George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Christopher Gist, 3 February 1758

From Christopher Gist

Winchester Febuy 3d 1758

D. Sir

yours of the 31st Ultimo I recd this day, am very much Oblig’d to you for the Acct of the Indians being on their March, Some flying repot we had before which few Credited, your account is all we have for certain as yet.1

I have made up the Accts for the last year and Sent them down by Mr Cromwell2 with a Return of all the goods on hand to the Last day December last. very little has been Disposed off Sence. Blankets guns and Ammonition is none excpt 12 guns in the last cargo and they very bad. but as you are going to Williamsburg you will See the returns with President Blair, you will then be a Judge what May be Nessary, for the ensuing Season.

As to the Price of Goods left in My hands by Mr Atkin I cant Say, what the a mount May be, but I think I Could have bought as Much and as good for £300—if the Governor Says they are worth £1000 it may be so, I have render’d the Acct where they are and how Disposed off to the President. Inclos’d is my Ac[c]t for Recruiting3 I have Sent Certificate of Jacob Sowers omitted in my Accts Sent4 please to get it5 for the Poor Man Pray Excuse hast I am with the Kindest wishes for your helth—Dr Sir Yr Most Humle & obedt Servt

Christr Gist


1GW’s letter has not been found. See GW to John Blair, 31 Jan. 1758.

2Mr. Cromwell was perhaps William Cromwell whose back pay “as conductor and sundry Expenses” the Virginia council settled, 25 May 1763 (Exec. Journals of Virginia Council description begins H. R. McIlwaine et al., eds. Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia. 6 vols. Richmond, 1925–66. description ends , 6:255–58).

3This recruiting account of Christopher Gist has not been found.

4Jacob Sowers lived in Winchester where he kept an ordinary.

5Gist inadvertently wrote “if” here instead of “it.”

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