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Results 27481-27530 of 184,431 sorted by author
We had the pleasure of writing Thee the 21st of May last, ⅌ the Lunn & Lloyd Capn Necks, which We...
We have the pleasure to advise the safe arrival of Capt. Esten. no care shall be wanting in us to...
We are favour’d with Thine of June 12th, informing Us of Thy Marriage with our friend Martha...
Letter not found: from Capel & Osgood Hanbury, 15 Sept. 1760. On 3 April 1761 GW wrote to Capel &...
Letter not found: from Capel and Osgood Hanbury, 1 Dec. 1762. On 26 April 1763 GW wrote to Capel...
It gives us a real concern that we are not favourd wth any part of thy Crops ⅌ the Hanbury this...
We wrote thee ⅌ the Fauquier wth thy Accot Currt: it will bring pleasure to us to hear it gets to...
We did ourselves the pleasure of writg Thee the 25th October last ⅌ the Hanbury Capn Esten, since...
We wrote thee ⅌ Captn Esten who we hope by this time is safe arrived in Virginia and likely to...
We have the pleasure to advise the safe arrival of Capt. Esten thy 12 Hds Tobacco by him shall be...
Inclos’d we have sent thy Accot Current to 1st Augt last—please to Examine the same, and not to...
We wrote thee ⅌ Capt. Necks wth Accot Curt this now Covers the Sale of thy 12 Hds Tobacco ⅌ Lewis...
Since we wrote ⅌ the Industry thy favr of Aug: 10 is come to hand. Thy Account has Credit for thy...
It is now near 12 Months since the date of thy last favr to us whh we remark wth concern. The...
Gl de la Fayette had desired me to deliver in your hands the two Inclosed draughts, & Shou’d have...
Mézieres en Champagne, 8 Dec. 1786. Inquires about a power of attorney forwarded to Peters in...
aftur my kind respects to you I must Inform you that we have every anscious desire to obtain our...
The subscribers commend “the conduct and undaunted courage of William Lee” at the Battle of...
We humbly beg Leave to inform your Excellency that in Pursuance to the Orders we have recieved...
The Captains of the late Colo: Maxwells Regiment in Behalf of their men—have thought it necessary...
Copies: Library of Congress, National Archives, Massachusetts Historical Society Je suis...
Je Suis persuadé, qu’il est dèja a Votre Connoissance, que le Roi de Deux Siciles mon Maitre à...
I am persuaded that you already know that the King of the two Sicilies my master, has ordered the...
Qu’il m’est peinible d’avoir à vous apprendre par Cette lettre, Monsieur le Général, que je N’ai...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Prince de Caramanico Ambassadeur Extraordinaire du Roy des...
Though I feel from my peculiar situation, the most distressing difficulty in Addressing myself to...
Ms. de Carburi presente ses respects à Mr. Jefferson, il lui envoye les 4 demiboutteilles qu’il...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Comte Carburi fait mille compliments à Mr. le Doc[teu]r...
Il m’est impossible de m’empecher d’Ecrire encore une foix a M r Randolf ou a M r Jefferson...
I have received the letter of your E. and one of Mr Jefferson at the same time relative to the...
I have the honor to salute Mr & Mrs Madison. I have waited to know what the President would say...
I have this day sent two Boxes by Steam-boat Containing three Busts, and the other three...
J’ai expedie deux bustes pour Votre Exellance au potomac crik dans le memme endrois que j’avais...
Je suis bien desolé de ne pas recevoir la Caisse de Votre buste; il y a cinq saimaimes d que je...
C’est j’en suis sur un annui que d’ecrire si souvant et Vous étourdire pour un sujet de peu...
I shall need neither apology nor a long introducting introduction in addressing you on a subject...
Mr. Cardell of New York has the honor to present his respects to Mr. Madison and will call on him...
The literary institution on which I before had the honor to address you has become organized with...
The literary institution on which I before had the honor to address you has become organised with...
I shall need no apology for addressing you on a subject which you will not deem unimportant as...
I had the honor to address you in February last , in behalf of a number of Gentlemen, on the...
Though my name is signed individually to the enclosed circular you will not, unknown to you as I...
Youen Carden in acc t D r Note he came into my service Sep. 12. 1813. @ 40.D. a year. 1814. Dec....
By the bearer hereof I have Recved twenty Dollars two Bank notes one farmers Bank of Virginia one...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ouvrés, lisez, tolle, lege le Memoire cy-inclus: vous y...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’Aurois Accourû, Mon Vénérable Docteur, vous féliciter de...
Acording your order I have send 6 Bls Herring to mess Brown & Co —to Lynchburg —& shal send 6 Bls...
I have a Quantity of fine fish now coming up of M r Sam l Tredwells putting up—of Edenton they...
We take the liberty of addressing you in consequence of having rec d a letter from M r J M c...
H. C. CAREY & I. LEA intend to publish, A COMPLETE PICTURE of the UNITED STATES. THIS work is...