To Alexander Hamilton from Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 17 September 1789
From Oliver Wolcott, Junior
New Haven [Connecticut] Sept. 17th 1789
I have had the honour to receive your favour of the 13th instant, by which I am informed that I have been appointed Auditor in the department of the Treasury. I embrace this first opportunity to give you notice that I have proceeded to this place on my way to New York, and that immediately upon my arrival there, I will do myself the honour to wait on you, for the purpose of acquiring such information relative to the duties of the office as will enable me to come to a decision whether I shall accept or decline the appointment.
I have the honour to be, with the most perfect consideration and respect, Sir, your most obedt Servant
Oliv. Wolcott Jr
The Honble Alexander Hamilton, Esq.
Secretary of the Treasury
Copy, Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford.