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Under consideration was an amendment providing for one representative for every thirty thousand people until the number reached one hundred. Ames proposed a ratio of one for every forty thousand. Mr. Madison. I cannot concur in sentiment with the gentleman last up, that 1 representative for 40,000 inhabitants will conciliate the minds of those to the government, who are desirous of amendments;...
4 July 1812, Pittsburgh. Has arrived in Pittsburgh on his way home. “I have this moment understood that Capt. Butler Lnt. McGree, & Ensign Irvine & their volunteer Company had tendered their services to you more than six weeks ago, and that no answer has yet been rcd. I can inform you that this day I have seen the officers & company mustered all in uniform. They are very fine men to look at &...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to Mr Michaux for the book of his travels & the pamphlet he has been so kind as to send him. he possesses the Flora Americana of his father & has seen his work on the American oaks, both of which are valuable additions to our Botanical libraries. he has no doubt that mr Michaux will increase the debt of science to his family by his further researches in the...
Copy: Library of Congress Enclosed is a Letter from M. Lavosier, one of the Fermers General, by which you will see that the necessary papers for the Saltpetre are dispatched. I want much the Invoice you promised me of the Cloths bought of M. De Chaumont, and to know precisely the Terms of that Purchase & the Amount. M. Austin tells me he will leave some Money in your Hands for me, in 270...
The Ladies, and all the White Women, and all the White Females, in the United States. Are the Pride, of the Urbes. they are all of them, as Dulcis, as Queens. they are all of them, as Dulcis, as Nymphs Divine. their Family, and the Publick, wish them every blessing of Life. and Civic honours. they are pas morir Dulcis pour negotia. Those Ladies, gone from this City. and the Middle, and the...
I request that you will not draw out from the Bank of N America any further sum without a previous communication to me. Yrs. ALS , Harvard University Library. In PAH Harold C. Syrett, ed., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton (New York and London, 1961– ). , XI, 198, this letter is listed as a “letter not found.” This letter concerns relations between the Bank of the United States and the state...
[ Philadelphia, 10 Apr. 1784 . Noted in SJL as received 19 Apr. 1784. Not found.]
I have the honor to inform the Vice President of the United States and to request him to cause an intimation to be given to the Honoble The Members of the Senate that at one oClock to day, an oration will be delivered at St Pauls Church in commemoration of the declaration of Independence by a Member of the Society of the Cincinnati and that seats are provided for his and their accommodation....
The President of the US: requests the pleasure of Mr. Fosters company to dine on Saturday next at 3 oClock MB .
2760[Diary entry: 23 July 1785] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 23d. Mercury at 79 in the Morning—78 at Noon and 80 at Night. Wind Westwardly in the forenoon, but quite calm afterwards; afternoon cool. Rid to Muddy hole and River Plantations. Finished my Hay Harvest in the Neck. Perceived a few Plants of the Pride of China (the Seed of which were Sowed on the 13th. of June) to be coming up. And also the Jien pien Cou fa—between the 8 & 9 pegs and...
Blowers. Libel, claim, 15 Car. 2, c. 7, §.6. Hillman, and Cato. Certificates. Goods claimed, taken in at Tangier. Captn. Brace. Hides cured in the Hair with salt. Brooke and Guthrie. Fez, Morocco. Downes’s Manifest. Mr. Otis. Reads Libel, Claim, and Answer. 15 C ar. 2, c. 7, §. 6. 4. G. 3, c. 15. page 291. No Vessell shall be cleard out in England unless the whole Cargo was shipped in England...
“ Ever since Dr Cooper has been here, he has performed the duties of his professor-ship—so ably & so faithfully, that there has been a Strong desire on the part of the trustees Trustees who reside here to retain him altogether—That desire has been greatly increased by the pleasure derived from personal intercourse with him. His mind is wonderfully Stored with learning , & wisdom, communicated...
