George Washington Papers

From George Washington to [John Fitzgerald], 21 May 1798

To [John Fitzgerald]

Washington 21 May 1798


The enclosed, I would thank you for forwarding to the Postmaster in Alexandria. It is to request him to return any letters which he may receive to my address at his office, between this and friday next, to your office: and I pray you Sir, if any should come there otherwise tha[n] in the Alexandria—that is—seperate therefrom for me, that you would be so good as to detain them until they are sent for1 by Sir Your Very Hble Sert

Go: Washington

Typescript from ALS, PVfHi.

1This letter from GW regarding the disposition of his mail while he was visiting in Washington (see GW to Bryan Fairfax, 15 May, n.3) was probably addressed to John Fitzgerald, the port collector, to whom at this time GW usually turned to handle matters of this sort in Alexandria. The letter to the postmaster, James M. McRea, has not been found.

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