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Results 27491-27520 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The momentary, although faint, hope that the Military Academy Bill will be called up, induces me...
27 February 1811, Fort Stoddert. Acknowledges having received JM’s letter of 22 Dec. [not found]...
Your Letter, my dear Caroline, gave me pleasure. As all your’s are calculated to enliven the...
I received your Letter by the Mail of yesterday, and by the return of it to day I write you a few...
A Battery of Great Guns, has been erected in Philadelphia in the Beginning of this Year, under...
As the Charter of the Bank of the United States will expire on the 3d of March, it became...
Mr. Thomas Lightfoot Griffin by way of subjunction to his Letter of the 20th. Inst. addressed to...
Some weeks ago I took the liberty to trouble you with a pamphlet lately published, without...
Saml L Mitchill ventures to submit to the President, the petition of Capt John OBrien who is now...
I beg leave to offer you the following explanation concerning my conduct as Agent of Prize...
1811 Day Morn 3 Jan 1 23 2 18 43 3 30 38 4 25 37 5 39 60 S6 45
25 February 1811, Washington. “John Quincy Adams who has for some time resided near your Majesty...
25 February 1811. Transmits reports from the superintendent of the city and the surveyor of the...
Vos anciennes bontés pour moi me font esperer que vous voudrés bien excuser la liberté que je...
24 February 1811. Seeks employment in the “contemplated new territory of Mobile.” Would request...
24 February 1811, 59 Williams Street, New York. “Some time after I wrote to you of an instrument...
Letter not found. 24 February 1811. Mentioned in Armstrong to JM, 3 Mar. 1811 , as discussing the...
Je vous adresse par la poste & de la manière que vous m’avez indiquée, les livres au Sujet...
When I wrote you this day week, I thought I should have been with you as soon as my letter . so I...
Notwithstanding the exertions I have made to complete the estimates required by the resolution of...
23 February 1811, Washington. Makes the following statement in compliance with JM’s direction...
I cannot—I will not attempt to discribe to you the Satisfaction—the gratification my feelings...
The Schooner Washington owned by mr Gray is ready to Sail for St Petersburgh. I have already sent...
Yesterday I received by the Post from New York, your obliging Letter of 9. Novr.—Whether Letters...
Having examined and considered the Bill, entitled “An Act incorporating the protestant Episcopal...
As information from respectable private sources may in the absence of Official intelligence serve...
In consequence of the enquiry which you were pleased to make last evening, with respect to my...
21 February 1811, Portland. Claims to have made an improvement in the construction of firearms...
You have planned more Work in your favour of the 9th than could be executed by any Body in twenty...
I have received your kind letter dated Feby. 11th. and feel the warmest gratitude for your tender...