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Results 2751-2800 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2751 Adams, John Quincy 27th. 1785-05-27 Still the same scene fine weather, little wind. At about noon, we spoke to an English brig,...
2752 Adams, John Quincy 31st. 1785-05-31 High Wind, directly contrary. The Vessel roll’d so much that most of the passengers were sick. We...
2753 Adams, John Quincy [June 1785] 1785-06-01 Small wind. The Season for Calm weather is coming forward, and I am afraid we shall have a long...
2754 Adams, John Quincy Wednesday June 1st. 1785. 1785-06-01 Small wind. The Season for Calm weather is coming forward, and I am afraid we shall have a long...
2755 Adams, John Quincy 4th. 1785-06-04 Our Wind has been very low for several days. 15 or 20 leagues a day is the utmost extent of our...
2756 Adams, John Quincy 8th. 1785-06-08 Continual calms, and contrary winds. We are now at about 38 degrees of Latitude, and are not far...
2757 Adams, John Quincy 11th. 1785-06-11 This day being Captain Fournier’s, jour de fête, he gave us an excellent entertainment on board:...
2758 Adams, John Quincy 14th. 1785-06-14 Last Evening the wind freshened considerably, and we have now a very fine breeze. It began to be...
2759 Adams, John Quincy 15th. 1785-06-15 Still a fine wind. Yesterday, we ran 50 leagues, and in all probability we shall not do less to...
2760 Adams, John Quincy 18th. 1785-06-18 Our wind is still good but is almost all gone, and we have not run more than 20 or 25 leagues,...
2761 Adams, John Quincy 20th. 1785-06-20 Continual calms. Our passage will I fear be a very long one. We have fine weather, but we would...
2762 Adams, John Quincy 24th. 1785-06-24 We have been for several days in the trade winds: But have had calm weather till yesterday...
2763 Adams, John Quincy 28th. 1785-06-28 Fine Wind, and good weather. We have for several days run between 40 and 50 leagues every day. In...
2764 Adams, John Quincy 30th. 1785-06-30 The weather is very good, but the winds begin to be very variable as we approach to the term of...
2765 Adams, John Quincy [July 1785] 1785-07-01 Calm weather all day. In the evening it began to lighten, and our thunder spire was fix’d; this...
2766 Adams, John Quincy Friday July 1st. 1785. 1785-07-01 Calm weather all day. In the evening it began to lighten, and our thunder spire was fix’d; this...
2767 Adams, John Quincy 4th. 1785-07-04 Calm weather continually: and so warm that it is almost insupportable. We still esteem ourselves...
2768 Adams, John Quincy 7th. 1785-07-07 At length we have reason to hope that an end is put to the calms with which we have been almost...
2769 Adams, John Quincy 9th. 1785-07-09 The air was so effectually cleared by the breaking up of the storms which occupied the...
2770 Adams, John Quincy 11th. 1785-07-11 A fresh breeze, and good wind, at about 11 o’clock, we spy’d a sail, and at ¾ after 12 we spoke...
2771 Adams, John Quincy 14th. 1785-07-14 Yesterday at about 8 o’clock in the morning, we spied a sail, at our windward; her course was...
2772 Adams, John Quincy 15th. 1785-07-15 This morning with a fine breeze and good wind, we sounded and found bottom, at about 35 fathom of...
2773 Adams, John Quincy 16th. 1785-07-16 This morning at 7 ½ o’clock the weather, which had been all night very cloudy, began to clear up...
2774 Adams, John Quincy Sunday July 17th. 1785. 1785-07-17 At four in the morning we came to anchor, and weigh’d it again at eight o’clock: we sailed up the...
2775 Adams, John Quincy 18th. 1785-07-18 At about 9 in the morning, I went on shore with my trunks, which were search’d, so that I almost...
2776 Adams, John Quincy 19th. 1785-07-19 Breakfasted with Mr. Gerry and Mr. King. The President of Congress, who was there was so kind as...
