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Results 27601-27630 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Power of Restraint dangerous—we may have a War of defence—therefore dangerous. The reasoning...
I suppose It intends that a Vessel bound from one State to another— If she puts into any port in...
Mr. Hamilton—The word Impair an english word and means to weaken or Injure . This gives no Light,...
I felicitate you sincerely on the event in Virginia; but my satisfaction will be allayed, if I...
Capt Roche who was employed by me in consequence of your directions to forward the news of New...
Resolved, as the opinion of the Committee that the Constitution under consideration ought to be...
A. I. A republic a word used in various senses. Has been applied to aristocracies and monarchies....
On Saturday morning, Mr. Jay opened the business by representing the unfairness of the...
I rise with Reluctance It has been industriously circulated that I am a Man of such Talents as to...
Mr. Hamilton—Rises with reluctance. 1. because he wishes to conciliate. 2. That he is plausiable—...
Your character as a federalist, has induced me, altho’ personally unknown to you, to address you...
[ Tinmouth, Vermont, July 14, 1788. On this date Nathaniel Chipman wrote Hamilton that Kelly...
Ham[ilton] wishes the questin may not be put as it will now be a decision of the comparitive view...
Mr. Hamilton.   1st. our powers—agreed yt. the Constitution, was advisory—suppose the...
Ham[ilton]—They were ready to go as far as they thought safe, in recommendatory & explanatory...
Amendments to the Constitution to be recommended I That there shall be one representative for...
Ham[ilton]—hopes the quest[io]n will not be pressed —as the Amend[ment]s expressly contemplate a...
Ham[ilton]—extremely sorry Lan[sing] cannot see the matter as he does —has this consolation, that...
Ham[ilton] Scarce any new reasons to be offered; they are short—& must have their force it may do...
I 1 not permitted to be out of union 2 Self preservation—West Point 3 Interest to consolidate II...
Ham[ilton]—gave reasons why we would be out of the Union— Amend[ment]s have been proposed—with a...
[ Poughkeepsie, New York, July 18, 1788. On July 19, 1788, Hamilton wrote to James Madison:...
I thank you My Dear Sir for yours by the post. Yesterday I communicated to Duer our situation...
Ham[ilton]—the spirit of the 2d clause he agrees with —& will agree in—the jury of the vicinage...
Ham[ilton]—this article he thinks includes more than gent intend—in the Admiralty—& Chancery...
Ham[ilton]—opposed to the leading idea of this clause —it tends to render the Militia of no...
Ham[ilton]—is willing those who are now scrupulous may be exempted— but does not wish to...
Ham[ilton]—an explanatory clause ought to explain, not to affix a new Idea— the dividing the...
Ham[ilton]—combats the propriety of the word “ expresly ” congress one to regulate trade—now they...
Ham[ilton]—would not object to the Idea—recommends this amend[men]t— Gilbert Livingston MS Notes,...