Letter not found : from Maj. Alexander Clough, 23 Aug. 1778. On 24 Aug., GW’s aide-de-camp Richard Kidder Meade wrote Clough: “His Excellency commands me to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of Yesterdays date—& thank you for the intelligence it contain’d—He wishes you to continue your endeavours to collect the most perfect accots possible; the circumstance in particular which you mention...
Nothing but a very particular, and critical circumstance, shoud imbolden me to address you on a private affair. but tis of such a tender nature to a Parent, that Im certain of your Pardon. I have two Sons, in Philadelphia, in a most critical situation exposed to the raging Fever, that by accts sweeps, all before it. during the month of August I made them a remittance, of 150 Dollars. this...
I found that either the Duke of Dorsetts Letter to the Premier, had produced an order at Dover or that his Graces Letter to the Custom House Office had as good an Effect, for I was allowed to pass without Molestation, and indeed received Marks of particular Respect. We arrived Yesterday 26. in the Afternoon, and as Fortune would have it Coll Smith arrived the Night before 25.— We Soon met.— I...
I beg leave to inform you that in consequence of my directions founded on your favor of the 21st Ulto, Governors Browne & Skeene are arrived within the Neighbourhood of this place and will be conveyed to morrow between the Hours of One & two to one of the ships of War in the North river, when it is hoped that my Lord Stirling will be permitted to return, as also Mr Lovell if he has come from...
The affectionate congratulations on the recovery of my health—and the warm expressions of personal friendship which were contained in your favor of the 16th instt, claim my gratitude. And the consideration that it was written when you were afflicted with a painful malady, greatly increases my obligation for it. Would to God, my dear Sir, that I could congratulate you upon the removal of that...
Towards the End of last Month I received an Application from Mr. Wagner requesting me to grant a Passport to General Armstrong going to Paris as Minister from the United States to the French Republic. I received Yesterday another Application from the same Gentleman, of a more important Nature, requesting a Passport for an American Ship which he has stated to be loaded with a Cargo of military...
24 December 1812, War Department. Proposes for JM’s approval various “Promotions in the Army of the United States.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). 1 p. Monroe’s suggestions for promotions in the Fifth and Seventh Infantry Regiments were recommended to the Senate by JM on 31 Dec. ( Senate Exec. Proceedings Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of...
The petitioner is imprisoned; and I find that the application, which is supported by a recommendation from the jury, is intended for the President, in order to obtain a pardon. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis chargé Mon Illustre Docteur de la part de M. Le Cte de Maillebois de vous demander si vous pouvez lui faire L’honneur de venir dîner chez luï ruë de Grenelle, Vendredy prochain 14 de ce mois. Vous y trouverez M O Connell que Je Sais qui vous a demandé un rendez vous. Je Souhaite bien Mon Illustre Docteur que vous acceptiez La proposition de M. De...
I have had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 13th instant and I have the honor to enclose you a letter from the spanish Residents. Your Steward himself has recovered and also his children, but his Wife is dangerously ill Your house is not what it ought to be, either for your dignity or the rent. But it is the best to be obtained. With respectful Compliments / I am my dear Sir / With...
Copy: Library of Congress Enclos’d is the propos’d Letter to the House in Holland, which you will send if you approve of it. If I have not exprest rightly the Affair of Interest, please to keep it back, and I will correct it for next Post: what is mention’d of another House relates to the final Offer made me by M. Neufville. I own I have not an Expectation of much farther Assistance from...
Since I had the pleasure of seeing of you, I have in examining of the Hutts on the Island, have come a Cross a Man belonging to Captain Flemings Company, going at large and without doing any duty for a considerable time. This man on examination informs me, that he was brought hear by his Capt. in Order to have him Transfered to some other Company; There being some discontent between him and...
Mr. Hamilton requests Mr. Hodgsdon to be so obliging as to inform him whether he has in his power or eye any horse which would be proper as a riding horse for Mr. Hamilton—easy gated of some blood & capable of rendering service. Mr. Hamilton would mean to purchase him. AL , The Indiana Historical Society Library, Indianapolis.
