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Results 27511-27540 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I had the honor to write to you very hastily by the post following the receipt of your letter. I was entirely unacquainted with the degree in which the present state of things might have been formerly brought before you, but having heard the point mentioned (on which I took the liberty to ask your recollection) it appeared to be of so much consequence, that I was very anxious to know whether...
Yours with the Inclosed came safe to hand last week, and have given me great pleasure. I wish I could in return give you any thing that would equally Amuse, Entertain, or gratify your Curiosity, but there is not so much as A single peice of News here to hand you. We are all Agreed that Burgoine is “treading dangerous Ground.” You are doubtless better Informed of the Motions, and Intended...
I have gone according to Mr. Dan. Brents orders before a justice of the Peace and taken an Oath of the facts stated in the inclosed Letter, and I return the Same accordingly. I am Sir your Obeedt. Hume. Servt. P. S. W ill you be so good Sir as to write me what ste ps there is to be taken in this case. DNA : RG 59—ML—Miscellaneous Letters.
As you have been so friendly as to transmit to the President of the U.S. the papers of Philip Wilson, I take the liberty of availing myself of the same channel to convey to him the opinion of the Attorney general in answer to his application. I do this the rather as not knowing how to address to him. I have the honour to be with real marks of the highest respect & esteem Sir Your most obedt. &...
Two DS : American Philosophical Society I promise to pay to the honbl. the President of Congress or his Order the sum of three hundred & sixty four Livres, twelve sols, for Value recd. of Mr. Coffin at Dunkirk, & of B. Franklin esq; at Passy. I have signed three Notes of this Tenor & Date to Serve as one. Mace appears on the Alphabetical List of Escaped Prisoners where he is recorded as...
14 January 1803, Baltimore. Forwards some intermediate numbers of the Leiden Gazette just received. “If about the time of my return to Holland in the Spring any circumstances arising out of our foreign relations should render neccessary a temporary special Agency or commission from our Govt to any part of Europe, I should be glad of the employ as it would be an aid towards my expenses while it...
Providence, December 12, 1794. Acknowledges receipt of Hamilton’s “Letter of the 27th of November, relative to the payment of Allowances to fishing Vessels.” States that “there is not one, belonging to this District, entitled to any.” ADfS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence.
Mde. Doradour a l’honneur de souhaitter le bonjour à Monsieur jeffersson; elle est obligée de sortir ce matin et ce soir elle iras a hauteuil; elle suplie Monsieur jeffersson de voulloir bien se ressouvenir qu’il a eu la bonté de promettre qu’il parleres a Mr. grand. Sy il menés aujourd’hui Mademoiselle sa fille faire ses adieux à Md. adams, elle seres enchantee d’y trouver Monsieur jeffersson...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress Inclos’d I return to you Mackie’s Bill on Molleson for £294. 5 s. 2 d. with a Protest; the same being refus’d Payment for want of Effects. The Packet of last Month is not yet arriv’d. I hope she will bring the Accounts so long expected. I am, Dear Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant See above, BF to Colden, Oct. 7; Mary Hewson to BF , Oct. 22. BF...
I am favored with your much valued letter of the 30 th ult o , & return you my grateful thanks for it’s enclosure .— The President had previously promised me in person that if the present Commercial agent at Havana , did not wish to return, I should have the place; this was all I asked, I do not beleive he will return, as he has not exercised the functions yet, alth o appointed two years ago....
The late Derangement of every part of my business prevented my sending your Excellency before now the enclosed Copy of an order I gave Major Fonda, when in Albany, for victualling the Indians by Contract; though I look upon this as a profitable agreement, as it was not strictly in the line of my Duty I should not have adopted it, had not our then allmost total want of Provisions rendered such...
I take the liberty of mentioning to you that I am informed Genl. Muhlenberg has given to one of the assistants in his office a declaration on writing, that he is willing to retire from the Collectorship. Under this circumstance, I hope it will not be deemed indelicate in me to ask the honor of your consideration as a candidate for such vacancy. As the office has a direct relation to the...
The preceding are Copies of my last Letters to you of the 12th. & 13th. Ulto. since which I have not had the pleasure of he aring from you, nor has any thing worth communicating occurred in t he interval. Enclosed are four Letters which I have recd. for you fr om Mr. King, as also a few News-Papers & the latest London Price Current, to which I beg leave to refer you for what is passing in this...
The view which you have communicated of the condition, relation, & disposition, of Cuba, & its inhabitants, founded on the information of M r Miralla, is very interesting. It accords also in every particular, with that which has been taken here, aided by all the light which we have been able to obtain, through the most authentic channels, from the Island. The people consider Columbia, too...
I have Continued As ill as any Person could well be with a Cold, for upwards of 3 Weeks, it has reduced me so that I can with difficulty walke up and Down Stairs. I thank God it has Mended greatly for 3 days past, and I have gatherd a little strength. I have heard nothing of the Enemy Since their Stop at Sandy Point, untill this Morn. A Man Came to press a Waggon who Says they have landed at...
