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Results 2771-2780 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania We acknowledge that your proposal, which we assented to, was not the first, or only one, you made; but those others, were such, as we thought very unreasonable for you to expect, or for us to come into, considering the Circumstances in which, the Affair stands, at present. We have not, on the present, or any former occasion, prohibited, or...
I wrote you by the last Post to which must now Cheifly Refer you, this being just to beg your Pardon for the freedom I have taken to direct a small Box to you for my Brother. this Box will be forwarded to you by Mr William Coxe of Phila. who will at the desire of Mr Robinson send you a Line acquainting you by what Oppertunity & which way it is sent, if we have any thing new I Shall take Care...
The Inclosd came to my hands this moment—Colo. Carlyle desird after I had perusd the Papers, that I woud send them to you—but as he did at the same time inform me that his Letter coverd one from Colo. Fairfax (on whose safe arrival we offer our Congratulations) I have not delayd a moment in forwarding them —When you are at leizure to favour us with a visit we shall endeavour to partake as much...
I have yr acceptable favr from Mt Vernon—& I sincerely rejoyce at yr beginning to master the Indisposition Mr Boyd acquaints me you have long labour’d under—I hope to meet you perfectly recover’d & I shall impatiently wish to hear of yr being at Wmsburgh. Will you excuse the Liberty of intruding a Subject not so agreable as many others—I’ve this day receivd a Lr from Col. Gage & There cite his...
ALS : Yale University Library I received your Favour of December 5th. by Mr. Hunt; but the Papers refer’d to are not yet come to hand, being in his Chest that is still at Bristol. The Affair of obtaining a Permission to export Grain, &c. from the Colonies to the European neutral Ports, meets with Difficulty while the Parliament have the Regulating the Corn Market in England under...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg Pardon for not answering sooner your Favour of the 16th past. I unluckily mislaid it just after it came to hand, and was in daily Expectation of finding it. It is now before me; and I am of Opinion that for £30 a Year, Sterling, a good Master might be procur’d that would teach 40 Negro Children to read; I think he could scarce do his Duty to a greater...
AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society I have wrote you several long Letters lately; the last was by Mr. Relphe, and at the same time I wrote to my dear Sally. Last Night I receiv’d yours of the 1st and 6th of January, which gave me the great Pleasure of hearing that you and my little Family were well. I hope you continue so, and that I shall have the Happiness to find you so. The...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My Letter to you of the Sixth Instant, by the Packet Capt. Morris via New York contained the third Copy of a Bill of Exchange for £100. Sterling and the first Copy of another Bill for £100. Sterling more; that per Capt. Nicholl via Belfast the second Copy of the last mention’d Bill; and now you have the third Copy of the same Bill, in Case of...
To The President Honble Sir, Mount-Vernon, the 20th February, 1758. I set out for Williamsburgh the day after the date of my letter by Jenkins; but found I was unable to proceed, my fever and pain encreasing upon me to an high degree, and the Physicians assured me, that I might endanger my life in prosecuting the journey. In consequence of this advice, I returned back to this place again, and...
I am very sorry that the Lies of Majr Baylis should give much Uneasyness to You or make You look upon Officers who are Willing to abide (in Respect of that Affair) by the severest Tryal in a disadvantageous Light. Majr Baylis has falsly aspersed our Characters—but he has not prov’d it nor can he—He has sayd it but where? in Prince William, the County in which he lives where he never expects to...