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Results 2751-2800 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
275127th. (Adams Papers)
Still the same scene fine weather, little wind. At about noon, we spoke to an English brig,...
275231st. (Adams Papers)
High Wind, directly contrary. The Vessel roll’d so much that most of the passengers were sick. We...
2753[June 1785] (Adams Papers)
Small wind. The Season for Calm weather is coming forward, and I am afraid we shall have a long...
2754Wednesday June 1st. 1785. (Adams Papers)
Small wind. The Season for Calm weather is coming forward, and I am afraid we shall have a long...
27554th. (Adams Papers)
Our Wind has been very low for several days. 15 or 20 leagues a day is the utmost extent of our...
27568th. (Adams Papers)
Continual calms, and contrary winds. We are now at about 38 degrees of Latitude, and are not far...
275711th. (Adams Papers)
This day being Captain Fournier’s, jour de fête, he gave us an excellent entertainment on board:...
275814th. (Adams Papers)
Last Evening the wind freshened considerably, and we have now a very fine breeze. It began to be...
275915th. (Adams Papers)
Still a fine wind. Yesterday, we ran 50 leagues, and in all probability we shall not do less to...
276018th. (Adams Papers)
Our wind is still good but is almost all gone, and we have not run more than 20 or 25 leagues,...
276120th. (Adams Papers)
Continual calms. Our passage will I fear be a very long one. We have fine weather, but we would...
276224th. (Adams Papers)
We have been for several days in the trade winds: But have had calm weather till yesterday...
276328th. (Adams Papers)
Fine Wind, and good weather. We have for several days run between 40 and 50 leagues every day. In...
276430th. (Adams Papers)
The weather is very good, but the winds begin to be very variable as we approach to the term of...
2765[July 1785] (Adams Papers)
Calm weather all day. In the evening it began to lighten, and our thunder spire was fix’d; this...
2766Friday July 1st. 1785. (Adams Papers)
Calm weather all day. In the evening it began to lighten, and our thunder spire was fix’d; this...
27674th. (Adams Papers)
Calm weather continually: and so warm that it is almost insupportable. We still esteem ourselves...
27687th. (Adams Papers)
At length we have reason to hope that an end is put to the calms with which we have been almost...
27699th. (Adams Papers)
The air was so effectually cleared by the breaking up of the storms which occupied the...
277011th. (Adams Papers)
A fresh breeze, and good wind, at about 11 o’clock, we spy’d a sail, and at ¾ after 12 we spoke...
277114th. (Adams Papers)
Yesterday at about 8 o’clock in the morning, we spied a sail, at our windward; her course was...
277215th. (Adams Papers)
This morning with a fine breeze and good wind, we sounded and found bottom, at about 35 fathom of...
277316th. (Adams Papers)
This morning at 7 ½ o’clock the weather, which had been all night very cloudy, began to clear up...
2774Sunday July 17th. 1785. (Adams Papers)
At four in the morning we came to anchor, and weigh’d it again at eight o’clock: we sailed up the...
277518th. (Adams Papers)
At about 9 in the morning, I went on shore with my trunks, which were search’d, so that I almost...
277619th. (Adams Papers)
Breakfasted with Mr. Gerry and Mr. King. The President of Congress, who was there was so kind as...
277720th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Mölich went away at about 6 o’clock. In the forenoon, I delivered the remaining Letters, I...
277821st. (Adams Papers)
At 7 o’clock in the morning I left Cape’s tavern, and went to carry one of my trunks, to Water...
277922d. (Adams Papers)
Waited upon Mr. Salvius in the morning. He is in a disagreeable situation here; his trunk having...
278023d. (Adams Papers)
After breakfast I went to see Coll. Monroe, and Mr. Hardy, of the Virginia delegation. Call’d...
278124th. (Adams Papers)
Went in the forenoon to St. Paul’s church and heard Mr. Doughty preach a sermon upon a text in...
278225th. (Adams Papers)
Waited upon Major L’Enfant in the morning; gave him a Letter for le Chevalier d’Antroches. The...
278326th. (Adams Papers)
I stroll’d about the town almost all the forenoon; dined with Coll. Monroe, and Mr. Hardy, from...
278427th. (Adams Papers)
Breakfasted with Mr. Gerry in Company, with Mr. Söderström the Sweedish Consul at Boston who...
278528th. (Adams Papers)
Dr. Crosby came and paid me a visit in the morning. I went to see Mr. Jay, and staid about an...
278629th. (Adams Papers)
Dined with the president and Mr. Harrison, Mr. Osgood was so kind as to give me a Letter for Mr....
278730th. (Adams Papers)
Called upon the Massachusetts delegates in the morning, and afterwards upon those of Virginia....
278831st. (Adams Papers)
At about 10 in the morning I cross’d the river with Mr. B. Jarvis and found his brother Charles...
2789[August 1785] (Adams Papers)
Return’d to the City at 7 in the morning. Breakfasted with Mr. Jarvis in William Street. Mr....
2790Monday August 1st. 1785. (Adams Papers)
Return’d to the City at 7 in the morning. Breakfasted with Mr. Jarvis in William Street. Mr....
27912d. (Adams Papers)
Remain’d at home all the morning, writing Letters for Europe, as the british Packet is to sail...
27923d. (Adams Papers)
Was all the morning writing for the Packet. Dined with the Delegates from Virginia. Coll. Monroe,...
27934th. (Adams Papers)
The british Packet sailed at about 10, in the morning. The weather was rainy, so I did not go out...
27945th. (Adams Papers)
I went and spent some time with Mr. Fontfreyde, in the forenoon. Dined with a large Company at...
27956th. (Adams Papers)
Visited young Mr. Chaumont in the morning, who arrived a few days since from Philadelphia. I went...
27967th. (Adams Papers)
Went in the morning to Church: Mr. Harrison who is always with the Ladies squired them there A...
27978th. (Adams Papers)
I went out with Mr. Harrison, Mrs. Swift, and Miss Riché, to Content to see Lady Wheate, who is...
27989th. (Adams Papers)
Dr. Witherspoon visited the President in the morning. I went with Mr. Söderström out of town...
279910th. (Adams Papers)
In the forenoon I went, and sat about an hour with Mr. King. Mr. Gerry was sitting at the grand...
280011th. (Adams Papers)
Breakfasted on board the Packet, which is to sail for L’orient next monday; from thence I went a...