Dumas to the American Commissioners, 17 February 1778
Dumas to the American Commissioners
Letterbook summary: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague
La haie 17e Fevrier 1778
Envoyé les nouv[elles] de Hambourg du 10e, le Mercure de Janvier et l’article de Nantes 6e fevrier dans la gazette de Leide Suppl[ément] No. 14 &c.4
Paris à l’h. Com. pl. des E. U. de l’A. S.
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
4. The news from Hamburg was doubtless another report from his correspondent in Berlin; the one in his letter of Feb. 10 came via Hamburg. The issue of the Mercure is impossible to trace. The news from Nantes (Gaz. de Leyde, Feb. 17) was about the universal mourning there for the death of Thomas Morris.