Alexander Hamilton Papers

New York Ratifying Convention. Second Speech of July 15, [15 July 1788]

New York Ratifying Convention. Second Speech of July 15

[Poughkeepsie, New York, July 15, 1788]

Ham[ilton]—hopes the quest[io]n will not be pressed1—as the Amend[ment]s expressly contemplate a condition—hopes time will be taken to consider of the New propositions—and not pass the revision by hastily taking this quest[io]n—which must be binding finally—

Gilbert Livingston MS Notes, MS Division, New York Public Library.

1As in his first remarks on this date, H is referring to a vote on an amendment offered by Melancton Smith which proposed a conditional ratification of the Constitution. See “New York Ratifying Convention. Amendments to the Constitution,” July 15, 1788, and “First Speech of July 15.” Smith’s proposal is printed in “New York Ratifying Convention. Remarks,” July 14, 1788, Gilbert Livingston’s Version, note 3.

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