Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from John Jay, 15 May 1788

From John Jay

Office for foreign Affairs [New York] 15th May 1788

Dr. Sir

Mr. Richard Laurence of Staten Island has complained to Congress, and to the King of Great Britain, that Judgments have been obtained and executed against him in certain Actions of Trespass, which he says were commenced and prosecuted in Violation of the Treaty of Peace. In these Actions I understand you was concerned for him, and as it is important that the Facts which concern the Merits of his Complaint be ascertained with Precision, I take the Liberty of requesting the Favor of you to furnish me with a State of them as soon as you conveniently can.

With great Esteem and Regard I am, Dr. Sir,   Your most obt. and hble Servt

John Jay

The Honorable A. Hamilton Esqr.

LS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; LC, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives.

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