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Results 27751-27800 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your much Esteem’d favour of 10th. Curt. came duly to hand; an Absence of 2 days at Honfleur occasionned my delay in replying by Return of Poste. We have at present no Ship bound to Virginia in the Port, but most likely in next month, there may be; two are allready Sail’d in last Month. As soon as one offers I shall take pleasure in informing you thereof, and be happy to be usefull to you, or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You who know so well the public & private obligations we have to the Marquis de Yranda, would never pardon me, If I should suffer one of his family to pass thro’ Paris, without giving you an opportunity of convincing him of the sense you have of the obliging notice, it has taken of us here—But you would be Still more offended with me, After having been...
The inclosed copy of a Letter which I lately received from the Ct. D’Expilly contains the best information that I have it in my power to Afford your Excellency with respect to the Situation of our Affairs at Algiers. Mr. Lamb arrived at Alicant the 24th Ulto. and undoubtedly will have advised you of his proceedings after Mr. Randalls departure. That Gentleman is now with me and avails himself...
Madrid, 14 Aug. 1788. After examining his accounts with Congress, he has taken liberty of drawing on Willink & Van Staphorst at Amsterdam for 4614ƒ. 3s. 6d. in accordance with TJ’s advice of 3 June. “I transmit you the first setts of Exchange in favor of Messrs. Etienne Drouilhet & Cy. who have constantly supplied me with Money for my necessary expences while they have refused credit to others...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosd is the Substence of Ld. Chathams motion. The court numbers show at once the hopes and intention of the Ministry. I am with much respect Your very humble Servant. Addressed: A Monsr. / Monsieur le Docteur Franklin / à Passy Notation: Carmicael On May 31 the Public Advertiser reported the defeat in the House of Lords the day before, by a vote of...
I this day received from the Secretary of States Department a letter from the Count D’Expilley inclosing one from Mr. Lamb, copies of which I have the honor to transmit for your Excellencies information. Messrs. Lamb and Randall left Barcelona the 11th. Ulto. After their Departure I procured a letter in their favor from his Excellency the Ct. de Florida Blanca to the Ct. D’Expilley which I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received with very great Satisfaction your Letter of the 23d Ulto. I am sorry that you should think it necessary to make any apology for your Silence, for I make this Sacrifice which is not a small one to the Public Service as I have been constrained to make others. I feel all the force of what you say with respect to our pecuniary Situation, but present...
P.S. As I have lately recd Letters from the Marquis & Marchioness de la Fayette which announce his arrival in Europe, I take the Liberty of sending you a Triplicate of a Letter which I had the honor to write you under cover to the Marquis the 3d of Decr 1784. His return to Europe may otherwise occasion surmises which would hurt me as a delay of this communication might appear Singular on my...
Mr. Symond delivered me on the 3d instant your [ s ] of the 1st. of Feb . The cypher inclosed in that letter has enabled me to profit altho’ late of information: I shall in [ close ] the one left with [ me ] by Mr. Barclay and Mr. Franks , and trust [ mine
ALS : American Philosophical Society I seize the opportunity of writing you by a French Courier who is sent with the news of Mr Guichens arrival at Cadix with five sail of the Line 2 frigates and a Cutter the 26th Ulto., & I once more sollicit your friendly attention to our distressed situation here. The Bills for this month become due now every Day & must be refused payment in the End, unless...
In a former Letter I had the honor to transmit you an ordinance published in March here, which seemed to alarm several of the Maritime Courts. I now inclose you a copy of an office presented by the Chargè Des Affaires of Holland on that Subject and the Answer given by the Ct. de F. B. I do not find that the Minister of any other court has made representations on this Subject. It is generally...
I received this day from Mr. Young Your Excellency’s letter of the 3d Ultimo. The detention of that Gentleman on the road was much longer than he expected. I am happy to find that you have succeeded in making arrangements for our future support. As soon as I have examined the State of my accounts with Congress, I shall transmit to you the Amount of the ballance due me and draw in the manner...
