Alexander Hamilton Papers
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Enclosure: [Schedule of the Accounts of the Several States], [29 November 1789]


Schedule of the accounts of the several States, stated upon the principles of the act of Congress of the 22d. of Nov: 1777. in such manner as to make them Creditors to the U States for a supposed excess of actual payments, beyond their proportions
of 500. as
required by
the Act of
Congress of
the 22d. of Nov. 1777.
Balances of Recs.
and expenditures
as stated by
Comrs. of Accounts
Balances chd.
as quotas of
the several States
Credits on
final settlemt.
not transferable.
New Hampshire 20 24. 20. 4.
Massachusetts 82 100. 82. 18.
Rhode Island 10 10 10
Connecticut 60 61 60. 1.
New York 20 23. 20. 3.
New Jersey 27 40 27 13.
Pensylvania 62 150 62 88
Delaware 6 10 6 4
Maryland 52 60 52 8.
Virginia 80 82 80 2.
South Carolina 50 51 50 1.
North Carolina 25 25 25
Georgia 6 6 6
500 642 500 142.

4D, Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford.

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