DS : American Philosophical Society <February 17, 1772. Franklin empowers Deborah Franklin and Richard Bache to request and receive payment of all debts due him in America, except those owed him by William Franklin, and to take all legal actions and whatever other lawful steps may be necessary for collecting from the debtors or their executors or administrators. Sealed, stamped, and delivered...
Your letter of the 29th. October has been received. It will be proper for you to make application on the subject of fees to the Collector of your District. It is his duty, both as it regards the persons who hold the employment of surveyor and the public service, to pay to the several surveyors the lawful portion of the compensations, according to their several services. And I presume if any...
Having learnt that my friend Mr. Appleton being married at Cambridge, returns no more to Europe, I think it a duty to offer you my Services as a Consul of the United States, my early adopted, and much beloved Country; and in this, be assured, Sir, that I am actuated by no motives either of interest or ambition; to both, my heart and understanding have been completely Strangers through a well...
MS not found; reprinted from Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp. 379–80. ******It had, indeed, as you observe, been the opinion of some very great naturalists, that the sea is salt only from the dissolution of mineral or rock salt, which its waters happened to meet with. But this opinion takes it for granted that all water was originally fresh, of...
The Commonwealth To John Clark Dr 1780 April To a large table for the Council Chamber 2–15–0 old To alterations in the State house 0- 2–6 prices To Altering the table in the Council Chamber 0- 4–0 May 6 To Mending a press with books Pr. Mr. Beckley 0– 5–0 To Mending a table for the Clerks Pr. Do. 0–10–0 To 2 Days work at the Pallice Council Chamber &c 10–0 To 100 Brads for Do. 1–0 £4– 7–6
Since my last of the 27th I have had the honor of receiving and presenting to Congress Your Excellency’s favor of the 23d Ulto which is still in the hands of a Committee. I have at present only to forward the Inclosed Act of Congress of the 30th September for Marching Count Pulaski’s Legion and other Continental Soldiers in and near this City to Princeton. I have the honor to be &c. LB ,...
2782[Diary entry: 16 April 1798] (Washington Papers)
16. Morning Calm & clear Mer. at 40. Afterwards Wind at No. Wt. & variable & weather also, Cold and disagreeable. Mer. at Night 32. 40 at highest. Doctr. Stuart went away. I went to Alexa. to an Election of Delegates for the Cty. of Fairfax—voted for Messrs. West & Jno. Herbert—returned to Dinner. Mr. Fitzhugh came in the Afternoon. Roger West (d. 1801), son of Col. John West, and John Carlyle...
I take the liberty to address you a few lines, which I hope will not intrude much on your time, and when I assure you I am actuated from the best of principles, I flatter myself my intention will be received in a proper manner—I am informed, & I bilieve the fact is so, that the Commissioners are about to erect two large offices contg forty rooms each, near the Presidents house, this being the...
Permit me to assure you, that you are exceedingly mistaken if you suppose me desirous of hushing up the Matter between us in a Way, that may be inconsistant either with your Honor or my own. The Coolness with which I now act, & which I hope will never forsake me flows from another Principle, and will always lead me to behave with Decency and with Firmness. did not imagine that as you signified...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Matthias Williamson, 7 Dec. 1776. On 8 Dec. Williamson wrote to GW : “I had the honour of receiving your Excellency’s two Letters of the fifth & seventh inst.”
I expected to have had the Honour of hearing from you before this time, on the subject of the publication of General Washingtons Letters, but I hope to have that pleasure soon. In the interim I beg to send an engraving of the proposed Monument and a plan of the new town of Thurso in which it is proposed to be erected. You will also herewith receive a paper on Longevity. Permit me to request...
On my Arrival at the Head of Elke, thought it prudent to look out if a place more remote, and secure from the Enemy, could not be found upon the Head of Chesepeak Bay to store what Provision might come from the Eastern shore & the Southward, I proceeded from thence to Johnstons Ferry, at the Head of the Tide on this side the River Susquehannah, no conveniency of Wharfe or Store Houses,...
