From George Washington to Richard Washington, 8 January 1758
To Richard Washington
Mount Vernon, 8 Jany 1758
Dear Sir,
I wrote you a Letter of the 26th Ultimo; since which I have had an oppertunity of seeing the great damage China is apt to come to in its transportation to this Country (unless much care is used in the Package) which has determind me to desire you if this gets to hand time enough for that purpose, to send me instead of what was directed in a former Invoice 2 dozn Dishes (properly sorted) 2 dozn deep Plates, and 4 dozn Shallow Ditto that allowance may be made for breakage1 pray let them be neat and fashionable or send none.
I shall be very glad to send my Goods by the first oppertunity—together with a true state of the Acct between Us.2 I am Dr Sir, Yr Most Affecte & Obedt
Go: Washington
LB, DLC:GW. The letter-book copy is in GW’s later hand.
1. GW wrote Richard Washington on 18 Mar. 1758 shortly after he had finally received the goods he had ordered 15 April 1757 (see GW to Richard Washington, 15 April 1757, and Enclosure) and instructed the merchant not to send the additional china because the breakage had been less than he had expected.
2. See GW to Richard Washington, 26 Dec. 1757, n.4, for a summary of their business transactions.