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Results 27651-27700 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
27651 Madison, James Account of a Conversation with David Bailie Warden, [26 … 1811-01-26 Conversation with the President observed respecting My appointement that he would be as open to...
27652 Madison, James Senate From James Madison to the Senate, 26 January 1811 … 1811-01-26 26 January 1811. “I transmit to the Senate a Report from the Secretary of the Treasury on the...
27653 Hazard, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Hazard, Jr., 26 January … 1811-01-26 26 January 1811, Boston. Informs JM that his son Samuel is now in Russia where he intends to...
27654 Cadena, Mariano Velazquez de la Madison, James To James Madison from Mariano Velazquez de la Cadena … 1811-01-26 26 January 1811, New York. Encloses a copy of his Elements of the English Language , written...
27655 Jefferson, Thomas Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude Thomas Jefferson to Destutt de Tracy, 26 January 1811 1811-01-26 The length of time your favor of June 12. 09 was on it’s way to me, and my absence from home the...
27656 Jefferson, Thomas Duane, William Thomas Jefferson to William Duane, 26 January 1811 1811-01-26 Th: Jefferson returns to Col o Duane the two packages which he supposes to be the last. he has...
27657 Warden, David Bailie Jefferson, Thomas David Bailie Warden to Thomas Jefferson, 26 January … 1811-01-26 I beg leave to inform you that I have written to my friend Doctor Stephenson to send you, as soon...
27658 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 25 January 1811 1811-01-25 The Hague, Sept. 6, 1782—Wrote to Mr. Secretary Livingston, “In your letter of the 5th of March,...
27659 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 25 January 1811 1811-01-25 Mr Erving, our Minister destined to Copenhagen, has already a Letter for you from me and others...
27660 Madison, James House of Representatives From James Madison to the House of Representatives, 25 … 1811-01-25 25 January 1811. Transmits a report of the superintendent of the city stating the expenditures...
27661 Jefferson, Thomas Alexander, Eli Thomas Jefferson to Eli Alexander, 25 January 1811 1811-01-25 Having some heavy sums to pay at our March & April courts I should be glad if in the disposal of...
27662 Jefferson, Thomas Brown, Benjamin Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Brown, 25 January 1811 1811-01-25 At the moment your son called on me with your note on behalf of the Fire ensurance company , I...
27663 Duane, William Jefferson, Thomas William Duane to Thomas Jefferson, 25 January 1811 1811-01-25 I have just received yours of the 18 th and the copy accompanying it —you will be good enough...
27664 Hay, George Jefferson, Thomas George Hay to Thomas Jefferson, 25 January 1811 1811-01-25 Inclosed are copies of the pleas, proposed to be filed , in your Case. They were prepared by me,...
27665 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 25 January 1811 1811-01-25 I am just on the wing to Bedford to which place my affairs call me suddenly. I have therefore...
27666 Porter, Peter B. Jefferson, Thomas Peter B. Porter to Thomas Jefferson, 25 January 1811 1811-01-25 The enclosed is a specimen of an inexhaustible bed of Gypsum, lately discovered in Camillus ,...
27667 Jefferson, Thomas Prichard, William Thomas Jefferson to William Prichard, 25 January 1811 1811-01-25 Your letter put me on enquiry here, and I found that the boatmen had omitted to take in the 2....
27668 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Eston Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Eston Randolph, 25 January … 1811-01-25 I ought perhaps sooner to have informed you that mr Crav. Peyton had assigned to me your note for...
27669 Sewall, David Adams, John To John Adams from David Sewall, 24 January 1811 1811-01-24 I have a desire of knowing, (in case it will not be too troublesome for you to make the...
27670 Gallatin, Albert Madison, James To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 24 January 1811 … 1811-01-24 24 January 1811, Treasury Department. On the subject of the Senate resolution of 21 Jan. 1811,...
27671 Maury, Fontaine Madison, James To James Madison from Fontaine Maury, 24 January 1811 … 1811-01-24 24 January 1811, Georgetown. Called on JM “this Morning” but found him engaged with Secretary of...
27672 Claiborne, William C. C. Jefferson, Thomas William C. C. Claiborne to Thomas Jefferson, 24 January … 1811-01-24 I have the pleasure to inform you, that the Laws of this Territory, is are enforced in every part...
27673 Jefferson, Thomas Coolidge, William Thomas Jefferson to William Coolidge, 24 January 1811 1811-01-24 Your letter of the 9 th has been duly recieved. I am able to give but little information on the...
27674 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, John Wayles Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 24 January 1811 1811-01-24 The Chronological appendix to the paper I sent you on the subject of Louisiana had been retained,...
