Results 27661-27690 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Elwyn & this thanks for the pamphlet he has been so...
Your favor Sir, of the 14 th has been duly recieved, and with it the book you were so kind as to...
By the Letter You were so obliging as to bring me from Congress Yeste⟨r⟩day, I find they have...
Your letter of the 3d Inst, came duly to hand. The price of the Clover seed is such as will...
Your letter of the 19th Instt came duly to hand; and as the time of payment for the Seed, which...
I hope and expect you have received payment for the Clover and Timothy seeds which you forwarded...
Colo. Henry Lee (who called upon me as he returned home from New York) informed me that you dealt...
I wrote to you on the 28th of January, according to the terms upon which you proposed to procure...
Copy: Library of Congress If you send for me to the Care of Mr. Grand Banquier àt Paris, the...
15 June 1805, Department of State. “I have received your letter of the 4th. inst. [not found]...
Copy: American Philosophical Society I received your favour of the 11th. inst: and have the...
Mr. Appleton of Leghorn informs me he has sent to your address a box closed, and another open,...
I recd your favr of the 20th November, respecting the damage done to your farm by the Army in the...
I have duly rec d and considered your letter proposing to erect a distinct building for the...
On mention being made to me. of the contribution of 5. D required from the Students of Chemistry...
It is time to think of the introduction of the school of Botany into our Institution. not that I...
By a letter from mr Madison I now learn that Thouin has been dead some time, that his successor...
The difficulties suggested in your favor of the 28 th ult. are those which must occur at the...
Your favor of Dec. 26. has been duly recieved, and I enter with anxiety into all your views and...
By virtue of the authority vested by law in the Rector and Visitors of the University of...
The board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, at their meeting of the 4 th instant,...
Separated by an immense Ocean from the more ancient Nations of the Earth, and little connected...
Separated by an immense Ocean from the more ancient Nations of the Earth, and little connected...
The Congress of the United States of America after the conclusion of that war which established...
The kindness of the motive which led to the request of your letter of the 14 th inst. and which...
On a critical re-examination to which I was just led, of the appearances on which my letter of...
I have deeply regretted my total incapacity to comply with your flattering request in your two...
Though the request your letter makes be a little singular, a compliance with it seems due to the...
Your letter of Sepr. 5. was received several weeks ago; but particular engagements have prevented...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 12th. instant. I had not forgotten my promise, and had made...