Thomas Jefferson Papers

Joseph Darmsdatt to Thomas Jefferson, 24 June 1812

From Joseph Darmsdatt


Acording your order I have send 6 Bls Herring to mess Brown & Co—to Lynchburg—& shal send 6 Bls H & 1 Bls Shad to milton by mr Randolph Boat who is not arivet there1

I am Sir with respect yours Ser

J Darmsdatt

[Account at head of text, above salutation:]

 Thomas Jefferson Esqe
Bought of Joseph Darmsdatt
June 24   12 Barrels herrings   75.00
1 Barrel of Shads 6:50
Toll of 13 Barrels 7/2 1:35
Drayage of 2 Loads 50
$ 83:35

RC (MHi); in Darmsdatt’s hand, with account in Abraham Cardozo’s hand; endorsed by TJ as received 9 July 1812 and so recorded in SJL.

1Manuscript: “yere.”

Index Entries

  • Brown & Robertson (Lynchburg firm); fish for TJ sent to search
  • Cardozo, Abraham search
  • Darmsdatt, Joseph; and fish for TJ search
  • Darmsdatt, Joseph; letters from search
  • fish; herring search
  • fish; shad search
  • food; herring search
  • food; shad search
  • herring; sent to TJ search
  • shad; TJ purchases search