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Results 27491-27520 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your letter of the 12th. Ultimo has just been received. The business to which it relates will be attended to by Levitt Harris Esqr. our Consul at Petersberg, on being furnished with documents substantiating the facts, and constituting the merits of the case. I am &c. DNA : William Short Papers.
The cordial welcome which you give me to Elizabeth-Town, and the very flattering expressions of regard, contained in your address, claim and receive my grateful and sincere acknowledgements. Estimating, as I do, the affection and esteem of my fellowcitizens, and conscious that my best pretension to their approbation is founded in an earnest endeavor faithfully to discharge the duties which...
A complaint has been preferred to me by Capt. Frye against Major Hoops and Capt. Cochran accompanied with the inclosed charges. You will be pleased to put these Officers in arrest upon those Charges Particular reasons determine me to add the following charge against Major Hoops— “For disorderly conduct unbecoming an Officer, on the day aforesaid In Striking Capt. Frye with a cane in a public...
Measures are taking for the establishment of a recruiting party at Wilmington in Delaware under the direction of Major Cass for the first regiment; and at Bennington in Vermont under the direction of Major Beall for the second regiment. I have to request that you will forward to those officers at the above places the monthly and other recruiting returns, and likewise such general Orders as are...
You having been appointed Assistant to the Adjutant General and he being at this time absent, I think it proper to indicate to you a general outline of the duties which you are to perform. The duties of Adjutant General, who unites the capacity of Deputy Inspector General, are various and extensive. In the two characters he may be regarded as the Assistant of the Commander of the Army and of...
I must revoke my letter of the 2d. inst. mr Gallatin informs me the transfer of the office of Supervisor cannot wait, and that it will be much more proper to add it to the Marshal’s office, because he is already possessed of the principal materials for finishing it, which would cost much time, trouble & expence to any other. you will therefore be so good as to consider this only as a proof of...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Ellery. he is glad to recieve visits either of business or society at any hour of the forenoon. he generally goes out for exercise at noon. and is then engaged with company till candle-light, after which his friends will again find him entirely disengaged. he takes the liberty of mentioning this to mr Ellery, lest doubts on his part might deprive...
The business of Supervisor for Rhode island being nearly finished it has become proper according to the provisions of the law to suppress the office and transfer the residuary duties of it to some other officer. as it has been thought that Newport has not had it’s due share of office, I have thought of making the transfer to some one of the officers of the US. there. mr Nichols & mr Slocum are...
Your favor of May 28. was recieved yesterday, and gives me the opportunity of expressing my satisfaction at your appointment to the Senate of the US. this testimony of the confidence of your country, would of itself have given great weight to your recommendation of mr Robbins for the office of district attorney; but the commission had been made out for mr Howell so long before that I think he...
I have lately recieved a letter from Ingraham , who is in prison under a ca. sa. on a judgment for 14000. dollars & costs, one moiety (I presume) to the US. for having been the master of a vessel which brought from Africa a cargo of the natives of that country to be sold in slavery. he petitions for a pardon, as does his wife also on behalf of herself, her children & his mother. his situation,...
William Martin , keeper of the lighthouse in the district of Newport is dead, and mr Ellery the collector names two persons either of which he deems fit for a successor, to wit, Philip Caswell , son-in-law to the decedent & who has actually been the keeper of it, and Benjamin Remington of Conanicut, an old sea-captain of between 60. and 70. years of age. the age of the latter, if not now, will...
When I thought of removing the loan office of R.I. to Newport, the object was to give to that place the participation in the benefits, which it had in the confidence of the government. I did not then suppose that a removal of 30. miles could have produced the serious inconveniences which have been since explained to me. whether these are as considerable as has been said is more than I am...
Among the distinguished honors which have a claim to my gratitude since my arrival I have seen with peculiar satisfaction those effusions of esteem and attachment which have manifested themselves in the Citizens of this antient Town. My happiness is complete in a moment that unites the expressions of their sentiments for me with their suffrages in favor of our Allies. The conduct of the French...
Altho’ I studiously avoid taking any part in the schisms & contentions which arise among our friends, & desire generally that my name may not be mingled in them, yet where my testimony is requisite to matters of fact, I think it my duty to give it. you say it has been imputed to you 1. that through your means & influence the Collector of Newport has been retained in office. I declare that not...
Your favor of Feb. 22. gave me great pleasure as it assured me you were in life and health, but greater still as it told me I could render you a service. I have not hesitated to address a letter to the president bearing witness to your merits in the times of trial as well as to those of all times: altho’ suffering health has obliged me to cease from letter-writing in a great degree, and a...
Your favor of Aug. 28. came to my hands by our last post. mr Geffroy’s declaration is sufficient proof that he did not write the letters addressed to me in his name. on recurring to them I percieve that it is a constrained hand such as a person would write who desired to disguise his own. but with what view it could be done is difficult to conjecture. the facts stated are such as none but a...
[ Philadelphia, February 11, 1792. On February 27, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton and referred to “Your letter of the 11th of this month in answer to mine of the 16th of Jany.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, January 23, 1794. On February 10, 1794, Ellery wrote to Hamilton and referred to “Your letter … of the 23d. of Jany. last.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, July 25, 1792. On August 6, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have recd. your … letters of the 21. 25. & 26 of the last month.” Letter of July 25 not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, December 13, 1790. On January 17, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “On my return from the Eastward … I found that four letters had been received from you.… The third dated Dece. 13. 1790 respects the Departure of the Ship Warren from the District of Providence without a coasting licence or register.” Letter not found. ] Printed in this volume. See Jeremiah Olney to H, November...
[ Philadelphia, September 19, 1792 . On October 1, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th … of the last month.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, September 23, 1791. On October 10, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your Circular of the 21st. of last month … I have also received your letter of the 23d. of the same month.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, August 24, 1791. Ellery endorsed the letter book copy of his letter to Hamilton of August 8, 1791 , “Answered Augt. 24th 1791.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, September 26, 1792. On October 9, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton and referred to “your letter of the 26th of the last month.” Letter not found. ]
A representation has been made that there is within your district a [Transport Ship the Britannia in the British service which was employed by Admiral Jarvis to bring General Rochambeau to Newport] This Ship is to be permitted to depart notwithstanding the embargo. With consideration I am Sir   Your obed Servant Alex Hamilton ALS , Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. For background to...
The case stated in your letter of the 8th of April with regard to certain vessels which violated the law laying an embargo, ought to be reported to the District Attorney, in order that he may judge whether the parties are not indictable for disobeying an injunction of the law and what may be proper to be done. You have been already instructed in regard to the Schooner Boyne. Inclosed I...
[ Philadelphia, November 20, 1793. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] ALS , sold by Dodd & Livingston, New York City, April, 1912, Catalogue 7.
[ Philadelphia, January 13, 1792. On January 30, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton and referred to “your letter of the 13th. of this month.” Letter not found. ]
My letter of the 27th of Septr to you proceeded on the supposition that the duty of Tonnage mentioned by you under the denomination of light money was for the purpose of supporting the lighthouse establishments in your state and consequently distinct from that imposed by the Act entitled “An Act to incorporate certain persons by the name of the River machine Company in the Town of Providence...
[ Philadelphia, July 26, 1792. On August 6, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have recd. your … letters of the 21. 25. & 26 of the last month.” Letter of July 26 not found. ]