Thomas Jefferson Papers

Charles Clay’s Bedford County Temperature Readings, [ca. 26 February 1811]

Charles Clay’s Bedford County Temperature Readings

[ca. 26 Feb. 1811]

Day  Morn   3 
Jan 1  23  
2  18 43
3  30 38
4  25 37
5  39 60
S61  45 55
7  56 63
8  52 70
9  55 63
10  39 36
11  30 43
12  32 43
S13  36 50
14  36 45
15  31 42
16  34 42
17  39 45
18  32 32
19  35 35
S20  36 45
21  33 52
22  33 53
23  30 43
24  22 46
25  28 47
26  39 52
Day Morn 3
S27  39 49
28  35 49
29  34 42
30  32 36
31  28 55
Day morn 3
1  23 46
2  25 45
S3  34 38
4  35 49
5  32 59
6  32 36
7  30 45
8  32 42
9  32 38
S10  31 42
11  25 42
12  29 39
13  30 33
14  15 41
15  33 46
16  36 49
S17  33 41
18  19 24
19    7 25
20  18 38
21  30 38
22  20 34
Day morn 3 Ocl
23  20 38
24  22 49
25  40 65
26  47 60

MS (DLC: TJ Papers, 233:41784); in Clay’s hand; undated; endorsed by TJ: “Thermometrical Diary. mr Clay 1811. Jan 1. to Feb 26.”

Clay probably made these observations at his home, Ivy Hill, and sent them to TJ as he neared the end of his 30 Jan.–28 Feb. 1811 visit to nearby Poplar Forest (MB description begins James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1263).

1Here and throughout, the “S” stands for “Sunday.”

Index Entries

  • Bedford County, Va.; temperature readings at search
  • Clay, Charles; temperature readings of search
  • meteorological observations; by C. Clay search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ visits search