. From the opinion we...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance Brigr General James Jackson, (a representative from Georgia to Congress) he is my particular friend, who in the Campaign of 1782 Commanded the State Legion which composed my Vanguard. I know him to be A Valuable Citizen a good soldier & an honest man, & as such I wish you to introduce him to your Military & other acquaintances, & whatever Civilities...
For the New-York Journal, &c. Mr. Greenleaf, You are requested to publish this address in your Next Thursday’s paper. By order of the Committee, Alex Hamilton, Chairman. New-York, April 7, 1789. To the Independent and Patriotic Electors Of the State of NewYork. In our last address, we mentioned to you our intention of offering some remarks upon that which has been lately published by the...
27758H. G. Letter XIV, 9 April 1789 (Hamilton Papers)
In mine of the 25th of February last, I observed, that there were reasons to conclude that the Governor’s conduct, immediately after the evacuation of this city, had been influenced by condescentions to those who were at the time advocates for persecution, which in some measure involved him in their policy; and in confirmation of this idea I mentioned some circumstances, as they then presented...
State of N.Y. to Alexander Hamilton for services as Member of Congress from 21 Feby–5 May 73 days “ 26 May–14 June 19 “ 30 July–18 Oct 79 171 “ deduct from attendance 43 128 @ 24 £153.12 audited 14 April 1789 D , New York State Library, Albany. H was elected to the Continental Congress on January 22, 1788. He served from February 25 to October 10, 1788.
[ New York ] April 14, 1789 . Acknowledges receipt of £112 for services as counsel in a controversy between New York and Massachusetts. DS , Rosenbach Foundation, Philadelphia. For information on H’s services as counsel for New York in a controversy between that state and Massachusetts, see “Notes on the History of North and South America,” December, 1786 . Also see H to the Agents of the...
H___ G___. having been informed that Mr. Willet has received a letter from the Attorney General, stating the circumstances of the interview between them, takes occasion to express his expectation that Mr. Willett will communicate it to the public. The [New York] Daily Advertiser , April 15, 1789. For information on the controversy between “H.G.” and Willett, see “H.G. Letters. Introductory...
For the New-York Daily Gazette. To the Electors of the City and County of New York. Fellow Citizens, This day commences the important Election of a Governor, for the next three years. We think it our duty to inform you, that from the account we have received from different quarters, we have the strongest grounds to believe, that a change is in your power , and that proper exertions on your...
The father of his Country being now Invested with the full powers of his Office, I presume he will therefore very soon make the necessary Arrangements in the Revenue, let me entreat you therefore my Dear friend to exert yourself for me, with the President, the Number of Applicants I find are so very many, that it will be necessary to be early for fear of disappointments. Excuse me my Dear Coll...
In conformity to the intimation you were pleased to honor me with on evening last I have reflected on the etiquette proper to be observed by the President and now submit the ideas which have occurred to me on the subject. The public good requires as a primary object that the dignity of the office should be supported. Whatever is essential to this ought to be pursued though at the risk of...
I beg you to accept my unfeigned thanks for your friendly communications of this date—and that you will permit me to entreat a continuation of them as occasions may arise. The manner chosen for doing it, is most agreeable to me. It is my wish to act right; if I err; the head & not the heart, shall, with justice , be chargeable. With sentiments of sincere esteem & regard I am Dear Sir   Your...
I have been at a stand whether to forward to you the Enclosed, or not, for fear you might Imagine me troublesome. Necessity has at length over Come my delicate feelings, and I have concluded to transmit it to you, with an Anxious hope that you will Interest yourself in behalf of Old Servant to his Country, who has sacrificed health and fortune to Serve his Country and now finds himself reduced...
The interview between us yesterday was altogether unexpected. I thought it proper to be candid. But I trust you will consider what I said as confidential. I mean to consult mutual friends; and to act agreeably to the most scrupulous delicacy. My final determination shall be communicated. If Whatever may be the issue it shall not be my fault, if it causes any interruption of that friendly...
Your letter by last nights post is come to hand, but not that relative to the Election in the Southern district. If there is a majority of 300 in our favor in the Southern district, indeed if the votes there are ballanced, we have every reason to conclude that we shall be victors. We have Accounts here that at the poles in some parts of Westchester and Orange the tickets for Governor Lieut...
Brookhaven [ New York ] May 22, 1789 . “The Cases between Wells, and Wickham, & myself have been long enough in Court to have been determined, yet by fraudulent delays I know not how they stand.… I mean not to direct, but to desire proper care to be taken to prevent fraudulent tricks and delays, so that I may have my Money which they mean to cheat me out of.…” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of...
Tho’ you may have no predilection to serve one printer more than another, as all of them, may have been obliging to you—yet, give me leave to mention a few Arguments, which I shall offer to convince you that my claims are better founded than some others, now candidates for the public printing. 1. I have one of the best offices in this City—consequently, having good hands, can do Printing work,...
