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Results 27731-27740 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
General Putnam writes me, that the men, under his command, have been totally neglected, in the article of cloathing —and that since my prohibiting him to break in upon those parcels, which were on their way to this camp—he has had no cloathing at all for the use of his department. At the same time, that I wish to prevent irregularity and confusion by an exercise of such a power; it cannot be...
Je renvois La Letre du General Wayne qui m’a honoré de Son Ordre pour Le joindre a Mount Holly je L’ais repondû que çela ne se pouvoit pas vû que la Cavalery restente avec moi forme un peti nombre pour Les Services et quentout je ne trouverais pas plus de 18 Homs de quels jais envoie Les melieurs sur Le chemins de Philadelphie pour assurè les passages du Transport des Beuvs qui marche pour...
On Wednesday Evening the Enemy in a Sloop of war, one Galley, and about 40 Boats fell down the Delaware, and Anchor’d off this Place at Dusk: The Boats were full of Troops & upwards of 30 said to be flat Bottomed from the best intelligence I received, cou’d not distinguish from this Place, as they came down under cover of this shore, and at Dusk made over to the Jersey Shore, & came to an...
present His Excellency; Dudley Digges James Madison jr John Blair And David Jameson Bolling Stark Esquires On Considering the proceedings of a general Court Martial of Militia Officers held in Louisa County on Richard Anderson Esquire County Lieutenant: the Board approve the Sentence of the Court Martial & advise His Excellency to discontinue the said Richard Anderson as County Lieutenant...
[ Valley Forge ] March 1, 1778 . States that inadequacies of armorer’s department will soon result in a shortage of arms for the Army. LS , in writing of H, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives. The Committee of Conference consisted of Francis Dana, Joseph Reed, Nathaniel Folsom, John Harvie, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and Gouverneur Morris. This letter should have been...
277361778. Feb. 28. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Last Night and this Day We have enjoyed a fine easy Breeze. The Ship has had no Motion but directly forward. I slept as quietly and as soundly as in my own Bed at home. Dr. Noel gave me a Phial of Balsamum fioraventi, for an Inflammation in my Eyes, which seems to be very good for them. It is very much compounded. It is very subtle and penetrating. Pour a few Drops into the Palms of your...
27737[February 28. Saturday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
February 28. Saturday. 1778. The last night and this day We enjoyed a fine easy breeze, the Ship had no motions but directly forward. I slept as quietly and as soundly as in my own bed at home.... Some of the Gentlemen had given me some West India Nutts, and not knowing the caustic quality in the outward Shell I had broken them with my hands, and probably carelessly rubbed my face or my Eyes...
Valley Forge, February 28, 1778 . Requests complete and accurate return of the hospitals, patients, equipment, and employees. Orders all who have recovered and are fit for duty to return to Camp. This letter, which is written in the third person in an unidentified writing, is in the George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. It is endorsed, in the writing of H, “All right and approved—no...
Valley Forge, February 28, 1778 . Instructs Symonds to act under Brigadier General Anthony Wayne’s orders. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Photostats, Library of Congress.
LS and transcript: National Archives; incomplete copy: Massachusetts Archives; copy: Harvard University Library Our Dispatches of Decr. 18. which would have acquainted you with the State of our Affairs here, and our Expectations of a speedy Conclusion of the Treaties with this Court, are unfortunately returned; the French Man of War which went on purpose to carry them, having met with some...