A violent Rheumatism which has confined me to my Room for 3 days past hath prevented me from answering sooner the Letter you did me the honor to write me the 25th. Ulto. Altho I have received several Letters lately from America, from none have I had such explicit Intelligence as you were pleased to give me. I hope that as all Parties in our Country in general feel the necessity of a firm...
Copy: Library of Congress I have the Honor of informing you of our arrival at this Place this Day in the frigate l’Aurore from Martinico to which Iland the officers of the Confederacy thought proper to proceed in Consequence of the loss of all our Masts & the Damage our rudder received on the Edge of the Bank of New-foundland. We Left Martinico the 28th. of December & have a most agreable...
I arrived in this city late in the Evening of the 11 th after a tedious and Disagreable Journey. We had heavy rains for more than two thirds of the time, which render’d the roads so very bad that neither persuasion, threats or money could induce our Muleteers to proceed faster. My own State of health and the situation in which I left Cadiz would have prevented me from quitting the company [ of...
The Courier by whom I did myself the Honor to address your Excellency the 16th. inst. having been detained a Day longer than I expected, I avail myself of this Circumstance to advise you of Mr. Lamb’s Arrival at Madrid last night. This morning I received a Letter from him by one of my Servants whom he dispatched for that purpose. He therein requests me to send him “any Orders or Letters on...
I received on the 30th. ulto. the Letter you did me the honor to address me the 18th. and I am happy to find that your Sentiments with respect to the generous interposition of this Court in our Affair with Morrocco correspond with mine. The reception of Mr. Gardoqui by Congress and the People of America at Large coincides with the opinions contained in your Letter. I am persuaded that the Ct....
I did myself the honor of writing to you the 18 th and 23 d . instant inclosing in my first letter one from the C t de Florida Blanca and also a summary of news from America which the French Ambassador received via Cadiz; In the last I gave you an acc t of the sailing of the Ferrol Squadron, and of Fleet under Monsr Ternay having doubled Cape Finister, with news of the departure of an...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The return of the Marquis de la Fayette gives me an opportunity which I seize with pleasure of renewing my assurances of respect and Gratitude to you. I have thro the course of the Summer taken the liberty of transmitting you such accounts of our internal Situation as might contribute to your information, tho’ by no means to your satisfaction. The Marquis...
On the 7 th . Ult o . I had the Honor to write you,—Since which I have had an Opportunity of procuring very essential Information with respect to the negotiation between this Court & the Regency of Algiers.—Prudence dictates that I should not trust to this mode of Conveyance the means by which I have been able to obtain this Intelligence. I shall however not hesitate to inform you that all the...
Copy: Library of Congress I have at length the pleasure of being relieved from much Anxiety by the Receipit of your Letter of the 31st. of March and 7th. of April. I endeavoured to recollect every Circumstance of my Conduct since I left france, and altho’ I found in this Scrutiny that I had left many things undone which I ought to have done, I brought myself in not guilty biased perhaps by...
I had the honor to receive your Letter of the 30th. Jany. the 14th. of Feby. As it was sent me from the Secretary of States Office I presume it came by a Courier from the Ct. D’Aranda. I am happy it passed thro that channel, as the information it contained must have had a good Effect on the Ministry. I easily saw that it had been read from a conversation which I had with the Ct. de Florida...
On the 29th. Ulto. I had the honor to address you by an expeditious conveyance. Since which I have received the Inclosed paper which may throw some light on the Nature of the presents made to the cheifs of the Piratical States. You will please to observe that as these People are not delicate in their choice the Articles mentioned in the List are generally remnants of unsaleable effects. I...
Notes on a Conference between his Excellency the Count de Florida Blanca and M r . Jay in the Office of the former at Aranjues 2 d . June 1780. Reduced to writing immediately after the Conference ended by M r . Carmichael who was present at it. In consequence of a Card received by M r . Jay yesterday from his Excellency the Count de Florida Blanca, appointing him a Meeting at nine this...
I received on the 26th. Inst. your Letter dated the 22d. June and 14th. July. On the 27th. and Ulto. I had the honor to write you. On the 25th. inst. I received a Letter from his Excellency the Ct. de Florida Blanca of which I inclose you a copy, as a thorough knowledge of the Situation of our Affairs in Barbary may be useful to you in the business you have to transact with these Powers. You...
