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Results 27651-27700 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have duly recd your favour of the 7th. I now send you a dozen Copies of two Essays on a subject of deep importance to the welfare of the southern states, of which I have printed 1000 for gratuitous distribution. I shall have far more disciples on this subject, to the south than on the Tariff, although I am fully persuaded my doctrines on the latter subject are fully as correct as on the...
By this mail, I send you two copies each of No. 2 & 3 of Hamilton, new series. No. 1 was forwarded some time since. For the sake of your country and your reputation, I beseech you reflect deeply on this subject—& I hope you will see there is but one course can save our country—that is, adopting the policy which has wrought wonders for Great Britain, France & every country which has followed...
With this letter you will receive a copy of a new work intended for Schools , which, if your avocations permit, I request you will be so kind to examine. I have compiled it with a view to familiarize to the minds of youth, the grand truths of morals and politics, the latter of which particularly has never had sufficient attention paid to it in School Books. Unless I deceive myself egregiously,...
M r Daniel Drew , who will probably deliver you this, has applied to me for a letter of introduction, as a candidate for a situation, which, I understand, is at your disposal. He has taught in my family for some months, & has conducted himself with the most perfect propriety. His deportment & manners are wholly unexceptionable. In a word, my impressions of him are highly favourable. You will,...
25 April 1804, Philadelphia. “I have made a contract with Tench Coxe, Esqr. for the delivery of four hundred copies of the Laws U. S. at 7 86/100 Dollars per sett, bound. I shall on Wednesday next deliver 250 copies, & the remainder with as little delay as possible. Having for three weeks to come, a number of very heavy engagements to answer, I shall regard it as a very particular favour, if...
Tho s Jefferson Esq r    Bo t of Mathew Carey  To Vandale Super Arest $2 Bonnycastle ’s Algebra  .50 Potter s Mathematics 1 .25
I have rec d Your favour of the 27 th ult. & thank you sincerely for Your polite attention to my request . If M r Milligan has the Parliamentary Manual in the press, I shall not interfere with him. I am, respectfully, RC ( MHi ); at head of text: “Thomas Jefferson, Esq r
The enclosed art is, I find, in the Appendix to the Naval History. I therefore return it, & am, / respectfully, / Your obt. hble Servt MHi : Adams Papers.
Your favours of the 3d. 5th. 7th. & 8th are before me, & call for a renewal of my acknowledgments for the warm interest your public spirit has led you to take in the Success of the Naval History. I enclose two papers, which you wished to be returned. I am unacquainted with the Situation or native Country, or any other of the circumstances of Mr Prince. He called at my Store & made me the offer...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Un Particulier, habitant de l’amerique Septentrionale, m’a demandé un assortiment de divers marchandises Tant en draperie qu’en Soyerie propres pour ce pays; cette fourniture monte à Quarante Trois Mille Livres Tournois. Ce Particulier retourne a la nouvelle angleterre et consent a me donner Touttes les Suretés que Je peux desirer Pour mon remboursement....
The important subject of Lousiana which has engaged your attention for sometime past, and the succes with which it has been crowned gives me hope that the enclosed prospectus relative to the Voyage of General Collot through that Country will appear to you worthy of some examen. My Partner in France has been induced by Mr Livingston and all the Americans in Paris to purchase the copy-right of...
However convinced of your Excellency’s disposition, yet it gave me much Satisfaction to be confirmed therein by your Letter of the 22d of June, wherein you say, that it woud make you happy if any Measures can be adopted for humanizing, as much as possible, the Calamities attendant on a State of War. But you are also pleased to say, Resort must be had to the Civil Power, the Laws complained of...
I am to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 10th of June, with two Enclosures, containing the Report of Chief Justice Brearly, concerning the Capture and detention of Hetfield & Bagely in New Jersey, and Extracts of Letters from your Excellency to Lieutenant General Robertson, and from Governor Livingston to you. Before I received your Letter I had written to Governor Livingston,...
It is with great satisfaction that I receive notice, by your letter of the 21st instant, of arrangements being taken for the immediate release of the prisoners, and I am to acknowledge with thanks the different options you have been pleased to give me as to the more convenient execution of this measure; but considering the quantity of tonnage necessary for the evacuation of this place, and...
I transmit to Your Excellency a Copy of the Minutes of the Court Martial, appointed for the Trial of Captain Richard Lippencot, accused of the Murder of Mr Joshua Huddy, together with such other Documents as may serve to manifest the whole Course of the Proceedings here, both before and subsequent to Your Requisition thereon. From these Documents Your Excellency will clearly perceive, that...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s letter of the 27th November, with the passport for the Ship Amazon inclosed. When the duties of Captain Armstrong, and the Gentlemen who attend him, are fulfilled, I request your Excellency will be pleased to furnish them and their attendants with the necessary passports for their return by land. The master of the Ship which will convey the necessary...
I have received from General Haldimand a paper of so interesting a nature as to require the communication of it’s contents to your Excellency, a copy of which, with an extract of the letter that accompanied it, I therefore enclose. To your Excellency’s consideration these papers must be referred, but I cannot help wishing and expecting, that such measures will be adopted as may put a stop to...