The inclosed letter would have been more properly addressed to yourself, or perhaps to the Secretary at War . I have no knolege at all of the writer; but suppose the best use I can make of his letter, as to himself or the public, is to inclose it to you for such notice only as the public utility may entitle it to. perhaps I should ask the favor of you to communicate it, with the samples, &...
As a Considerable Number of the Carolina Mens times of Inlistment is now expierd and others that will Shortly be so, I have thaught it proper to Send the whole of them up to Camp, in order to be Replaced by others whos inlistments are of a longer Duration—this matter brings to my memory a conversation between my self and some of Colo. Blands Regt Whos times also expier the first of December....
The Officers of the Provisional Army are intended to be appointed. Those for two Regiments are to be drawn from this state and I am desired to recommend fit Characters, as far as you can give me information assistance in this matter you will promote the public service and oblige me. Any old Officer who may deserve attention will do well to reflect that when this Army shall be called into...
   Bougt of Vincent DuComb 2 Dressed wigs    $19—   $38—  Recd the above in full MS ( DLC ); in an unidentified hand, receipted and signed by Ducomb; endorsed by TJ: “Ducomb.” mrs dallas : Arabella Maria Smith Dallas, the wife of prominent Philadelphia lawyer Alexander James Dallas and a close friend of the Gallatins and Madisons, was known for her lavish entertaining (Raymond Walters, Jr.,...
J’ai fait remettre au Stage a Votre Adresse une petite Caisse des Livres Nouveaux, dont probablement la plus grande partie conviendra et a Vous et aux bibliotheques de differens Secretariats de l’Etat. L’Office of discount & Deposit refuse de payer les 2 assignations, que Vous m’avez envoyè —par le Motif, que votre endossement se trouve sur l’assignation du Secretariat d’Etat—Vous voudrez donc...
J’espere que dans peu vous aurez la satisfaction de voir paraître l’ouvrage de Mr de Mably, ouvrage qui honore également l’Ecrivain & le héros. Un Régent de cette République a bien voulu se charger de le traduire; il est déjà connu par une traduction de l’Esprit des loix très estimée. Cette production est trop intéressante pour tarder à fixer l’attention des Anglais & des Allemands. J’aurais...
Gen. Washington presents respectful compliments to Mrs Powell, & prays her acceptance of the Vision of Columbus which he promised some days ago, the Copies thereof, for which he subscribed some years since, having just come to hand. AL , ViMtvL . GW had subscribed to twenty copies of Joel Barlow’s The Vision of Columbus , several of which he gave away in Philadelphia. See the entry for 18 May...
Your Letter of the 10th. my Dear Charles afflicted me very much as it still betrayed the same spirit which has already cost your brother so much and which if not timely quelled may end in crimes at which my soul shudders with horror—Let me ask you once more, are you or any of the young person’s who are at College while your passions are excited to fury I say are you capable of judging...
I am just returned from Kentucky, and have recd. your favour from Monticello . I cannot at present answer your several queries with the precision I wish, but will endeavour to do so, as soon as I have leisure to examine, and reflect on the subject, more minutely.—From memory I can state that we had a meeting with mr. Skelton a short time before the commencement of the revolutionary war, in...
After having consulted Persons who are well acquainted with the Commerce of both Bourdeaux and Nants, and the principal Houses in each, I have resolved to settle in this place, and accordingly I have chosen the House of Messrs. Feyers freres, provided they will agree to receive me into their family, for I am informed it is not the custom of this House to allow their Clerks the priviledge of...
A Light Horse man was just setting out for Loyalhannan with an accot of what things could be procur’d here in a short time for our Men when yours of the 21st Inst. by Mr Grant came to hand upon rect of it I immediatly applied to the General for a Party to Winchester to Escort up the Necessaries but he told me it was impossible —therefore I gave the Returns to Speirs & Smith with Directions to...
Havre, 14 Mch. 1793 .A rumor is abroad here that Spain has declared war on the United States. No one has identified the source, but neither has it been discredited. Since no public paper confirms it, he considers it a chimera, albeit one which frightens him. Yet it is only too probable that England wishes to prevent America from bringing supplies to France and, rather than break relations with...
22 June 1803, Philadelphia . Informs JM of his arrival in Philadelphia from the Dutch colonies on the coast of Guiana, after a quarantine of thirty days in Delaware. Waited some time in the colonies for accreditation but left after the governor refused his exequatur. As a result of “the impositions laid on the American Commerce in that Country and the Conduct of the persons at present in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society About six weeks past I arrived at l’Orient from Boston. Since my arrival I have purchased a Brigantine at private sale in l’ Orient and wish to dispach her immediately for Boston. Should therefore be much obliged to your excellency for a passport, that, as she is American property, she may go under the American flag. Her dimensions are 50 feet keel, 18 feet...
Amidst the general Joy on the happy and honourable Termination of the War we beg Leave to welcome your Excellency’s return to this City with Hearts Full of Gratitude and Affection. As long Sir as Mankind shall retain a proper Sense of the Blessings of Peace Liberty and Safety, your Character in every Country and in every Age will be honor’d admir’d and rever’d: but to a Mind elevated as...