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Results 27491-27540 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I Overtook the General at Frederick Town in Maryld and proceeded with him by way of Winchester to...
Some years ago I have taken the Liberty to offer to Your Excellency my services for the...
The Secretary of State has the honor of informing the Secretaries of the Treasury and of war and...
After visiting the principal towns through Connecticut, Rhode-island, this state and N. Hampshire...
Herewith you will receive a copy of my medical Inquiries and Observations upon the diseases of...
you will I hope pardon the Liberty I have taken to address myself to you Sir upon a Subject which...
Brigadier General Du Portail Chief Engineer is by my orders on a visit to the posts in the...
27498[Diary entry: 6 August 1799] (Washington Papers)
6. Clear & warm. Returned home to dinner—found Genl. Wm. Washington of So. Carolina & Son here....
The Author of the enclosed Volume presents it to the Worthy President of the United States as a...
The inclosed letter to mr Mason, & that from mr Stoddert will explain themselves. be so good as...
27501[Diary entry: 3 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
3. Clear & pleasant Wind Easterly.
Last Night I received your favour of the 28 th Nov r: and hope in future to hear often from you,...
Accept my thanks for the information given me in your letter of the 25th ulto from the Court...
27504General Orders, 11 October 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major General Gates Lieutenant Colonel Newhall Major Gibbs Brigade Major...
Your favour of the 12th Instt has been duly received; and an Order from the Treasury of the...
27506March 3d. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Mem. To enquire of Tufts, Gould, Whitmarsh, Hunts, Whites, &c. about their Method of mending High...
I have received your two favors of Ocr. 30 and Novr. 6, the former not in time to be answered on...
Mr. Myers duly delivered your letter of the 8th. conveying to me the invitation of the Joint...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The enclosed letter I received in London from Mr Vaughn,...
Altho’ I should have blush’d to have met you, after having so long delay’d repaying the money you...
I had the honor to write to you very hastily by the post following the receipt of your letter. I...
Yours with the Inclosed came safe to hand last week, and have given me great pleasure. I wish I...
I have gone according to Mr. Dan. Brents orders before a justice of the Peace and taken an Oath...
As you have been so friendly as to transmit to the President of the U.S. the papers of Philip...
Two DS : American Philosophical Society I promise to pay to the honbl. the President of Congress...
14 January 1803, Baltimore. Forwards some intermediate numbers of the Leiden Gazette just...
Providence, December 12, 1794. Acknowledges receipt of Hamilton’s “Letter of the 27th of...
Mde. Doradour a l’honneur de souhaitter le bonjour à Monsieur jeffersson; elle est obligée de...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress Inclos’d I return to you Mackie’s Bill on Molleson...
I am favored with your much valued letter of the 30 th ult o , & return you my grateful thanks...
The late Derangement of every part of my business prevented my sending your Excellency before now...
I take the liberty of mentioning to you that I am informed Genl. Muhlenberg has given to one of...
The preceding are Copies of my last Letters to you of the 12th. & 13th. Ulto. since which I have...
The view which you have communicated of the condition, relation, & disposition, of Cuba, & its...
I have Continued As ill as any Person could well be with a Cold, for upwards of 3 Weeks, it has...
The inclosed letter would have been more properly addressed to yourself, or perhaps to the...
As a Considerable Number of the Carolina Mens times of Inlistment is now expierd and others that...
The Officers of the Provisional Army are intended to be appointed. Those for two Regiments are to...
   Bougt of Vincent DuComb 2 Dressed wigs    $19—   $38—  Recd the above in full MS ( DLC ); in...
J’ai fait remettre au Stage a Votre Adresse une petite Caisse des Livres Nouveaux, dont...
J’espere que dans peu vous aurez la satisfaction de voir paraître l’ouvrage de Mr de Mably,...
Gen. Washington presents respectful compliments to Mrs Powell, & prays her acceptance of the...
Your Letter of the 10th. my Dear Charles afflicted me very much as it still betrayed the same...
I am just returned from Kentucky, and have recd. your favour from Monticello . I cannot at...
After having consulted Persons who are well acquainted with the Commerce of both Bourdeaux and...
A Light Horse man was just setting out for Loyalhannan with an accot of what things could be...
Havre, 14 Mch. 1793 .A rumor is abroad here that Spain has declared war on the United States. No...
22 June 1803, Philadelphia . Informs JM of his arrival in Philadelphia from the Dutch colonies on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society About six weeks past I arrived at l’Orient from Boston....
Amidst the general Joy on the happy and honourable Termination of the War we beg Leave to welcome...