George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major General Nathanael Greene, 16 February 1778

To Major General Nathanael Greene

Head Quarters [Valley Forge] 16 Feby 1778.


I have received your Letter of yesterday1 and have given instructions to the Quarter Master to supply your demand of Waggons, by sending forward as many as can be spared from the Camp and pressed in the neighborhood—however I would not have your exertions abated, by a Reliance on Success in this quarter.

As it is impossible to secure the Hay on the Jersey Shore, for our own use it is certainly advisable to destroy it that the Enemy may derive no benefit from it; and the sooner Colonel Butler effects this business the better—An Express has been sent to Colonel Cox on2 the subject you mention.3 I am with great regard Sir Yr most obed. Serv.

G. W——n

P.S. If there is any good reason to believe that the Inhabitants have Carriages & with hold them, make severe examples of a few to deter others—our present wants will justifie any measures you can take.


DfS, in John Laurens’s and GW’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The closing and postscript of the DfS are in GW’s hand; see note 2.

1GW apparently wrote this letter in reply to Greene’s second letter to him of 15 February. In his letter to GW of this date Greene referred to “your Excellencies answer by Colo. Hambleton to mine of yesterday morning,” possibly a letter drafted or written for GW by Alexander Hamilton that has not been identified.

2The remainder of the letter is in GW’s hand.

3The express to John Cox, Jr., has not been identified.

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