ALS : Connecticut Historical Society Gustavus Conyngham, when last heard from, had been in prison with his crew in Dunkirk. On June 2 Deane asked Gérard that they be released and permitted to return to America, and on the 12th they were at large and working on their new ship, the cutter Revenge . On the 30th Carmichael arrived, as he says here, with instructions; they were ostensibly from the...
Since my last I have found it necessary to follow the court hither, altho’ the present State of my finances can ill support the Enormous Expence of Lodgings &c. in this Little place, in which there is not a garret unnoccupied. Two or three days ago I had a conference with the Minister whom I found in the same friendly disposition with regard to the United States which he has ever professed to...
I have the honor to inform your Exc y . that I was presented yesterday to the King and this day to the Prince and Princess of the Asturias as Chargé’ d’affaires of the United States of America— I have every reason to be satisfied with my reception as also with the Conduct of his Exc y the C te de F. Blanca on this occasion If your Exc y . hath rec d . any recent instructions from Congress...
Colonel Franks whom various circumstances have detained longer than Mr. Barclay or himself expected will have the honor to deliver you this with that Gentlemans dispatches. As these contain every thing material relative to his Mission, I will only remark on this Subject that his Conduct in this Country has been such, as hath acquired him the Esteem of all those who have known him here as well...
ALS : Library of Congress I recd. on the 4th instant the Letter which your Excy did me the honor to write me the 15th Ulto., The kind assurances which it contains of your constant esteem and affection have removed from my mind an uneasiness which had oppressed it for a long time— Until I was led to think that by some means or other your friendship for me was diminished, It was always a...
I received the Letter you did me the honor to write me the 25th Ulto. one post later than from its date it ought to have reached me. I am afraid there is some mistake with respect to the manner you imploy to express yourself confidentially to me. Please to examine whether you have made use of the same characters as those which you intrusted to Mr. Barclay. With all my endeavours your meaning...
On the 4 th of December last M r Lamb delivered me the Letter which your Excellencies did me the honor to address me dated from London the 1 st. & from Paris the 11 th of October. At the Same time that Gentleman communicated to me his Instructions & I all the Intelligence I had been able to procure relative to the negociation between this Country & the Regency of Algiers. The C t. D Expilly...
It is with real concern that I inform you that His Catholic Majesty died this morning at forty one minutes past twelve, after a short illness which until two days ago was represented as of little consequence. You must have known the conjectures which have been formed of a long date of the supposed consequences which would follow his decease. I have no pretentions to Prophecy, I will however...
I wait[ed] on his excellency the Conde de Florida Blanca yesterday agreable to the appointm t . of which I had the honor to give you notice the 18 th instant. he in a very polite and gracious manner told me that your letter
I received by Mr. Lamb the Letter which your Excellency did me the honor to address me the 4th. Ulto. as also a joint Letter delivered me by the same Gentleman to which I hope to answer in a manner that will prove my earnest endeavours to correspond with the views of the writers in rendering every service in my power to the parties for whose Interests it was addressed me. Permit me to thank...
I received on the 15th. May the Letter you did me the honor to address me the third of that month and should sooner have replied to it, had I not expected to avail myself of a private conveyance from hence, by which I might write with greater security, than I can do by the Post. It is with the greatest satisfaction that I find you are disposed to cultivate an intercourse, which for the reasons...
Near 12 this night St Jean brought me your favors of the 16 th and 17 th with their inclosures. As it was too late to carry your letter to the C t . de Florida Blanca, I defer doing it until tomorrow morning. The Letters you sent me were from M r Lecouteux at Cadiz containing others for M r . Harrison & two newspapers, the latter ^ of ^ which I now send you, Two letters ^ also ^ from London,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed I have the honor to send you a Letter from the house of Drouilhet advising me of their having drawn upon your Excellency for £s [ l.t. ] 13447.5. s. at 60 days date making the Sum of 54000 Rials de Vn. [Veillon] or 2700 Dollars for the payment of a bill drawn by Mr Morris on me which bill became due since my Departure from Madrid.— I intended to...
