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Results 27541-27570 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
[ Philadelphia, March 12, 1792 . On March 26, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “On the 24th of this month I received your letter of the 12th.” Letter not found .]
[ Philadelphia, August 2, 1792. On August 20, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your letter of the 2nd of this month.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, February 7, 1794. On March 3, 1794, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your letter of the 7th of Feby. last.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, December 28, 1793. On January 14, 1794, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I am much obliged by … your letter of the 28th of the last month.” Letter not found. ]
Treasury Department, September 27, 1790. “I learn by your letter of the 14th Instant that you have continued William Martin as keeper of the Light House.… He will be notified to the President for a regular appointment.… The collection of Light Money by the State being a contribution of your Trade to an object the expence of which the United States defray, ought to be discontinued.… A cession...
[ Philadelphia, May 30, 1791. On June 13, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your letters of the 26th. and the 30th. of May last.” Letter of May 30 not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, November 10, 1791. On November 21, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “On the 19th. instant I recd. your letter of the 10th.” Letter not found. ] This was presumably the same as H to Jeremiah Olney, November 10, 1791 .
[ Philadelphia, December 28, 1790. On January 17, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “On my return from the Eastward … I found that four letters had been received from you.… The letter of the 28th. of Dece. requires no answer.” Letter not found. ] Printed in this volume.
[ Philadelphia, June 28, 1792. On July 10, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have recd. your letters of the 7th 22nd. and 28th of the last month.” Letter of June 28 not found. ]
The law has not provided for the payment of drawbacks, except the prescribed proofs of landing in some place, without the United States, be adduced. Goods exported for drawback cannot be landed again in the United States, without again paying the impost, under the existing laws, though it ⟨is no⟩t improbable the legislature will provide a remedy in some future act for this inconvenience to...
[ Philadelphia, December 12, 1791. On December 26, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton referring to “your last letter dated Decr. 12th.” Letter not found. ] Ellery was collector of customs at Newport, Rhode Island.
[ Philadelphia, June 28, 1793. On July 15, 1793, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “By the last post I recd. your letters of the … 28th and 29th of the last month.” Letter of June 28 not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, April 25, 1794. “The object of the resolution being … that no permits are to be granted to Vessels licensed for the whale and cod fishery to touch and trade at foreign ports.… Instructions on the execution of a law do not immediately go from the President of the United States. This department is the organ of the instructions of the President to the collectors.” Letter not found....
[ Philadelphia, September 20, 1792. On October 1, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter … of the 20th of the last month.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, October 26, 1791. On November 7, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your Letter of the 26th. of October last.” Letter not found. ]
I had, Yesterday the Pleasure of receiving your Letter of the 22d of January, and beg Leave to assure you, I shall pay all proper Attention to its Contents, by rendering to the Gentleman whom you recommend, every service in my Power. I had before been introduced, to that young Gentleman by his Father, for whom I have conceived a great deal of Esteem, and from what I saw of the son and from...
[ New York, October 6, 1790. On October 18, 1790, Ellery wrote to Hamilton and acknowledged receipt of Hamilton’s letter of October 6. Letter not found. ] Printed in this volume.
[ Philadelphia, June 7, 1794. “… The goods may be relanded under the direction of the Custom house, previous to departure, and may be reladen for exportation in another vessel; the regulations prescribed being observed on the last as on the first lading.” Letter not found. ] LS , sold at Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., October 17, 1961, Lot 121. This letter is possibly a reply to Ellery to H,...
[ New York, June 7, 1790. On June 22, 1790, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “Your letter of the 7th. instant … did not come into my hands until the 19th.” Letter not found. ] Printed in this volume.
[ Philadelphia, June 29, 1793. On July 15, 1793, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “By the last post I recd. your letters of the … 28th and 29th of the last month.” Letter of June 29 not found. ]
[ New York, June 19, 1790. In June, 1790, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I had the honour of receiving your letter of the 19th. the currt.” Letter not found. ] Printed in this volume.
[ Philadelphia, October 29, 1790. On November 16, 1790, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your letter of the 29th of Octe.” Letter not found. ] Printed in this volume.
[ Philadelphia, April 25, 1792 . On May 7, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your letter of the 25th of the last month.” Letter not found .]
[ Philadelphia, September 16, 1791. On October 4, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your letter of the 16th of Septemr.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, June 25, 1792. On July 16, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have recd. your letter of the 25 of June last.” Letter not found. ]
I have received your favor of the 13 th , as I did that of march in due season— One wishes to be informed of all facts in which the public is interested: but the detail of Rhode Island manœuvres is distressing. The Senate yesterday passed a bill, which cutts off all communication with Rhode Island, if she chooses such a solitary selfish and unsocial system. The bill passed by a great majority,...
Your favr dated 14th Feby only reached me Yesterday. The arrangement of the two Rhode Island Regt has been settled, and the Commissions are now in my hands waiting an opportunity for forwarding them. I have the honor to be Sir Your most obt Servt. Df , in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . A purported LS was offered for sale by Christie’s, June 1990, catalog no....
[ Philadelphia, June 9, 1794. On June 30, 1794, Ellery wrote to Hamilton and referred to “Your letter of the 9th of this month.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, August 10, 1791. On August 23, 1791, Ellery referred to Hamilton’s “letter of the 10th of this month, requesting the particular circumstances that led to a remeasurement of the Brig Sally.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, January 23, 1794. “The Collector of New York informed me … that the papers concerning the Brigantine Enterprize requested by you had been forwarded by the district attorney of New York, I doubt not these documents are now in your possession.” Letter not found. ] LS , sold by Kenneth W. Rendell, Kingston Galleries, Inc., Somerville, Massachusetts, 1969, Catalogue 42, Item 67....