Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Jones & Howell, 10 January 1811

To Jones & Howell

Monticello Jan. 10. 11.


Your letter of Dec. 17. reached this just as I had left it on a journey to a possession I have about 90. miles South of this, and from whence I am but lately returned. I had not written to you for some time, because I was in the constant hope of making you a remittance, which the delays and difficulties of those from whom I had a right daily to expect paiments as constantly disappointed, insomuch that I had suspended my nailery until I could see more assured means of being enabled to be punctual in my engagements. I will instantly redouble my efforts to merit the indulgence you have used to me, and, without waiting till I can remit the whole balance at once, I will send it as I can collect it. in a former letter I had observed to you that whatever disappointments might intervene in the course1 of the year, whenever the season of selling our crops arrived, all deficiences would be certainly brought up. we are just now beginning to send the crop of the last year to market, which operation is not generally compleated till April, which of course presents me a term beyond which I cannot fail to make up my whole paiment, whatever my intermediate endeavors may fail to accomplish. the three or four banks which are in this state are so distant from us that we have no connection with them, nor other2 means of obtaining advances of money even for short terms. I shall not fail however to press my own resources as much as possible to comply with your desire and my duty. Accept the assurances of my esteem & respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at head of text: “Messrs Jones & Howell”; endorsed by TJ.

deficiences is an obsolete form of “deficiencies” (OED description begins James A. H. Murray, J. A. Simpson, E. S. C. Weiner, and others, eds., The Oxford English Dictionary, 2d ed., 1989, 20 vols. description ends ).

1Word interlined in place of “close.”

2Word interlined.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with Jones & Howell search
  • Jones & Howell (Philadelphia firm); account with TJ search
  • Jones & Howell (Philadelphia firm); letters to search
  • naileries; nailrod and iron stock search