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Results 27541-27590 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Aaron Greely, Esquire, the bearer of this, has been employed by the Surveyor General as his...
The two nominations of an associate judge of the supreme court to fill the seat vacated by the...
16 February 1811. Transmits “the Treaty concluded on the 10th of November 1808 on the part of the...
16 February 1811, War Department. Forwards a general return of the militia of the U.S., made from...
Two of the most important objects in life are—The cultivation of the human mind; and The...
Vi costituisco colla presente mio Procuratore, e mandatario ad oggetto, che in mio nome e vece, e...
I have now received all the Letters you have written to me, except No 4. up to No 8. altho they...
The last papers announce the nomination of Alexander Wolcott Esqre. as an associate Jud⟨ge o⟩f...
L’anno passato, in quest’istesso mese, mi pervenne col modello del suo Aratro e i fogli relativi...
I was much flattered by the receipt of your letter by Mr. Harris, which he delivered to me here...
I have been much gratified by your Communication of Jany 29th. ult.— When I requested the...
At the Request of Mr Quincy, I inclose to you, his Speech on the Admission of States into the...
In your Favour of the 4th., according to my Judgment you have given up the whole Controversy. You...
The Time since I have written to you, I acknowledge is too long for One, whose Heart is deeply...
I return with my thanks the printed document you were so good as to send. There is an obscurity...
13 February 1811, Representatives Chamber. “I have again to lay before your Excellency testimony...
13 February 1811, Buenos Aires. Declares that “Don Josef R Poinsetts has just presented himself...
On my return here on Friday last I found my deed to you for the lands on Ivy creek , executed as...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 5 th Inst. requesting Information respecting the Aids afforded...
1811. Feb. 5 H ′ ° ′ ° ′ ″ 12–14
you have e’er this, received intellegence most afflictive to the heart of an affectionate Child,....
I wish you was as far recoverd from your Sickness as I am from mine, altho I have not yet left my...
Twelve days of in cessant Snows have obscured from our Sight Sun Moon and Stars till this...
The enclosed circular is I believe the only one of the kind received here this day and as none of...
I saw Mr. Bacon this morning who informed me that the letter I mentioned to you is now in...
A friend of mine writes me, it has been represented at Washington, that I brought with me from...
11 February 1811. Transmits a report from the secretary of the treasury in compliance with a...
11 February 1811, Buenos Aires. The members of the junta recall JM’s magnanimous conduct toward...
11 February 1811, Washington. Submits at JM’s direction a list of outstanding claims against the...
Pardon me if I frank frankly confess, that I may not have duly appretiated the consequences of...
M r Shoemaker’s dft was paid a few days after it became due, when the amount was of course...
Permit again to inclose you, my annual tribute of respect, the Bill of Mortality for this town. I...
Le Comte de Romanzoff, Chancelier de l’Empire, prie Madame d’Adams de lui faire l’honneur de...
Your Brother who is the Bearer of this, will deliver to you the original Book in which were...
It is certainlÿ a long while, that you received not a line from me, and this nothwithstanding I...
I have received with much pleasure your favor of the 29th of January. Before I proceed, let me...
9 February 1811, Washington. “At the request of Mr. Charles Sherry, one of my constituents,… I...
This Indenture made on the 9 th day of February 1811 between Thomas Jefferson of the County of...
This is to acquaint your Excellency that your good wishes towards our Institution at Spring-hill...
On my arrival here I found that at the time of the breach of Callaway’s dam, he had in his mill...
In the last Letter with which you favoured me, you expressed a hope “that you should soon find me...
I had the honour of writing you, on the 7th: of last Month, immediately after I received a letter...
It is to me a particular Gratification, in Remembrance of old times, and in Justice to a Very...
8 February 1811, Cleve, Virginia. Apologizes for the intrusion but assumes JM has clerks “who...
8 February 1811, Treasury Department. Transmits in compliance with the Senate resolution of 7...
8 February 1811, Stanstead. The petitioners, brothers now in Stanstead, Lower Canada, state that...
Letter not found. 8 February 1811. Offered for sale in Anderson Catalogue No. 1912 (19–21 Jan....
Hoping it may be serviceable I enclose M c Mahons Catalogue to You—I shall remain here untill the...
A gross and calumnious attack has been made upon me in a Philadelphia print, for having, under an...
7 February 1811. Transmits a report of the secretary of the treasury in compliance with a Senate...