James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Mathew Carey, 17 November 1827

From Mathew Carey

Philada Nov 17. 1827

Dear sir

I send you by this Mail, and request Your acceptance & (if leisure permit) your perusal of some of my lucubrations, on a subject which has occupied three fourths of my thoughts & time, for nearly nine years—i.e. the best means of promoting “the wealth, power & resources” of the nation & the happiness & prosperity of its Citizens.1 In these labours I had no personal interest to serve, as I never suffered, while I was in trade, injury by importation to the Amt. of 100 Dollars: and were the case otherwise, having retired from business nearly four years since, no such motive as personal interest could actuate me now. With the most sincere wishes for your health & welfare, I remain, respectfully your obt. hble. servt.

Mathew Carey

RC (ViU: Special Collections, Madison Papers). Postmarked at Philadelphia, 20 Nov.

1Carey may have sent a copy of his Essays on Political Economy, or The Most Certain Means of Promoting the Wealth, Power, Resources, and Happiness of Nations […] (Philadelphia, 1822; Shoemaker description begins Richard H. Shoemaker, comp., A Checklist of American Imprints for 1820–1829 (11 vols.; New York, 1964–72). description ends 8269).

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