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Results 27711-27720 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
A degree of anxiety about a matter of primary importance to the new government induces me to trouble you with this letter. I mean the election of the President. We all feel of how much moment it is that Washington should be the man; and I own I cannot think there is material room to doubt that this will be the unanimous sense. But as a failure in this object would be attended with the worst...
Richmond, January 28, 1789. “Some discoveries which I have made since my return from New York respecting the conduct of Mr. Simon Nathan, in the Business confided to his management by Mr. Foster Webb junr and myself, enduces me to trouble you.… The discoveries … fully evince the fraudulent Intentions and Practices of Mr. Nathan, and at the same time afford evidence which will substantiate a...
I certify that I am willing and do hereby accept the brief reposed in me as a Commissioner by virtue of a certain instrument bearing date the thirty first day of December in the year one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Eight made between Daniel Parker by his Attorney Andrew Craigie John Holker William Duer Samuel Rogers by the said Andrew Craigie Royal Flint and divers Creditors of the...
I thank you for your two letters of the 4th and 7th instant which arrived here during my absence at Albany from which place I have but recently returned. I believe you may be perfectly tranquil on the subject of Mr. Adam’s election. It seems to be certain that all the middle states will vote for him to Delaware inclusively and probably Maryland. In the South there are no candidates thought of...
Your favor of the 25 Jany came in good time. Our Votes were given agreeably to your wishes Washington 7—Adams 5. Governor Huntington 2. By letters from Carrington I learn that Clinton is the antifederal Vice President but I think we have nothing to fear. I believe N Hampshire will give Adams 4. Massachusetts 6—Georgia 6 as letters from Georgia say he will have at least so many—which with ours...
New York, February 10, 1789. “I duly received the letter which you did me the honor to write me of the 2d of Decr. last.… With regard to your Bond against Dowdle, when I first received it I made diligent inquiry after him, but I found that his situation and principles were equally desperate & that to make any attempt to recover the money would be to add fruitlessly to your loss.…” ALS ,...
Petersburg, Virginia, February 10, 1789. “I am possessed of a Bill on you … dated the 10th May 1788 for £57 Virga. money, being endorsed … to me.… You will be so obliging as to give me Information, how this matter stands and what probability there is, of any recovery being made.…” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Turnbull was a merchant of Petersburg, Virginia.
New York, February 11, 1789. On this date Hamilton and twelve others were appointed “a committee to correspond with the other counties on the subject” of the election of Robert Yates as governor and Pierre Van Cortlandt as lieutenant governor of New York State. New-York Packet , March 3, 1789. The committee of correspondence was appointed “at a numerous and respectable meeting of citizens at...
By the direction of the Committee I transmit you the inclosed letter. I doubt not Sir you will believe me to be sincere when I assure you that I should be much more happy if circumstances permitted me to be the channel of a very different application. But such is the situation of our state that personal attachments are obliged to yield to public necessity. As I allow myself to hope Sir that...
The last Tuesday of April next being the day appointed by law for the election of a Governor for the ensuing three years; the great importance of making a wise choice in the present peculiar situation of our local and national affairs, appears to have made a deep impression on the minds of considerate men in the different parts of the state. On the eleventh instant, a numerous meeting of...