27471To George Washington from Captain Levi Spaulding’s Company, 10 August 1775 (Washington Papers)
The subscribers commend “the conduct and undaunted courage of William Lee” at the Battle of...
27472To Thomas Jefferson from the Captains of American Ships at L’Orient, 19 April 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
We humbly beg Leave to inform your Excellency that in Pursuance to the Orders we have recieved...
27473To George Washington from the Captains of the Second New Jersey Regiment, 20 December 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Captains of the late Colo: Maxwells Regiment in Behalf of their men—have thought it necessary...
27474Domenico Caracciolo, Marchese di Villamaina, to the American Commissioners, 8 October 1778 (Franklin Papers)
Copies: Library of Congress, National Archives, Massachusetts Historical Society Je suis...
27475Domenico Caracciolo to the Commissioners, with a Contemporary Translation, 8 October 1778 (Adams Papers)
Je Suis persuadé, qu’il est dèja a Votre Connoissance, que le Roi de Deux Siciles mon Maitre à...
27476Domenico Caracciolo to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 8 October 1778 (Adams Papers)
I am persuaded that you already know that the King of the two Sicilies my master, has ordered the...
27477To Alexander Hamilton from Madame de Caradeux Lecaye, 6 March 1803 (Hamilton Papers)
Qu’il m’est peinible d’avoir à vous apprendre par Cette lettre, Monsieur le Général, que je N’ai...
27478To Benjamin Franklin from the Principe di Caramanico, 10 October 1784 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Prince de Caramanico Ambassadeur Extraordinaire du Roy des...
27479To George Washington from Henry Carbery, 25 July 1789 (Washington Papers)
Though I feel from my peculiar situation, the most distressing difficulty in Addressing myself to...
27480To Thomas Jefferson from Carburi, 16 January 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
Ms. de Carburi presente ses respects à Mr. Jefferson, il lui envoye les 4 demiboutteilles qu’il...