James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Benjamin Henry Latrobe and George Murray, 27 January 1811

From Benjamin Henry Latrobe and George Murray

Washington, January 27th. 1811


The Society of Artists of the United States established at Philadelphia,1 have committed the immediate management of the institution to a President, & four Vice-presidents. But for that Patronage which shall give to it, in its very infancy, the character of public usefulness, and secure to it public encouragement, the Society look up to You: to You, who while your life has been devoted to the great and permanent interests of Your country, have exhibited in all your labors the polish & refinement of a highly cultivated taste. In the name & on behalf of the Society we therefore solicit you to accept of the highest distinction of the institution, by becoming the Patron of an establishment, the object of which is, to give to native Genius those means of attaining excellence in the Arts, for which we have hitherto been indebted to foreign instruction.

B. Henry Latrobe } Vice presidents
Geo. Murray

RC (DLC); draft (MdHi: Latrobe Letterbooks). RC docketed by JM. Draft dated 26 Jan. 1811. Minor variations between the RC and draft have not been noted.

1For a discussion of the origins and history of the Society of Artists of the United States, established in May 1810, see “Latrobe and the Society of Artists of the United States” in Van Horne, Papers of Latrobe description begins John C. Van Horne and Lee W. Formwalt, eds., The Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Henry Latrobe (3 vols.; New Haven, 1984–88). description ends , 3:65–67.

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