27675 Adams, Abigail Smith Shaw, William Smith From Abigail Smith Adams to William Smith Shaw, 23 … 1811-01-23 I desired Louissa to call and See you, and to tell you that I would Send for you to Quincy if you...
27676 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 23 January 1811 1811-01-23 Understanding that Mr. James Bowdoin while residing in France, had transmitted to the President...
27677 Toulmin, Harry Madison, James To James Madison from Harry Toulmin, 23 January 1811 1811-01-23 As I have observed in the instructions from the Secretary of State to Govr. Claiborne, which have...
27678 Eustis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Eustis, 23 January 1811 … 1811-01-23 23 January 1811, War Department. Transmits a return of the army with a letter from the adjutant...
27679 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 22 January 1811 1811-01-22 The Hague, August 22, 1782—wrote tosSecretary Livingston—“Their high mightinesses have at length...
27680 Custis, Elizabeth Parke Madison, James To James Madison from Elizabeth Parke Custis, ca. 22 … 1811-01-22 Ca. 22 January 1811. Wishes to be “the humble instrument to serve my country; and you, Sir, by...
27681 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1811-01-21 The season was so far advanced, and several vessels had arrived from the North without Letters,...
27682 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Mary Smith Cranch to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1811-01-21 I feel asham’d My Dear Neice when I think how few Letters I have written to you since you left...
27683 Eppes, John Wayles Jefferson, Thomas John Wayles Eppes to Thomas Jefferson, 21 January 1811 1811-01-21 When I received your last letter the pamphlet the return of which you requested was in the hands...
27684 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 21 January 1811 1811-01-21 I have duly received your favor of the 16 th inclosing Jonathan Shoemaker & Son’s dft on W m...
27685 Jefferson, Thomas Lynch, John Thomas Jefferson to John Lynch, 21 January 1811 1811-01-21 You have asked my opinion on the proposition of mrs Mifflin to take measures for procuring on the...
27686 Michaux, Francois André Jefferson, Thomas François André Michaux to Thomas Jefferson, 21 January … 1811-01-21 Je profite avec bien de la reconnaissance de la permission qui m’est donnée par M r Russel ,...
27687 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 21 January 1811 1811-01-21 I have the pleasure to return you your correspondence with the directors of the Rivanna company...
27688 Wilkinson, James Jefferson, Thomas James Wilkinson to Thomas Jefferson, 21 January 1811 1811-01-21 It is a long time since I have been inclined to write to you, but the pressure of my...
27689 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 20 … 1811-01-20 As I had made up my mind to Submit to the unpleasent circumstances attendent upon distance, and...
27690 Lincoln, Levi Madison, James To James Madison from Levi Lincoln, 20 January 1811 1811-01-20 I feel myself much honored by your favor & the Commission accompanying it, appointing me a...
27691 Palmer, Aaron H. Madison, James To James Madison from Aaron H. Palmer, 20 January 1811 … 1811-01-20 20 January 1811, New York. Is contemplating a visit to Spain in the spring “in the event of the...
27692 Jefferson, Thomas Hollins, John Thomas Jefferson to John Hollins, 20 January 1811 1811-01-20 I had delayed asking the favor of you to procure my stock of plaister expecting I should be able...
27693 Jefferson, Thomas Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 20 January 1811 1811-01-20 I have to acknolege, my dear friend, the reciept of many of your letters , within the last...
27694 Jefferson, Thomas Rodney, Caesar A. Thomas Jefferson to Caesar A. Rodney, 20 January 1811 1811-01-20 While oppressed with the whole mass of the case of the Batture I passed over some topics too...
27695 Jefferson, Thomas Turpin, Horatio Thomas Jefferson to Horatio Turpin, 20 January 1811 1811-01-20 Your letter of Dec. 8. arrived here just as I had set out on a journey to Bedford which...
27696 Erving, George Adams, John To John Adams from George Erving, 19 January 1811 1811-01-19 I have this moment of my arrival here had the honor to receive your letter of the 16th instt,...
27697 Adams, Abigail Smith Johnson, Catherine Nuth From Abigail Smith Adams to Catherine Nuth Johnson, 19 … 1811-01-19 If the Sympathizing Tear’s of Friendship could assuage the agonizeing Bosom of my Friend; freely...
27698 Munroe, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Munroe, 19 January 1811 … 1811-01-19 19 January 1811, Superintendent’s Office, Washington. Gives an account of the moneys expended...
27699 Munroe, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Munroe, 19 January 1811 … 1811-01-19 19 January 1811, Superintendent’s Office, Washington. Transmits an account of the moneys expended...
27700 Warden, David Bailie Jefferson, Thomas David Bailie Warden to Thomas Jefferson, 19 January … 1811-01-19 I beg leave to inform you, that I have received your letter, of the 11th of Jan. , which gives me...