2777 Adams, John Quincy 20th. 1785-07-20 Mr. Mölich went away at about 6 o’clock. In the forenoon, I delivered the remaining Letters, I...
2778 Adams, John Quincy 21st. 1785-07-21 At 7 o’clock in the morning I left Cape’s tavern, and went to carry one of my trunks, to Water...
2779 Adams, John Quincy 22d. 1785-07-22 Waited upon Mr. Salvius in the morning. He is in a disagreeable situation here; his trunk having...
2780 Adams, John Quincy 23d. 1785-07-23 After breakfast I went to see Coll. Monroe, and Mr. Hardy, of the Virginia delegation. Call’d...
2781 Adams, John Quincy 24th. 1785-07-24 Went in the forenoon to St. Paul’s church and heard Mr. Doughty preach a sermon upon a text in...
2782 Adams, John Quincy 25th. 1785-07-25 Waited upon Major L’Enfant in the morning; gave him a Letter for le Chevalier d’Antroches. The...
2783 Adams, John Quincy 26th. 1785-07-26 I stroll’d about the town almost all the forenoon; dined with Coll. Monroe, and Mr. Hardy, from...
2784 Adams, John Quincy 27th. 1785-07-27 Breakfasted with Mr. Gerry in Company, with Mr. Söderström the Sweedish Consul at Boston who...
2785 Adams, John Quincy 28th. 1785-07-28 Dr. Crosby came and paid me a visit in the morning. I went to see Mr. Jay, and staid about an...
2786 Adams, John Quincy 29th. 1785-07-29 Dined with the president and Mr. Harrison, Mr. Osgood was so kind as to give me a Letter for Mr....
2787 Adams, John Quincy 30th. 1785-07-30 Called upon the Massachusetts delegates in the morning, and afterwards upon those of Virginia....
2788 Adams, John Quincy 31st. 1785-07-31 At about 10 in the morning I cross’d the river with Mr. B. Jarvis and found his brother Charles...
2789 Adams, John Quincy [August 1785] 1785-08-01 Return’d to the City at 7 in the morning. Breakfasted with Mr. Jarvis in William Street. Mr....
2790 Adams, John Quincy Monday August 1st. 1785. 1785-08-01 Return’d to the City at 7 in the morning. Breakfasted with Mr. Jarvis in William Street. Mr....
2791 Adams, John Quincy 2d. 1785-08-02 Remain’d at home all the morning, writing Letters for Europe, as the british Packet is to sail...
2792 Adams, John Quincy 3d. 1785-08-03 Was all the morning writing for the Packet. Dined with the Delegates from Virginia. Coll. Monroe,...
2793 Adams, John Quincy 4th. 1785-08-04 The british Packet sailed at about 10, in the morning. The weather was rainy, so I did not go out...
2794 Adams, John Quincy 5th. 1785-08-05 I went and spent some time with Mr. Fontfreyde, in the forenoon. Dined with a large Company at...
2795 Adams, John Quincy 6th. 1785-08-06 Visited young Mr. Chaumont in the morning, who arrived a few days since from Philadelphia. I went...
2796 Adams, John Quincy 7th. 1785-08-07 Went in the morning to Church: Mr. Harrison who is always with the Ladies squired them there A...
2797 Adams, John Quincy 8th. 1785-08-08 I went out with Mr. Harrison, Mrs. Swift, and Miss Riché, to Content to see Lady Wheate, who is...
2798 Adams, John Quincy 9th. 1785-08-09 Dr. Witherspoon visited the President in the morning. I went with Mr. Söderström out of town...
2799 Adams, John Quincy 10th. 1785-08-10 In the forenoon I went, and sat about an hour with Mr. King. Mr. Gerry was sitting at the grand...
2800 Adams, John Quincy 11th. 1785-08-11 Breakfasted on board the Packet, which is to sail for L’orient next monday; from thence I went a...