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Results 27601-27630 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
You are desired to proceed by the first stage to the Federal territory on the Potomac, for the...
Th: Jefferson having referred mr Ellicott’s letter to the Secretary of the Treasury (mr Dexter)...
I inclose a letter for Dr. Stewart, open to you, because I think, besides taking care that he...
Your favor of Novr. 8. was duly received. I must trust to your own friendly inferences, for an...
I have read your letter of the 14th., and shall consider any aid, in facilitating your...
I recieved a little before I left home your favor of Oct. 17. as I had in due time the preceding...
I recd. some days ago your favor of the 2d. inclosing a letter to Genl. Armstrong, which will be...
I recieved, through mr Duane, from you, some copying ink, which I find on trial to be very good....
ALS : The London Hospital Since the Receipt of your Letter of Jany. 8th. 1763. I have been twice...
ALS : Yale University Library In coming thro’ New York to this Place, I made a second Enquiry...
ALS : The London Hospital I yesterday receiv’d your Favour of Jany. 8. and as it would be a...
I avail myself of the partial acquaintance between us to which a former occasion gave birth to...
I have just recieved your favor of the 5th. instant. I have for some time been anxious to find...
Upon the receipt of your Letter respecting Mrs Jauncey I did myself the pleasure of waiting upon...
[ Philadelphia, October 6, 1791. “The Collector of Baltimore is authorized to advance to you...
I received three days ago your favor of January 18. and am sorry to find by it that your driver...
I recd in due time your letter of Aug. 19. On what relates to my manuscript papers, I could only...
I have recd. yours of the 21st. The proceedings of the State Conventions—on the Constitution of...
I have recd your letter of June 29. The two vols. it refers to preceded it some days. Being...
I have recd. your letter of the 12th. in which you observe that you are committing to the press...
I have just recd. Sir your letter of the 11th inst. The proceedings of the Convention of 1787. as...
I have just reccd. your letter of the 12th. inst: and with it a copy of the first Vol: of the...
As I have lost Children and Grand Children, in infancy and a Son and daughter grown up and...
The establishment of a Line of riders between Genl. Gregory’s Camp and Suffolk is very necessary....
You will be pleased to return the Studd Horses and Mairs Kept for breeding of those which have...
The Board wish to have all the Horses impressed for the Portsmouth Service valued by the same set...
You are directed to furnish, to such Officers of the 1st. Regt. as may shall apply for them,...
Amt With Note 3020 1 1/2 Yd Gause 150 3170 30 galls. Ram Charge but not recd 1000 2170 Lb. Tobo...
Captain Bishop has arrived at Bristol with his company on the way to Winter Quarters, and I have...
I have heretofore written you several letters sometimes addressed to you by name and sometimes by...