I am miserable My beloved angel that I cannot yet come to you; but this abominable business still detains us & will do it for some days. I would willingly endure the fatigue of a journey to visit you, if it were but for a minute; but such is my situation and the expectation of those for whom I act, that I cannot get away for an hour. It cannot however much longer keep me from my beloved; and...
Baltimore, May 31, 1789. Acknowledges receipt of a letter from Hamilton enclosing “a Bond from Mrs. Hammond of Baltimore to Thomas & Richard Lee of Leeds bearing date the 20th. Sepr. 1788.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Smith was practicing law in Baltimore at the time this letter was written. In 1801, he was appointed Secretary of the Navy by Thomas Jefferson. Letter not found....
New York, June 12, 1789. Authorize Hamilton to “become security to Mr Robert Boyd for a Certain Sum of money left us as a Legacy by our late Grand Father John Cockle of Jamaica on Long Island.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. At the bottom of the letter is a bond in the writing of H and signed by John Cockle.
New York, June 12, 1789. “… [During the American Revolution] I Lodgd. at piramus in New Jersey. Early the Next morning we were Alarmd. by a party of the British, where I narrowly Escapd. with my life, and was Deprived of all I had in the World Except a few Loan office Certificates.… I am now A Ruind. man, and if my Country Shoud. not think that I merit Some Little Relief for the Support of my...
I am informed the Inhabitants of New York have it in Contemplation to make Mr King one of our Senators. Under this Persuasion I have thrown it out in Conversation to several of the Country Members & have found it very generally disapproved of, so much so, that I am satisfied it cannot at present be accomplished. I am afraid, too, it would interfere with the Appointment of Genl. Schuyler, in...
Newton [ Massachusetts ] June 29, 1789 . Requests Hamilton to accept “Mr. Charles Jackson, Son of General Michael Jackson,” as a law clerk. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Hull, after service in the American Revolution, practiced law in Newton, Massachusetts.
Eulogium on the late Major General Greene There is no duty that could have been assigned to me by this Society, which I should execute with greater alacrity than the one I am now called upon to perform. All the motives capable of interesting an ingenuous and feeling mind conspire to prompt me to its execution. To commemorate the talents virtues and exploits of great and good men is at all...
I arrived here on Friday night. I can do no business with the court of errors so anxious is the Legislature to adjourn. It is generally thought that the appointmen⟨t⟩ of Senators will be completed tomorrow or next day at farthest after which nothing will keep the members together except some Indian business which has just turned up. When our friends met it seems they judged it most prudent to...
I received your letter by the last Post but one. I immediately sat about circulating an idea, that it would be injurious to the City to have Duane elected—as the probability was, that some very unfit character would be his successor. My object was to have this sentiment communicated to our members. But a stop was put to my measures, by a letter received from Burr, announcing that at a general...
Mr Charles Adams, my second son, the Bearer of this Letter, I beg leave to introduce to you. He took his degree at our University of Cambridge this year, and is destined to the Study of the Law. I wish to get him into some office in New York, and should give the Preference to yours. But there are two Contingencies, one possible the other probable in the way. The first is that Congress may...
Forty days after Date I promise to pay to Alexander Hamilton on order for Value received the Sum of Two thousand Specie Dollars. ADS , New-York Historical Society, New York City. Duer, financier and merchant, had been appointed secretary of the Board of Treasury in March, 1786. He was soon to serve under H as Assistant to the Secretary of the newly organized Treasury Department. H’s signature...
New York, August 15, 1789 . On this date Hamilton wrote and Murray signed a receipt which reads as follows: “the above account is in consequence of directions given me by Mr. Hamilton from motives of Charity to provide for the burial of Abbe Mott & the amount is now paid to me by him Aug 15. 1789.” DS , in writing of H, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Murray was a New York City merchant....
New York, September 11, 1789. On this date Washington submitted to the Senate the following nominations for the Treasury Department: “Alexander Hamilton (of New York) Secretary. Nicholas Eveleigh (of So. Carolina) Comptroller. Samuel Meredith (of Pensylvania) Treasurer. Oliver Wolcott Junr: (of Connecticut) Auditor. Joseph Nourse (in Office) Register.” LS , RG 46, First Congress, 1789–1791,...
Projet de M. hamilton, pour liquider les arrérages de la dette tant domestique qu’Etrangére des Etats Unis. Observations de M. de Moustier à ce sujet. Le 13. de ce mois, M. Hamilton à qui j’avois été faire la veille mon compliment sur sa nomination à la place de Secretaire du Departement des Finances, vint chés moi et m’entretint du projet qu’il avoit de proposer que le Congrès fit un emprunt...