R. Peters’s respectful Compliments to The President & returns the Pamplet on the Foo⟨t⟩ Plough with Thanks for the Perusal. R.P. thinks there are many good & useful Observations in the Book, but he cannot prefer the Plough to the Bar Share Plough in Use among good Farmers here. The Idea of accomodating one Plough to many & different Operations may be well executed. But he would rather have...
I am not willing to give a pretext for not doing us justice by the appearance of carelessness or indifference as to the fulfilment of our engagements. I continue to think that the idea of a special instruction to Mr Jay is proper, because it is an evidence of our being in earnest, because as Mr. Jay’s mission was produced by circumstances subsequent to the communication to Congress, that...
The claims in favour of the State of Virginia for guarding the public stores belonging the United States, at Manchester and New London, as transmited by Govr. Munro, are as follows, viz. for guarding stores at Manchester, in the months of Septr. & Octobr. 1800. $543.44 for Do. at New London prior to the 15th. of April 1801 }  410.83 for Do. at New London subsequent to the 15th. of April }...
Mr. Ogilvie, intending Soon to pass thro yr Part of the Country, is desirous of the acquaintance of a Person, whose Character he respects as much as yours—it is with pleasure I facilitate his wishes by this Introduction—he is a most ardent Lover of Science and republicanism, and is most assiduously employed in imparting the Principles of both to a respectable & increasing School of promising...
Englishmen surely are possessed too much of the Spirit of Commerce, & are too perfect Masters of its maxims, to be informed that it goes all over the world, by land & Sea, in quest of proffit.— Every Cask of Rice or Indigo, of Tobacco or Flax-seed, of Wheat or Flour & every Cargo of naval Stores, which goes to Europe fm. America, will have written on it, “Detur digniori,” i:e: This Cask or...
An Account of Sundrys taken and usd by Mrs Custis out of the Inventories No. £.  s. d. ⟨19.⟩ A Chariot and Harness 80. 0. 0 30. 2 Sorrel horses 50.      ditto 2 bay ditto 32.      32. 1 young Stallion 25.      244. 1 young bay horse (York) 20.      ⟨3⟩4. 1 young Sorrel horse
The letter which your Excellency did me the favor to write to me on the first of this month does me great honor: the sentiments which you have been pleased to entertain of my conduct are very flattering; and the friendly manner in which they are expressed is highly pleasing. To meet the approbation of a gentleman whose good wishes were early engaged in the American cause, & who has attended to...
I have the honor to enclose a letter from Monsr Cottineau de Kerloquin requesting an admission into the Society of the Cincinnati—and one from the Chevalier D’Anmours setting forth the services of that Gentleman and his pretensions to admission. Both of which I must beg you to lay before the Society at their next General Meeting that they may take the necessary steps thereon; unless it shall...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). No docket or cover. The last post brot. me a Letter from the Treasurer which determines my visit to Congress. He informs me he has bills to the amount of upwards of twelve hundred pounds on Philadelphia which he wishes to apply to the use of the Delegation and had written to you and also to me informing us of it, that our Correspondents, and those of the other...
Letter not found. 26 August 1810. Calendared as a two-page letter in the lists probably made by Peter Force (DLC, series 7, container 2). Foronda had been chargé d’affaires ad interim for Spain in Philadelphia until September 1809.
2798[Diary entry: 6 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
6. At home all day. Mr. Gist went away after Breakfast.
LS : American Philosophical Society Depuis un l’aps de tems Considérable nous sommes détenus dans la prison de Plimouth. Il est étonnant que L’on ne fasse pas plus de Cas de nous que si nous ne nous étions pas Comporté avec toute la fermeté qu’exigent notre état dans cette occurence; nous n’avons pas d’espoir d’etre échangé avant longtems et il est a craindre en conséquence de ce Que nos...
The Office of Marshal of the Southern distt of New York having become vacant, by the much lamented death of Genl John Smith, and having been appointed and discharged the duties of Deputy Marshal under that Gentleman, and which duties being many, and arduous during the late War, there being no regulars deposit for prisoners nearly until the close, recurrence were necessary and frequent to the...