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Results 27501-27510 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
1811 Day Morn 3 Jan 1 23 2 18 43 3 30 38 4 25 37 5 39 60 S6 45
25 February 1811, Washington. “John Quincy Adams who has for some time resided near your Majesty in quality of Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, having been selected to fill a distinguished and important office at Home, we have desired him to take leave of your Majesty, and to embrace that occasion to assure you of our continued friendship and sincere desire to preserve and...
25 February 1811. Transmits reports from the superintendent of the city and the surveyor of the public buildings in compliance with the resolution of 14 Jan. 1811. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 11A-D1). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. For enclosures, see Thomas Munroe to JM, 19 Jan. 1811 (second letter) , and Benjamin Henry Latrobe to JM, 11 Feb. 1811 (second...
Vos anciennes bontés pour moi me font esperer que vous voudrés bien excuser la liberté que je prends de me rappeller a votre souvenir, en vous presentant lassurance de mes sentiments et ceux de M e Derieux . Depuis trois mois nous avons quittés L Etat de Virginia et venus habiter celui de la Caroline , y ayant obtenu une situation un peu plus Lucrative qu’auparavant; plusieurs de mes Enfants...
24 February 1811. Seeks employment in the “contemplated new territory of Mobile.” Would request the position of secretary but does not wish to stand in the way of his friend Thomas Gales, who is already a candidate. Considers himself qualified for a judgeship but would accept a position inferior to that. “I have for several years past been troubled with a pulmonary complaint, and I find it...
24 February 1811, 59 Williams Street, New York. “Some time after I wrote to you of an instrument which I proposed to be used to level a gun with Captn. Bumstead called desiring to see it & recommended to me to make a larger one saying he would call & see me again which he has not yet done.” After making a glass nearly three feet long and more simply constructed, called on Bumstead to tell him...
Letter not found. 24 February 1811. Mentioned in Armstrong to JM, 3 Mar. 1811 , as discussing the character and conduct of David Bailie Warden in relation to the American consulate in Paris. Also mentioned in Armstrong to Jonathan Russell, 5 Mar. 1811, as JM’s answer to Armstrong’s suggestion that Russell be appointed as minister to France. “You had,” Armstrong wrote Russell, “no friends in...
Je vous adresse par la poste & de la manière que vous m’avez indiquée, les livres au Sujet desquels j’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire, & dont l’envoi a été retardé par des circonstances imprévues. Je regrette infiniment que le format du dictionnaire et le caractère Sur lequel il a été imprimé Soient Si peu d’accord avec vos intentions, mais, Monsieur, la crainte que le prix qu’il eût fallu...
When I wrote you this day week, I thought I should have been with you as soon as my letter . so I think with respect to the present one. my whole crop of wheat had been put compleatly out of my own power, and the miller who had rec e ived it has, by twice losing his dam, become insolvent and has delivered over his mill to a person more able to carry it on, but who will need time to repair it....
Notwithstanding the exertions I have made to complete the estimates required by the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 14h. of January, devoting a considerable part of every night to that object I have only been able to accomplish it now . At the same time I submit a list of outstanding claims. The drawings to which I allude in my letter are upon such large & heavy boards that I...