Copy: Library of Congress At the Embassadors Table I had the Pleasure of meeting Mr. Senrat the Bearer of this Letter. He hath just returned to Europe after a long Absence from his native Country France, which he quitted with a View of travelling at the kings Expence in Africa & the east Indies & returns loaded with the Spoils of these Countries in the Vegetable & animal World, He expressed a...
I had the honor to receive in course of post your favors of the 26th. of May from Bourdeaux and of June the 14th. from Paris. Colonel Smith having himself expressed a desire to acquaint you with the Object of his mission from motives which you will feel, I left that task to him, and of course deferd doing myself the honor of writing to you until I might have it in my power to communicate...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library The return of the Nymph frigate in which Captain Coulter [Courter] came passenger gives me the honor of informing you that the Deane arrivd at Portsmouth the first of May much about which time the Two ships loaded by Mr. Ross on account of Congress got in to this Port. Mr. Simeon Deane landed a fortnight before us so that we were happy to find the whole...
I received on the 17th. Inst. your Letter of the 22d. Ulto. I shall take such measures in future that you will be advised at an early period of the bills which I may have occasion to draw for my appointments. My Banker here has been too negligent in that particular, for I have generally intrusted to his Care letters of advice at the Time I signed my bills of Exchange. I know and feel for the...
On the 28 th Ult o . I did myself the honor of addressing Y r . Ex y at Bourdeaux under cover to M r Delap. On the 5 th Ins t . I left Aranjues in a poor State of health, having been attacked by my usual disorder the Bile, from which I still suffer greatly. The Court was already preparing to quit the Sitio before I left it & the French Embassador had returned to Madrid. On these Occasions you...
I had the honor to transmit on the 15th. July to your Excellency a copy of a note to me from his Excy. The Ct. of Florida Blanca dated the 13th. Dto. inclosing Extracts of a Letter from the Spanish Consul General in Morrocco and of one from the Principal Minister of his M.M. relative to Mr. Barclay’s negociation. On the 11th. Inst. I received a note from the Ct. of F.B. with a copy of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; ALS (draft): National Archives I arrived here the 26th of June, my first business was to present myself at Aranjuez where the Court then resided. I had in some measure engaged before my departure from Spain to return before the Royal Family left that residence. So far I have fulfilled my engagements— On this Acct I set off from Paris more abruptly than I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I begin this as I have done several of my former Letters with Advising your Excy that I have drawn on You a bill in favor of Messrs. Estevan Drouilhet & Co. for 2400 Livres Tournois at 90 days after Date, this Sum being the ballance of the Quarters Salary for which you permitted me to draw— The Cte. de Montmorin informs me that the King has been pleased to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the pleasure of receiving your obliging favor of the 24th Ulto. a few days ago— I am happy that the Persons whom I took the Liberty of Introducing to your Notice, have not been thought unworthy of it. Mr Giusti in a Letter from Paris to me, expressed himself in terms of great sensibility for the pleasure I had procured him by my Introduction of him at...
I pardon readily the persons to whose care the Letter which I have received with yours of the 2d Inst., was committed, since their Remissness has procured me an honor and a pleasure, which I have long been sollicitous to obtain. The intelligence which you have been pleased to convey to me, respecting the Situation of affairs in America, is so much the more Agreable as it is a long time since I...
I received on the 26th. Decr. your favor of the 13th of that month. I have endeavoured in vain to decypher by means of the cypher which Mr. Barclay left with me the three first lines of your letter of the 14th June 1787. Nor have my efforts been more successful in my attempts to decypher that of Sep. 25th altho’ I have tryed every method perscribed for that Effect. I therefore take it for...
The day after I had last the honor to write you, the Courier so impatiently expected from Versailles, arrived here with the Intelligence of the pacific arrangements which took place the 27 Ulto. This court seemed much pleased with the news and the Minister has received (as I have been told) the compliments of his Friends as having principally contributed to the Restablishment of Harmony. I...