I have written to General Haldimand, acquainting him that the preliminaries of a general peace have been Signed and ratified, and have given my dispatches into the care of Captn Richard P: Tonge and Mr Wm Robertson of the naval department in Canada, with directions to proceed over land to Canada without any delay; but to this end it may be necessary they shou’d be furnished with passports from...
His Majesty’s Troops will retire from King’s Bridge and McGowan’s Pass on this Island on the 21st instant, as notified to your Excellency in my letter of the 12th, and I shall resign the possession of Herricks & Hampstead, with all to the eastward on Long Island, the same day. Paulus Hook will be relinquished on the day following; but, though every exertion has been made with a view to...
Lieut. Genl Campbell & Mr Elliot will meet your Commissioners Majors General Heath and Knox on the 18th of this month at Tappan, being the time and place proposed in your letter of the 8th instant, for the purpose of settling a Cartel for a general exchange of Prisoners, they will be attended by two Aids de Camp, a Clerk, and our two Commissaries, of naval and land Prisoners. I must here...
I take this opportunity of informing your Excellency that I have ordered several Transports which sailed with Refugees for Nova Scotia, to proceed immediately after performing that service to Penobscot to remove from thence the Kings Troops and Stores. I have directed the Officer commanding that Post of conform strictly to the Articles of the Provisional Treaty, and to notify to the Officer...
In immediate Reply to your Excellency’s Letter of the 30th, I am to acquaint you that my sole purpose in desiring Passports for Mr Chief Justice Frederic Smyth, was that he might, at the same Time that he should deliver the Minutes of the Court Martial to your Excellency, enter into such Explanations, as a professional Man, if need were, as might give your Excellency the fullest Satisfaction,...
I can have no objection to the giving of your Excellency, in writing, full information of the measures taken for the evacuation of this place, nor should I have had any to the noting of the whole of our conversation and preserving it in minutes: mistakes or misconstruction might thereby be prevented. Very soon after the orders for a cessation of hostilities were received here, letters were...
I am to desire your Excellency’s Passport for Chief Justice Frederick Smith Esqr. and his Servant or Servants to attend your Excellency with the Minutes of the Court Martial on the Trial of Richard Lippencot for the Murder of Joshua Huddy, together with such other Documents relative to the matter as I may find proper to transmit therewith, and who will be enabled to offer such further...
Agreeable to the notification given You in my Letter of the 22d instant, I purpose to withdraw from this place tomorrow at Noon, by which time I conclude your troops will be near the Barrier. The Guards from the Redoubts & on the East River shall be first withdrawn, but an Officer will be sent out to give information to your advance Guard when the Troops move. A Packet from England is this...
I am much at a loss how to answer the declarations of Congress communicated to me by your Excellency’s letter of the 2d instant, nor do I fully comprehend their import. I understand that the practice has been for Nations at war to provide, at the conclusion of a peace, for the liquidation of all demands made reciprocally for the maintenance of prisoners, at which time the whole has either been...
Having been appointed by His Majesty to the Command of the Forces on the Atlantic Ocean and joined with Admiral Digby in the Commission of Peace, I find it proper in this Manner to apprize your Excellency of my Arrival at New York. The occasion, Sir, seems to render this Communication proper, but the circumstances of the present Time render it also indispensible, as I find it just to transmit...
The Officer who will have the honor of placing this letter in your hands has my orders to proceed to Canada, with letters from me to Genl Haldimand, and I am to desire your Excellency will be pleased to grant him a passport for that purpose. I am Sir Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servant DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have received Your Excellency’s letter of the 20th November and transmit herewith the Report of the Deputy Judge Advocate here, in consequence of the orders I had given him to make further Inquisition concerning the unfortunate death of Huddy, and to collect evidence for the prosecution of such other persons as should appear to have been criminal in that Transaction. But such, Sir, has been...
I inclose the copy of a letter I Received from Governor Livingston dated the 10th of August. Your Excellency from thence will perceive that no regard will be paid to the laws of war within that Province, and that his letter is of such a nature as puts an end to that correspondence: I am the more surprised to find these sanguinary measures pursued with such eagerness in Jersey, as we have on...
I have received your Excellency’s letter of the 6th instant. Was it in my power I would readily give you the particular information which you request. The period of our embarkation will be delayed no longer, than the return & necessary refitting, of such Vessels as have sailed from this place on Services preparatory to that event; these are now daily expected, and I have reason to hope our...
Yesterday evening I received Your Excellency’s Letter of the 21st inst. proposing that proper passports be granted for the return of a number of unfortunate inhabitants of So. Carolina, mostly Women & Children, who have been removed from their Province by British Officers, and that the expences of their transportation be defrayed by the King. In answer, I have the honour to inform You, Sir,...
I am to desire Your Excellency’s Passport for Mr Landeg, of the General Hospital at New York, to pass to Lancaster in Pennsylvania, with Medicines, according to the enclosed Invoice, for the Use of the Prisoners at York and Lancaster; and that he be allowed to remain and distribute those Medicines as Occasion may require. I am, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble Servant DLC : Papers of...