[ New York, September 13, 1789. On September 19, 1789, Delany wrote to Hamilton : “I acknowledge the recpt of Yours … of the 13th Inst, one by the Post covering a Letter to the Comptrolle[r].” Letter not found. ] Delany was appointed collector of customs at Philadelphia on August 4, 1789.
Permit me to congratulate you on your appointment as Treasurer of the United States, and to assure you of the pleasure I feel in anticipating your co-operation with me in a station, in which a character like yours is so truly valuable. I need not observe to you how important it is, that you should be on the ground as speedily as possible. The call for your presence you will be sensible, is...
To the President, Directors & Company of the Bank of New York. Pay to Samuel Meredith Treasurer of the United States, or Order, the Sum of Twenty thousand Dollars; being the Amount of a Loan agreed to be made by the said Bank to the Secretary at War, in pursuance of an Appropriation made by an Act of Congress of the twentieth day of August 1789: for which this shall be your Warrant. Given...
You will probably have learned ere this reaches you, my appointment to the Office of Secretary of the Treasury. To the acceptance of this arduous trust, I have been not a little encouraged by the hope that my inviolable attachment to the principles which form the basis of public credit is so well and so generally understood as to insure me the confidence of those who have it most in their...
It is with pleasure I am able to inform you that you have been appointed Auditor in the Department of the Treasury. The salary of this office is 1500 Dollars. Your friends having expressed a doubt of your acceptance, I cannot forbear saying, that I shall be happy to find the doubt has been ill founded; as from the character I have received of you, I am persuaded you will be an acquisition to...
Having in consequence of my appointment as Secretary of the Treasury determined on William Duer Esquire as my Assistant, I have concluded from his situation with the late board that a delivery of the books papers and seal belonging to the department should be made to him. If this mode is agreeable to you I need only add that he is authorised on my part to carry it into execution. I have the...
The exigencies of Government require that I should without delay be informed of the amount of the Duties which have accrued in the several States, and of the Monies which have been already received in payment of them, and the periods at which the remainder will fall due. In this absolute precision is not expected, but a General Statement accurate enough in the main to be relied on. I request...
I have not had much time to consider the Subject on which I promised to give you my opinion nor to make the necessary previous enquiries. I will however give you my thoughts as they occur at the moment. The public Accounts under the old System were divided into several branches say 1st. The Army Accounts.—comprehending only the Pay & Commutations of the Line of the Army. 2d— the Accounts of...
[ September 16, 1789. On October 11, 1789, Hamilton wrote to Peters : “I duly received yours of the 16 of September.” Letter not found. ] Peters, who had served as secretary and president of the Board of War during the American Revolution, was speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly when this letter was written. He had recently declined the office of comptroller of the Treasury. In April, 1792,...
Philadelphia, September 17, 1789. States that the port of Philadelphia lacks funds for the maintenance of aids to navigation in the Delaware River. Asks that United States funds be used for that purpose. ALS , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Vol. “A,” Pennsylvania and Southern States, National Archives. Allibone was master warden of the port of Philadelphia.
I have had the honour to receive your favour of the 13th instant, by which I am informed that I have been appointed Auditor in the department of the Treasury. I embrace this first opportunity to give you notice that I have proceeded to this place on my way to New York, and that immediately upon my arrival there, I will do myself the honour to wait on you, for the purpose of acquiring such...
Mr. Hamilton will be obliged to Mr. Otis for certified extracts from the journals of the Senate respecting his own appointments that of the Door Keep Assistants &c & will be glad to know whether he has any & what Clks & when appointed. He wishes this information without delay. Friday Morning AL , RG 46, First Congress, 1789–1791, Letters Relating to Fiscal Matters, National Archives. Otis was...
I acknowledge the recpt of Yours by Mr. Duer of the 13th Inst— one by the Post covering a Letter to the Comptrolle[r]—and another directing a return of the Duties in my office. The Letter to Mr Eveleigh shall be forwarded by the first Vessel and in respect to the Amt of Duties, I would beg leave to mention I furnished Your Assistant Secy Mr Duer with an Account therof in order to promote the...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] The Secretary of the Treasury , in obedience to the Order of the House of Representatives of the 17th instant, Respectfully reports, That the schedule No. 1, contains an estimate of the total expenditure of the civil list, for the present year, amounting to two hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars, and 78...
First. In relation to the late Government . For Congress Dol. 90ths. Dol. 90ths. THE annual allowance made by the United States, in Congress assembled, the 23d August 1787, including the salaries of the private Secretary & Steward, house rent, and expences of the household, is thereby fixed at 8,000 dollars per annum; which being estimated to the 3d of March, the time fixed for proceedings to...
Pay of the Troops. Artillery. Dol. 90ths. Dol. 90ths. 1 Major, 12 mo. at 45 dol. pr. mo. 540 4 Captains, 35 1,680 8 Lieutenants, 30 2,880 1 Surgeon’s mate, 30