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Results 2751-2800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
List of Miscellaneous, obsolete papers left by John Adams, late of Quincy, at his Decease 4....
I have received your favor of the 17 th Inst. & in reply would observe, that although my...
List of the private Papers—Deeds and other Vouchers of Estate, left by John Adams, late of...
From the earnestness of my last Letter I am much afraid that you may think as is often the case...
Your excellent letter to me arrived at the close of the last week and was brought to me by John...
I yesterday sat down to answer your last Letter, and wrote two, neither of which I have sent, as...
I did not write you yesterday because I was so much fatigued I was obliged to lie down as soon as...
My Father sometime since desired M r . Converse of New Haven to place his name on the list of...
In accordance with millions, I mourn the departure of our venerated Jefferson, the Benefactor of...
Thomas Hellen was here last Evening and goes to–morrow Morning for Washington—I furnished him...
You I presume have been so deeply plunged in business that the sudden arrival of your father must...
This day has brought me an invitation in form to attend at the Capitol tomorrow to witness the...
Through a mistake of the coning I sent you a copy from a first impression, that was unheedingly...
We arrived on Wednesday Evening at Boston, and yesterday Morning came out here. The weather until...
I have received, Sir your letter of the 6th. instant, requesting such information, as I may be...
I received by the last mail yours of the 8th. inst: The Article bequeathed to me by your...
The President, and your son, arrived last night my dear Mrs. Adams; well, and not more fatigued...
I yesterday wrote to you in answer to your Letter and as I suppose it will be agreeable to you to...
I have no assurance that my opinions have any claims to your confidence; but I have been...
A Citizen, who, in the extraordinary circumstances in which his Country is placed at the...
We arrived safe here, about two hours since, and in two hours more expect to be on our way to...
Ere I touch upon the melancholy subject which at present occupies your mind; allow me to offer...
A DIRGE: On the death of our illustrious 2d and 3d Presidents, Hastily composed on hearing that...
Since the lamented death of the venerable Mr Jefferson, with whom I anticipated, once more to...
In answer to your note, I herewith send you a letter from my brother, George W. Adams, containing...
Your Letter with that of Hariet Welsh was received by me a few hours after your father and John...
This morning I did See in a N.Y. paper—the announced death of your Revered Father—my beloved and...
It was as I had apprehended—On our arrival this morning at Merrill’s, we were informed by him...
I will endeavour my Dear Sister, to compose myself as far as to give you the particulars of the...
Mrs. Adams presents her best respects to Mr Southard as Mr Adams has with the greatest Kindness...
“ Lord, now let thy Servant depart in Peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation .” ON the late...
As I know you will be desirous to know the circumstances of your father’s funeral and the...
Dr Dunglison is the bearer of a cane a legacy left you by my dear grandfather, as a token of that...
I have just recd. yours of the 4th. A few lines from Doctr Dunglison had prepared me for such a...
The enclosed paper came by accident into my possession some time since. Deeply impressed with the...
By the letters which I yesterday forwarded from Boston you were informed of the very low...
I have received with pleasure your Letter of the 28th. ulto. and should have been glad to have...
I have received, with deep sympathy of feeling, the melancholly intelligence of the decease of...
You will have heard before this reaches you of the fate of your revered father. He has died full...
Your Letter of this Morning, announcing the death of your venerable Father, was just now...
The Rival chiefs—who all their life Were striving to be even In death renew their mutual strife...
Not a smile was seen—Nor a sound heard of joy Tho’ the day was to Gratitude vow’d The brightness...
John Adams In the enjoyment of our free and happy institutions, and of the prosperity which...
[GRAPHIC IN MANUSCRIPT] could the dead feel any interest in Monuments or other remembrances of...
July 4 th 1826 Thomas Jefferson D r to James Lyle 7.095. Opie Norris assur ce of Higginbotham...
Archer carried my mare down to M r Strange’s to-day, and will get to Bremo to-night on his way...
Several of the students have applied to me for information about the terms on which a diploma in...
A death-bed Adieu. Life’s visions are vanished, it’s dreams are no more. Dear friends of my...
The undersigned Commissioners, appointed “to select a proper site in the District of Columbia, on...
I have but this moment recd. your letter of June 16. inclosing the invitation from the Committee...