Results 27661-27690 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have had the pleasure to receive your letter dated the 13th.—accompanied by one addressed to...
The Baron De Steuben informs me that he expects to set out this day on a visit to your...
New York, August 31, 1788. Writes concerning a litigation between William Duer and John McCrea....
La lettre cy joint de Mr: R: Petters, contienne une preuve, non Equivoque, que dans mes prémieres...
I have received by Capt. Ville your favour of the 22d of July. Since I wrote you I have had an...
I am a member of a Committee, to whom the Baron De Steuben’s application to Congress founded upon...
I have received your letter requesting “any explanation which may serve to throw further light on...
[ New York, September 8, 1788. Sends a petition to “The Honorable Richard Morris, Esq., Chief...
I am Sorry to inform you that Mr. H. Cannot be prevailed on to attend Congress till after the...
[The Committee to whom was committed the Report of the Secretary for Foreign affairs founded on a...
Fairfield, Virginia, September 17, 1788. Writes concerning “the settlement of Col. Wm. Aylett’s...
Your favour of the 6th of September has been duly handed to me, and I receive great pleasure from...
Your Excellency’s friendly and obliging letter of the 28th Ulto. came safely to hand. I thank you...
In acknowledging the receipt of your candid and kind letter by the last Post; little more is...
Your different favours have duly come to hand for which I thank you and for the trouble you have...
I thank you My Dr. Sir for your obliging congratulations on the event towards effecting which...
Your favor of the 9th. I have this moment recd. and detain the post while, that I may make a very...
A day or two ago the enclosed letters came to my hands. The watch of Genl. Morgan you have for...
[ Philadelphia, October 20, 1788. On November 26 Hamilton wrote to Chaloner : “Hurry of business...
In my last hasty letter, I engaged to write you soon after my arrival in this town. Various...
Your favr. of 6th. Ulto. was duly Received. I thought proper to postpone Replying to it (till...
The Count de Moustier affording a very favourable conveyance for Captn. Cochrans Watch, I have...
Your last letter but one met me at Albany attending Court; from whence I am but just returned....
The Agents of the State of New York } for managing the controversy with the Commonwealth of...
[ New York, November 18, 1788. On November 18, 1788, Hamilton wrote to George Washington : “I...
Mr. Hamilton requests the favour of Mr W Livingston to lend his name to the enclosed. AL ,...
Your two last letters have duly come to hand & the Count De Moustier has delivered me the watch...
[ New York, November 20, 1788. On the letter from Hamilton of November 18, 1788 , Livingston made...
[ Philadelphia, November 20, 1788. On November 23, 1788, Hamilton wrote to Madison : “I thank you...
New York, November 22, 1788. Appoints John Chaloner “of the City of Philadelphia merchant to be...