Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Louis Necker de Germany, 8 August 1777

From Louis Necker de Germany8

AL: American Philosophical Society

Paris 8th. August 1777.

M. de Germany makes his most humble compliments to Mr. Franklin and begs the favour of forwarding the inclosed letter to his direction by the next safe opportunity.

Addressed: a Monsieur / Monsieur Le Docteur / Franklin / chez M. Le Ray de Chaumont / hotel Colbert à Passy

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8The elder brother of Jacques Necker was a mathematician, a writer, and a banker who was by this time inactive; his firm of Germany, Girardot & Cie. was in the process of becoming Girardot, Haller & Cie.: above, XXIII, 290 n; Lüthy, Banque protestante, II, 405–7.

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