Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from the Marquis Turgot, 24 February 1778

From the Marquis Turgot5

AL: American Philosophical Society

Ce mardy 24 fever. 1778

M. Turgot fait mille complimens a Monsieur francklin, il espère qu’il voudra bien se souvenir de la parole qu’il luy à donnée de diner chés luy vendredy prochain 27 fevrier, il espère aussy que M. francklin fils voudra bien accompagner Monsieur son pere.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5Etienne-François (1721–89), Anne-Robert’s older brother, was a former army officer now in retirement; his interest in natural science and economics had procured him an associate membership in the Académie royale des sciences. Larousse.

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