By the Halifax Packet we have received a dispatch from Mr Townshend, one of His Majesty’s principal Secretaries of State, dated the 31st of December 1782, enclosing a treaty signed at Paris on the 30th of November, which we are directed to transmit to Congress. Having been thrown, Sir, into the course of making all communications to Congress through your Excellency, we know not how, with more...
The Substance of the Conference between General Washington and Sir Guy Carleton at an Interview at Orange Town May 6th 1783 General Washington opened the Conference by observing that he heretofore had transmitted to Sir Guy Carleton the Resolutions of Congress of the 15th Ulto, that he conceived a personal Conference would be the most speedy and satisfactory Mode of discussing and settling the...
If wind and weather permit, I hope we shall be able to embark the Remainder of His Majesty’s Troops from Long Island and Staten Island, and take our final departure, on the 4th Instant. I am, Sir, Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servant, DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have received your Excellency’s letter of the 2d instant, together with the resolution of Congress of the 26th May, enclosed therein. I cannot, Sir, but be well satisfied, that Congress has transmitted the case, concerning certain negroes for whose protection the publick faith had been pledged, (but which is considered by Congress as contrary to the true intent and meaning of the provisional...
I have this morning received your Excellency’s letter of the 6th with it’s inclosure, and have not lost a moments time in procuring the passport, which I inclose. It is with pleasure Sir, that I accept any occasion which my duty will allow of manifesting my attention towards your Excellency and the respect with which I am your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servant. DLC : Papers of...
I am to acknowledge the receipt of two letters from your Excellency—dated the 16th and 18th of August, the one received yesterday morning and the other last night at 8 OClock; The former inclosing a Pass for Mr Landeg and the latter certain resolutions of Congress which I have communicated to Rear Admiral Digby. To the proposition of "appointing commissioners to settle forthwith a general...
The preparations for withdrawing His Majesty’s Troops from this place are so far advanced, that, unless some untoward accident should intervene, I hope it may be accomplished some days before the end of the present month; in all events, I propose to relinquish the Posts at Kings Bridge, and as far as McGowan’s pass inclusive on this Island, on the 21st Instant; to resign the possession of...
A Packet from England arrived in this Port last night, by which I have dispatches from Mr Townshend, one of His Majesty’s principal Secretaries of State, communicating official intelligence, that preliminary articles of peace with France, and Spain were signed at Paris on the 20th January last, and that the ratifications have been since exchanged at the same place. The King Sir, has been...
It being requisite that the British and German Troops, prisoners in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, should be furnished with necessaries to guard them against the Severity of the approaching Season, I request, Sir, You will be pleased to send me proper passports for the purpose, and as the situation of the Soldiers demands immediate relief, I am confident You will not hesitate to furnish...
The pacific disposition of the Parliament and People of England towards the thirteen Provinces, had already been communicated to you, and the Resolutions, of the House of Commons of the 27th of February last, have been placed in your Excellency’s Hands, and Intimations given, at the same Time, that further pacific Measures were likely to follow. Since which, until the present Time, we have had...
The bearer Mr John Loveday, having been recommended to the Board, as a person well qualified to fill the Office of Steward to your Excellency, they have appointed him thereto, and have every reason to hope from the Character he sustains, that his diligence and attention in the exercise of that Office, will on all occasions meet with your Excellency’s approbation. I have the Honor to be with...
The board do themselves the honor to transmit your Excellency, copy of a Letter of the 24th Instant from Mr Udny Hay on the propriety of exchanging a quantity of Salt on the North River for Shad, and to request (should it appear expedient) that your Excellency will be pleased to take such order in the matter, as may be most conducive to the Interest of the United States. I have the Honor to be...
I am directed to enclose for your Excellencys consideration the within papers from the British prisoners of War under confinement in this City. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Your Excellencys most Obed Hbl. Servt DLC : Papers of George Washington. The Humble Petetion of they British Prisoners at Philladelphia To Your Excellency Most humbly sheweth, & sets forth, our unhappy...
16 May 1804, Office of Discount and Deposit, Washington. “The Letter which you did me the honor to write me on the 24th. Ultimo respecting certain funds in the hands of Mr. George W: Erving in London, having with your concurrence been referred to the Bank of the United States; the Board have been favored in course with an answer from that Party, empowering them to take immediate order for...
War Office [ Annapolis ], 1 Feb. 1784 . Transmitting general estimate “of the expence of the Military Establishment of the United States for the current year amounting to 219.578 dollars.” This estimate was sent in response to orders “of the grand Committee, communicated in your Letter of the 31st. ultimo.” Staff estimates not accurate, but “the best that can be made out of the imperfect...
Having no late Returns from the Army under your Excellencys immediate command, and being called upon by the Superintendant of Finance to furnish an estimate of this months Subsistence: I am to request that your Excellency will be pleased to communicate to me any Arrangements which have been made, in pursuance of the Act of Congress of the 26th September last. I have the Honor to be with the...
This Board beg leave to enclose for your Excellency’s opinion thereon, a Letter of the 2d Instant from Captain Swan, respecting his rank in the Army. I have the Honor to be with the highest respect yr most obed. Hble Servt By order of the Board DLC : Papers of George Washington.