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Results 2761-2790 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2761 Washington, George Blair, John From George Washington to John Blair, 30 January 1758 1758-01-30 Hearing of the Governors’ departure for England; I think it a duty incumbent on me to inform your...
2762 Baylis, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Baylis, 30 January 1758 1758-01-30 I send you here Inclosed an Advertisement such as contains fewer Lines then the other you saw &...
2763 Washington, George Blair, John From George Washington to John Blair, 31 January 1758 1758-01-31 To Mr President Blair [Fredericksburg, 31 January 1758 ] Honble Sir, I wrote to your Honor...
2764 Washington, George Gist, Christopher From George Washington to Christopher Gist, 31 January … 1758-01-31 Letter not found: to Christopher Gist, 31 Jan. 1758. On 3 Feb. 1758 Gist wrote to GW : “yours of...
2765 Adams, John Adams’ Address and Minutes of the Argument: Supreme … 1758-02-01 Samuel Clap Testator, left a Grandson Michael Clap, Son of the Eldest Son of the Testator, whose...
2766 Penn, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas and Richard Penn, 2 … 1758-02-02 Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Our Letter to you of the 28th. of January was...
2767 Gist, Christopher Washington, George To George Washington from Christopher Gist, 3 February … 1758-02-03 yours of the 31st Ultimo I recd this day, am very much Oblig’d to you for the Acct of the Indians...
2768 Blair, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Blair, 5 February 1758 1758-02-05 Your two Letters of 30th & 31st Ult. were brought to me by yor Express, on Friday afternoon; by...
2769 Hall, David Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from David Hall, 6 February 1758 1758-02-06 Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My two last to you by the Speedwell Captain...
2770 Nicholas, Robert Carter Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Carter Nicholas, 6 … 1758-02-06 I have heard of Letters from the dead, but never had the Pleasure of receiving one, ’till your...
2771 Penn, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas and Richard Penn, 9 … 1758-02-09 Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania We acknowledge that your proposal, which we...
2772 Chew, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Chew, 11 February 1758 1758-02-11 I wrote you by the last Post to which must now Cheifly Refer you, this being just to beg your...
2773 Washington, George Fairfax, Sarah Cary From George Washington to Sarah Cary Fairfax, 13 … 1758-02-13 The Inclosd came to my hands this moment—Colo. Carlyle desird after I had perusd the Papers, that...
2774 Hall, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hall, 14 February 1758 1758-02-14 I have yr acceptable favr from Mt Vernon—& I sincerely rejoyce at yr beginning to master the...
2775 Franklin, Benjamin Galloway, Joseph From Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Galloway, 17 February … 1758-02-17 ALS : Yale University Library I received your Favour of December 5th. by Mr. Hunt; but the Papers...
2776 Franklin, Benjamin Waring, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Waring, 17 February 1758 1758-02-17 ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg Pardon for not answering sooner your Favour of the...
2777 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Deborah From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 19 February … 1758-02-19 AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society I have wrote you several long Letters lately; the...
2778 Hall, David Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from David Hall, 20 February 1758 1758-02-20 Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My Letter to you of the Sixth Instant, by the...
2779 Washington, George Blair, John From George Washington to John Blair, 20 February 1758 1758-02-20 To The President Honble Sir, Mount-Vernon, the 20th February, 1758. I set out for Williamsburgh...
2780 Thompson, Nathaniel Washington, George To George Washington from Nathaniel Thompson, 20 … 1758-02-20 I am very sorry that the Lies of Majr Baylis should give much Uneasyness to You or make You look...
2781 Norris, Isaac Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Isaac Norris, 21 February … 1758-02-21 Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Our old Inviterate Scribler has at length...
2782 Franklin, Benjamin Hall, David From Benjamin Franklin to David Hall, 22 February 1758 1758-02-22 ALS : Salem County [New Jersey] Historical Society I have wrote you a long Letter by this Vessel,...
2783 Smith, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Smith, 23 February … 1758-02-23 I have had the Happiness, of Seeing the Letter you wrote, To Doctor Craig, and am Sorry to hear...
2784 Robinson, Beverley Washington, George To George Washington from Beverley Robinson, 1 March … 1758-03-01 Inclosed is a Letter from my friend Joseph Chew of New London which he Desires me to forward to...
2785 Smith, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Smith, 2 March 1758 1758-03-02 I am just returned from my Exile & have but a Short time to write to you (being desirous to see...
2786 Washington, George Fairfax, Sarah Cary From George Washington to Sarah Cary Fairfax, 4 March … 1758-03-04 Letters which I have just receivd from the President, and others from Winchester render it...
2787 Washington, George Stanwix, John From George Washington to John Stanwix, 4 March 1758 1758-03-04 Your favours of the 13th Jany and 24th Ulto with part of a Letter from Lord Loudoun was this day...
2788 Blair, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Blair, 8 March 1758 … 1758-03-08 Letter not found: from John Blair, 8 Mar. 1758. On 10 Mar. 1758 Blair wrote to GW : “I send you...
2789 Franklin, Benjamin Additional Instructions to the Deputy Postmasters of … 1758-03-10 Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , April 20, 1758. Whereas the News-papers of the several...
2790 Blair, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Blair, 10 March 1758 1758-03-10 The Bearer James Holloway is a Soldier in your Regiment sent from York County & under Capt. Lewis...