27521George Washington to William Livingston, 16 February 1778 (Hamilton Papers)
[ Valley Forge ] February 16, 1778 . Is sending Lieutenant Colonel Tench Tilghman to Livingston to present picture of distressing state of the Army. Repeats request to Livingston to help relieve situation by sending goods stored in New Jersey. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
27522The American Commissioners to the Committee for Foreign Affairs, 16 February 1778 (Franklin Papers)
LS : South Carolina Historical Society; transcript and two copies: National Archives We have now the Pleasure of sending you the Treaties of Amity and Alliance with France compleated after long Deliberation and signed the 6th. Instant. This is an Event that will give our States such an Appearance of Stability, as must strengthen our Credit, encourage other Powers in Europe to ally themselves...
27523From Benjamin Franklin to Balthazar-Georges Sage, 16 February 1778 (Franklin Papers)
LS : Yale University Library J’ay Lu le memoire de Madame de la Chevalerie que vous m’avez envoyé. Je suis persuadé qu’elle n’aura pas Negligé de Justifier au Congrès de sa qualité de francaise Si on luy a promis a ce titre la Restitution des Marchandises qui luy apartenoient et qui etoient Chargés dans Le Navire Le glocester pris par la fregatte americaine le requin a la hauteur des Bermudes....
27524To Benjamin Franklin from Jacques-Robert Le Blanc, 16 February 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je dois presumer que vous ignorez le differand qui existe entre Monsieur Deane et moy, car vous estes trop juste pour autoriser un manque de parolle, toutes les personnes de consideration qui s’interessent pour moy y sont fort sensibles. C’est votre Equité que je prends pour juge, cette déférence est due à la Reputation dont vous jouissez. J’ay lieu de...
27525To Benjamin Franklin from “Prince” Mostowski, 16 February 1778 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Prince Mostowski Palatin du Duché de Mazovie après avoir pris lecture de l’interrogatoire que Monsieur Franklin a subit avec une présence d’esprit héroique, et une fermete rare, et après avoir examiné les belles Constitutions qui ressemblent presque à celles de sa Nation, a tout a fait changé des Sentiments et s’il avait eù Connaissance de ces...
27526General Orders, 16 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
27527From George Washington to George Clinton, 16 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
It is with great reluctance, I trouble you on a subject, which does not properly fall within your province; but it is a subject that occasions me more distress, than I have felt, since the commencement of the war; and which loudly demands the most zealous exertions of every person of weight and authority, who is interested in the success of our affairs —I mean the present dreadful situation of...
27528To George Washington from William Duer, 16 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
I esteem it my Duty to inform you that a certain Mr John Biddle has lately gone into the Enemy, who has an Exact Draft of your Camp; before he went in he told a Person confidentially that he could put the Enemy in a Way of investing it in such a Manner as to cut off your Communication with the Country, and thereby prevent the Supply of Provisions &ca—How far this can be Effected your...
27529To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel John Fitzgerald, 16 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
I make no doubt but you will be surpriz’d to have a Letter of this date from me at this pla⟨ce.⟩ I was detain’d Nine days on the other side Susquehan⟨ah⟩ for an oppy of crossing it & when I did it was not without great difficulty & some danger. Upon my arrival here on Saturday after noon, I waited upon Mr Laurens, who (then being much engag’d) asked me to Breakfast next Morning giving me to...
27530From George Washington to Major General Nathanael Greene, 16 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
I have received your Letter of yesterday and have given instructions to the Quarter Master to supply your demand of Waggons, by sending forward as many as can be spared from the Camp and pressed in the neighborhood—however I would not have your exertions abated, by a Reliance on Success in this quarter. As it is impossible to secure the Hay on the Jersey Shore, for our own use it is certainly...